Highest Rated Comments

gwr_dan6 karma

Correct, this is a new record holder.

gwr_dan5 karma

Do you mean the McGuire Twins (pic)? They're deceased I'm afraid.

gwr_dan4 karma

New record holders are "discovered" and then recognised in a number of ways. Many apply via our website after a friend/family member comments e.g. "you've got a really long tongue!" or similar. Others we actively seek out (we have a full-time talent researcher).

gwr_dan3 karma

Jyoti - I never travel alone, there is always someone else with me, usually my sister. I can't walk very far or fast and get tired quickly, so she carries me.

gwr_dan3 karma

Wouter - There was no world record intention when I built the bike, it just turned out that way! I've always been fascinated by mechanics and building things. The bike was a part of my final exam exhibition for art school - I wanted to make something big, and this was it. A lot of artists start with a concept and then find the medium that will work to express it, I was offered a giant tire one day and thought, "what can I make out of this?"