Hi! I’m Skrintch. Ukrainian artist who paint colorful pet portraits. Me and my 2y.o. daughter lоst our home near Kyiv when the wаr was started. We didn't have a car and were forced to walk. Three weeks we hid in bomb shelters because the Russian troops were advancing. I told about it in the Internet and caring people helped us find a person who will take us out by his car. Now we have temporary housing in another town. We paint and send colorful portraits to people who help Ukrainians from around the world. There is no work here but some commissions help us buy food and pay for housing. Art makes her happy and distracts from the constant howl of an air alarm siren when misiles and kamikaze drones fly over us. My daughter thinks we are just walking for a long time and keeps asking when we will be back home because she doesn't understand that we have nowhere else to return. ASK ME ANYTHING

Here is my instagram:

Comments: 284 • Responses: 35  • Date: 

SkrinT4487 karma

If you want to get a colourful portrait from your photo I’ll be happy to paint

Salsa_Penguin191 karma

Hey, love the work you're doing! Are you currently taking new orders? I would love to get a portrait or 2 and pay you for your work!

SkrinT4120 karma

I can paint if you like

Candymom72 karma

How should we contact you to send a photo? Here? IG?

SkrinT472 karma

Here or IG

LocalWeirdos84 karma

How would we pay you. My husband and I are on a fixed income but comfortable and safe, unlike you and yours. I would love to help even if in a small way.

SkrinT4145 karma


LocalWeirdos61 karma

Saved in case it's deleted. Thank you, I use PayPal regularly. I will message you after I talk to my hubby. Best wishes for you and your daughter. You both deserve so much better.

SkrinT425 karma


mykidsarecrazy22 karma

I LOVE these! My daughter and her dog share the same birthday, do you do people with dog pic? If I can find one.

SkrinT423 karma

I can paint people too

GeorgeAtReddit11 karma

You got $20 from George via PayPal @ skrintchpaypal gmail com😃

SkrinT47 karma

I got it. Thank you!

gxp131103 karma

What's the best way to help Ukraine right now?

SkrinT4231 karma

More military equipment. We are grateful to other countries for military equipment, but unfortunately it’s not enough. If there is more of this, we will be able to better protect not only Ukraine but the whole of Europe in order to prevent Russian troops from entering other countries

gxp13150 karma

How about from a civilian standpoint? Best nonprofit to donate to?

SkrinT4105 karma

The civilian receives nothing from charities. Everything goes to the purchase of weapons and military equipment. Nobody gives people here money from all these charities.

The best way if you directly give money to people you want to help. This is a guarantee that these people will get the money and can buy something

34twgrevwerg1 karma

But you are losing the war, and have no path to victory even with such equipment. Surely the mindset must be of negotiation and peace at some point, no?

Just this week Ukrainian deaths surpassed Russian ones. Russia is really inflicting great damage now. 4/5 videos are just of Ukrainians being annihilated in bad positions. People are dying for absolutely nothing as you sell art. These are people's sons and daughters.

Nobody believes Ukrainians aren't brave in the US, we just don't want to spend our money for a losing fight, and a fight that doesn't need to be waged. Why can't you just cede the Russian parts to Russia like everyone Ukrainian wanted to do 20 years ago? Why so much attachment to places where Ukrainians were always a huge minority and not treated well?

SkrinT41 karma

You see too much russian propaganda

DeleteWolf98 karma

Do you have any problems keeping up the optimistic art style your painting seem to lean towards, after losing your home?

SkrinT4193 karma

A bit difficult but I think more about my daughter. She really love all these colourful cute pets on paintings

mycall3 karma

Have you tried glow-in-the-dark paint for extra fun?

SkrinT44 karma

Yes, I paint such paintings

mycall2 karma

It would be fun to paint Patron with something he digs up but invisible without UV light or dark.

Can you mail art to other address inside Ukraine?

PS: Sorry about your home loss and understand how it feels.

SkrinT42 karma

Actually I have already paint Patron :) I like this idea. Yes, I can send

burner031085 karma

How do Ukrainians feel about how long the war is going on?

SkrinT4183 karma

We hope all the time that this will be over in 2-3 weeks

Renegade_Syx48 karma

Oh wow I love your art! Are you currently accepting commissions?!

SkrinT429 karma

Thanks! Yes, I do

CrackItJack43 karma

Cute girl :)

Where did you learn English ?!?

SkrinT4116 karma

My English not so good but most Ukrainians speak English because we learn it from elementary school to graduation

Metalhart0035 karma

Does Ukraine have ANY crummy people? You all seem like the most amazing people in the world.

SkrinT4110 karma

Thank you! Ukrainians are very friendly people

A little funny, but true fact. At the beginning of the war we didn't have weapons and people defended themselves with what they could. One woman shot down and destroyed a Russian attack drone by dropping a can of cucumbers on it from a balcony

PeanutSalsa29 karma

What outlets do you sell the paintings through and what is your method of shipping?

SkrinT465 karma

I don’t sell them. Sometimes people offer me something for paintings. Often I paint for free. I send them via insured delivery

dusky_shrew25 karma

Heartbroken for your situation, my friend. Please keep doing everything you can for your family. I'll reach out on IG; you'll be hearing from Chestergoofs :)

drowninginvomit35 karma

Oddly, if you go through his post history you find he charges prices starting at $50, and most often charges $130 when contacted on Insta.

He also has many posts like this on different subreddits.

It might be genuine, but there is certainly some suspiciousness to the story.

ChampionOfTheSunn18 karma

He's been going around for awhile. Many people accused him of being phony. I myself messaged in August of 2021, he said he would paint my dog, I sent him photos and then he went silent. It shows he read my messages, just never replied after the initial few.

SkrinT425 karma

A small note: you all ask about a painting for free. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the money to paint and send a painting to everyone who asked about it for a free because I had to buy materials and pay for all international shippings with my own money. This is very expensive for me. I was accused of scam because I didn't paint paintings FOR FREE.

Also I never took for a portrait 130 and I don’t know who write these comments and to whom they sent the money.

ChampionOfTheSunn-3 karma


SkrinT412 karma

Sorry, I got a lot messages where people asked for a free portrait. I didn't even have time to read all the messages. I didn't think so many people would ask for a free portrait, so I randomly chose photos for free portraits. Also I posted on insta photos and videos with portraits which I painted for free

ruutukatti6 karma

I think Someone portrayed as him, atleast his comment says so and the fraud post is under different user name. But i did not investigate further.

Jizzapherina27 karma

You have a beautiful family. I've seen your work over the years on Reddit and it always brings a smile to my face. I'm so sad you are (all) having to go through this. I still can't believe it is happening in 2023. :(

What medium do you use to make your paintings?

SkrinT417 karma

Acrylic paint

TheOnlyXBK18 karma

Hello, brother. Sorry for all you had to go through and all you lost. We were a couple of dozen kilometers from you at the time, probably. Hope everything works out for you and your daughter. Stay strong.

As I'm required by the rules to ask something - how bad is it with your home, might it be salvageable?

SkrinT417 karma

It's been almost a year but we still can't go back

imjusthereforthebeer12 karma

These are amazing. Can you do people? Maybe people will pets

SkrinT410 karma

Yes, I do

avocado-sheepdog10 karma

I’m so sorry for everything you have been through, I hope you’re able to find some stability in your life soon. As for your art, it’s really beautiful. The colours are so interesting and vibrant, what inspired you to use this combination of sunny yellows and cool blues? I love it

SkrinT412 karma

Yellow and blue are the colors of the Ukrainian flag

f1r3starter9 karma

What's your view on how Serbia seems to be backing Russia? Pardon my ignorance, but it appears most of the EU seems to be very supportive of the Ukrainian struggle and has decried Russia for the invasion. Serbia seems to be the big stand out... Though they are not officially part of the EU yet. Again, going off memory, it seems like Poland is very much for Ukrainian independence (many EU countries in fact, but Poland seems to be the most outspoken), and Serbia the most aligned with Russia. Has there been past issues between your country and theirs?

Other question and point - cool pictures - is there a way I can send a .jpg to get painted and returned for a donation? Suggested donation cost/picture? Thanks!

SkrinT419 karma

I know a lot of Serbs who support Ukraine. Maybe Russia is mainly supported by the government of Serbia.

You can sed a photo via chat or insta

loopyelly895 karma

How long have you been an artist? Did you paint before the war?

SkrinT45 karma

Yes, I have painted before

loopyelly894 karma

Was it your primary job before, or a hobby?

SkrinT46 karma

It was a hobby for many years

loopyelly894 karma

How much do your paintings cost?

SkrinT410 karma

Depends on the size. I paint for people who donating $50 or more if you ask about a portrait with international shipping

Tsuki_Bunny4 karma

How big are your art works/ pet portraits?

SkrinT45 karma

I can make any size from 8x12inch to 50x100inch. Paintings on a photo are 8x12, 12x16 and 16x24

mikerall1 karma

Is there any way I can be assured this is legitimate? I'd love to get my sister one of these at well over your normal rate (pay you your normal, then send an additional verified message of donating another few hundred to a charity) this day and age, it's hard to trust anything or one.

E: I'm aware that your backstory covers the cost of materials and all in your shipping, I could even send proof of the donation first then pay you once the art arrives. Worst case scenario I've donated a few hundred to a cause I believe in

SkrinT41 karma

You can check my insta. Link in the post. Also 3 proofs with photos in this post

argofoto1 karma

Do you have an etsy? Do you do commission for a german shephard?

SkrinT42 karma

I don’t have etsy but I can paint if you send a photo