My name is Shaun Kalpakoff, I am 39 and living with ALS for 4 years and am nearly paralyzed. I type with my eyes, ask me anything!
sussinmysussness139 karma
2 hours and no replies. i feel like it might take him a while to type
sussinmysussness4 karma
don't be silly man, i meant nothing by it. just a friendly reddit joke.
say happy bday to your ma for me 😁
just saw you deleted the post? why? i was interested in reading.
take care
rush7142 karma
Hello, sorry to hear about your wife. I have a strong support system in place. This disease moves quick, but I am hanging in.
GibsonJ4550 karma
Lost my grandmother to ALS. She was quite a bit older than you when she was diagnosed.
I was about 13 or 14 when she came to visit us. One memory that sticks with me after all of these years is the absolute fits of laughter she would get in when I couldn't understand what she was trying to say. Like, she would bust a gut laughing at my guesses. I have always been perplexed at how she could find everything so funny and find so much light in everything, but that stuck with me all these years. I'm in my 40s now and I will never forget her spirit.
No questions for you bro, just sending some love from a stranger across the miles and internet divide.
No wait, I do have a question. Are you a Batman fan? Snyderverse Justice League came out today, should I bother with the HBO max subscription?
rush7141 karma
Thanks, appreciate the kind words. I haven't tried hbo max, how many streams do we really need?
FlippiddyFoo32 karma
Hey Shaun. Are you on a ventilator? And if so being conscious, how does that feel? I hope I’m not being insensitive
belleapocalypse26 karma
What kind of accessibility do you wish technology had, or what could it do better for you?
Xzenergy18 karma
What were some of the more noticable symptoms at first?
Thanks so much for doing this.
Niev15 karma
Hey Shaun, i'm working on a brain machine interface device for my undergraduate thesis, and would love to hear any ideas you have that could improve your life. Like, what troubles you in everyday life that most people take for granted?
It's still a work in progress, but i'm trying to create something that detects a few patterns quickly and reliably enough to create a contextual control scheme, kind of how 4 arrow keys in a remote controller allow you to select anything with letters and numbers.
rush7141 karma
Technology is so advanced these days, eyegaze pc enables us to do so much. My hands hardly function, so our eyes currently keep us independent. If you can read my mind, that would be a game changer
Jer-e-my12 karma
You’re awesome for doing this! When did you first think something might be wrong?
tonoocala10 karma
Stay strong Shaun! How have you been doing this week? I hope all is well!
suspect10810 karma
What were your initial symptoms? Did you ignore any you wish you hadn't?
Loop_stuntman8 karma
How can we support you? I'd love to help or do anything to get your story further out into the masses. I lost my sister 5 years ago this Sunday and though she didn't have ALS, she had breast cancer, your two stories parallel each other in many inspiring (and heartbreaking) ways. How can we make a difference in your life and your son's life?
rush7142 karma
while financial support is appreciated, joining the als battle by spreading awareness is key.
FrauDoctorGirlfriend5 karma
Do you have any advice for a speech therapist who tries to encourage people to voice bank if they are diagnosed early enough? I haven't found anything I can say that helps people understand what is going to happen and what a comfort their own voice on an AAC device could be!
Squats4wigs5 karma
Hi Shaun thanks for doing this. Do you have any hobbies, either new or ones you've kept since before ALS diagnosis?
Have you heard of Jason Becker, a guitar virtuoso living with ALS and still composing music?
onesmilematters4 karma
Are there still moments of happiness, in whatever shape or form they may come?
AllHailTheCATS4 karma
My mum recently got diagnosed. Stay stong!
What are your favorite things to do on a day to day basis?
walkinghumanad3 karma
Hi Shaun. I just want to say that you and your son are an inspiration to so many people. My question is about your communication system. Do you use the same speech program as Stephen Hawking? Thank you so much.
hvgotcodes3 karma
Are you optimistic about any new treatment options becoming available?
Anyway, blessings to you and your family.
GLaDOs182 karma
Hi! I am in the ophthalmology field as a tech. Was this technology introduced to you by your ophthalmologist? What kind of testing was needed to calibrate your equipment to work specifically for your eyes? Thank you!
Lord_GuineaPig2 karma
What do you think of the currental advancements in VR and Brain Neural Interfaces? Have you contacted anyone to explore these options as a means of simulating locomotion?
I recently saw a video of someone playing mine craft entirely with a modified headset and have seen a few commercial options. He walked and interacted entirely with his mind. From the description it was difficult but do able. I imagine with practice things like this could become extremely useful to someone like you?
oxanar2 karma
Hi Shaun. A good friend of mine died a few years back from ALS. Krispy Kreme dude. Simple search will tell you all you need to know. I saw at what point he decided it was time. I know to the untrained this is going to sound callous but I’ve seen your struggle first hand. At what point is your decision?
rush7141 karma
honestly I don't know. As long as my brain and eyes function I can still have a meaningful life filled with purpose
gainking1 karma
Does your username correlate to the greatest band of all time? I was named after their drummer!
Nanogines991 karma
This might be a bit out of context but whats a bit of advice you give to your 12 year old when you might not be able to help him in everything?
Marshmallowfluffer1 karma
Did ALS ruin any relationships for you? It’s so unfair you have to go through this :( I hope you have a good support system.
AquaticMartian1 karma
What chair are you rocking? Have you gotten the ability drive (eye gaze) with it?
Phiko731 karma
Besides your son, who else is around to provide assistance? I wish you the best, my friend and I hope for nothing but happiness and love in your life
caithatesyou21 karma
That's awesome that you communicate with that given your prognosis. I guess I would ask, what truths have you learned about the world, given your current state? (Not Stephen hawking shit, just your observations).
SilvermistInc1 karma
How the fuck are you typing with your eyes. Also how do you scroll and click stuff??
onepageone1 karma
Have you tried Dragon naturally speaking? Have you ever tried smart enough if you're able to do minor movements with dwell clicker?
timbrelyn1 karma
Have you heard about hopelovescompany.com? It is the only non-profit in the US that supports children who have a family member with ALS. Founded by an ALS family all services are free.
WhirlyTwirlyMustache123 karma
How many words per minute can you type that way?
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