Seoul National Uni Hospital is the No.1 Healthcare Institute in South Korea, and I'm sure you all know that Sth Korea has the second highest number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19.

I don't work directly in the COVID-19 ward in our hospital, but I'll try to answer as much questions you guys have.

Here is a picture of my ward's manual for blood transfusion and medication for pediatric care :

SNUH currently has 4 general wards, 2 ICU units and 1 general pediatric ward solely dedicated for COVID-19 patients.

You can ask me about the current COVID-19 situation in Korea, or about Korea's general healthcare system!


Current standings for COVID-19 cases in Korea (Mar.16.2020)

Tested: 274,504

Diagnosed: 8,236

Testing: 14,971

Un(de)isolated: 1,137

Deaths: 75 (81 was wrong, sorry)

Common precautions amongst ALL citizens:

- wear masks (except cotton/polyester type cloth-fabric masks)

- avoid crowded areas

- drink boiled water and NO raw food

- wash your hands

Comments: 210 • Responses: 68  • Date: 

thetaurusrose146 karma

Iโ€™m a registered nurse in Australia and Iโ€™ve volunteered to start working in the COVID-19 clinic weโ€™ve just opened! Iโ€™m a little anxious. Any advice?

khysmyass196 karma

Hello fellow nurse! My advice would be to sanitize your hands as much as you can, wear a mask everyday and always keep in mind that your services will never go unnoticed!

Thank you so much for being there for patients who need you!

thetaurusrose47 karma

Thank you!!! And to you too ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Remember to look after yourself too in all this craziness

khysmyass35 karma

Thank you, good luck!

blaskkaffe7 karma

How do you get masks? People in Sweden never have any masks at home and the stores donโ€™t sell them. The hardware stores that keep p3 respirators for painting or asbestos removal and similar are all sold out (not many to begin with).

In asia it seems like most people already have a bunch of masks at home. I have masks for a week at most.

khysmyass19 karma

Koreans used masks a lot even before the virus struck, so first of there were some stocks. But right now, we are also running very low, so the government is limiting the purchase to 2 masks per day and that is also not guaranteed. Earlier on, masks were mainly mass imported from China. Almost all out of that too.

justfnpeachy6 karma

Isn't it two per week? Since we can only go one day a week dependent on our birth year (Living in Korea too).

khysmyass8 karma

Yeah, thatโ€™s right. Sorry about that. But you can get non-government supplied masks without a limit.

blaskkaffe4 karma

2 per day is plenty, I could maybe find one per month here unless you would pay more than 50usd for industrial resporators, but those are hard to disinfect between uses anyway.

khysmyass7 karma

People wait in line for hours so they have a chance to buy those two, :( those are also not guaranteed stock.

JDweezy-19 karma

How do you have time to do an AMA?

khysmyass29 karma

I finished my Day shift and I'm off tomorrow. We are people too, we do get off days haha

purplayes4 karma

The CDC in the US are telling us to not wear masks unless were sick, because they don't do anything

khysmyass4 karma

Masks serve two purposes 1. protect others from you if you have a disease. 2. protect YOU from others that have the disease. If that is true, CDC is giving you wrong info. that is not cool.

Astralwinks49 karma

I am an American ICU nurse and we are just seeing our covid-19 ruleout patients ramp up. There has been a big delay because of lack of testing, and the tests are slow. I just worked this whole weekend and while my hospital hasn't yet had a confirmed case, I'm sure we will soon.

Our PPE protocols have shifted a ton. I've heard rumors that droplet precautions (basic masks) are good enough for patients with milder symptoms, and that N95/PAPR masks (full hood with blower strapped onto back) for airborne precautions are needed for anything aerosolizing (bronchoscopy, intubation, cpr, swabbing, etc).

We have to use a new N95 every time we enter a pts room and throw it away when we leave our negative pressure rooms. Or use a PAPR and wipe it down with oxyvir every time it's removed and between rooms. What is your protocol for PPE?

Is there a general progression you tend to see? Are you having to prone people/high fiO2/PEEP/Flolan? What kinds of treatments do you tend to see in your ICU patients?

I'm very willing to work and I'm now aggressively self quarantining now that my weekend shifts are over. I've had a dry and scratchy throat and increasing sniffles the past few days. I want to get tested because I don't want to spread anything to my sick patients, but there are so few tests and they're taking 3-5 days right now. I have a few days off, hopefully some big changes happen. I am really expecting the worst and knowing that I'm going to be very, very busy for the next month.

khysmyass55 karma

First off, WOW. 3-5days? that is insane. That is far too slow. Please note that I'm answering your questions based on SNUH's regulations only. 1. Surgical(dental) masks are not 100% able to keep the virus from penetrating the mask, so we are advised to only wear them when contacting patients that aren't related to COVID-19. 2. In ICU settings, medical staffs are currently wearing PAPR masks on top of N95 masks. All PAPR must be sanitized each time. N95 is one-time use only too. But Iโ€™ve heard since all medical facilities are running low on N95 masks, (not sure but) some are saying they are re-using N95 masks to one per day. 3. General progression is very different from GW settings to ICU settings. GW tends to be very mild symptoms, so I'll write down what I know about ICU settings. ICU settings consists of older gen patients, with high percentage of pneumonic XR findings and high rate of dyspnea. I've heard that many patients do require High flow Airvo (High FiO2), and sometimes PEEP ventilators. The Tx is mostly Avx for Pneumonia, and Lung care (Either ventilator, O2 supply, High flow etc) It would be easier to understand if you imagined yourself working in a Pulmonary ICU.

midflinx45 karma

Now that Korea's infection rate has leveled off, how many days or weeks until most of the existing infections are resolved?

khysmyass95 karma

Based from my hospital's routine evaluation system, it normally takes at least 2 weeks for asymptomatic patients to be considered negative, plus on top of that, you have to get tested negative three times consecutively every 3-7 days for the patient to be officially tested back negative.

midflinx12 karma

So from the first day someone shows symptoms, it likely takes about 7-14 days to become asymptomatic, plus two weeks, plus 9-21 days for the three tests to come back negative? For a total of four to seven weeks?

khysmyass33 karma

The amount of time required for a symptomatic person to become asymptomatic varies a lot by each patient. So I would say, on average, from the day you become asymptomatic, it would take 9-21 days for you to be de-isolated.

quick20minadventure10 karma

Is SK considering the possibility that continued air travel will bring second round of virus?

khysmyass41 karma

Of course. Air travel is the top reason this went global.

khysmyass39 karma

plus, we are currently isolating every patient(whether symptomatic or not) that comes from a specific city, Daegu, where there was a massive viral spread inside a Church, for 2 weeks.

khysmyass42 karma

but realistically, the government is looking at November for the COVID situation to be resolved.

midflinx9 karma

Assuming Korea won't be in quarantine until November, are there reports of how the quarantine or advisories will be relaxed in some cities? What's the timeline for that?

khysmyass35 karma

Right now, Koreans are advised NOT to travel between other countries, or any cities in general unless needed. Koreans are voluntarily keeping back from traveling even domestically.
Currently there is no "quarantine" in any cities in Korea, and I assume there won't be one in the future. People just don't go to cities that involves numerous outbreaks.

Although the infection rate is leveling down, we are still very careful about everything, so everyone is still advised to wear masks all times and schools(elementary, middle, high and unis) are postponing new school terms until further notice. We are looking at April for people to start going back.(New school year starts in March in Korea)

candyfloss67219 karma

Man I do not trust Americans to keep from traveling - some people are still doing so now :/

khysmyass22 karma

You could take what happened in Italy as an example. People tried to flee from that one city and ended up spreading the virus to other neighboring cities like crazy.

candyfloss6728 karma

Yeah exactly but it seems like people have learned nothing from watching wuhan and South Korea. its a shame. I respect you and your peers in the medical field. Thank you for pushing through this uncertainty.

khysmyass5 karma

No problem. Thank you

otofa231 karma

If you live in an African country with very limited health care system ie zero to chance of getting a place in ICU. What can you do to improve your chances of surving?. Thanks

khysmyass44 karma

  1. drink boiled water and NO raw foods.
  2. avoid crowded places.

would be the top two priorities I would say.

Sweetcornprincess3 karma

Why no raw food?

thatsforthatsub31 karma

because cooking destroys germs.

khysmyass20 karma


cascade-scade20 karma

How common is it for a person with covid19 to have a mild fever for 8 days, and not progress to a serious condition that requires hospitalization? (Or do you know where I can find this information?)

Many people around the world are about to get sick, and almost no one in their country has even heard many first-hand covid19 accounts. What is worrisome, and what is just normal, stay-in-bed bad? At what point should an moderately-symptomatic person decide that they need to be at the hospital? (This is important for preventing wasting health care resources around the world right now.) Thank you!

khysmyass28 karma

If you are a generally young(30's or younger) with no underlying diseases, you have a higher chance of having less severe symptoms. If you have already developed symptoms, mild or severe, it's very important to get tested so you can prevent more severe symptoms.

Worrisome symptoms would be dyspnea(trouble breathing), pneumonia(symptoms are wheezing, pain when coughing etc) and other severe respiratory symptoms.
Stay-in-bed would technically be milder symptoms like cough, mild fever, but it's better to get tested and only stay at home until results come out.

I don't think you should go to a hospital when you develop symptoms. That increases the risk of you infecting other non-infected people. It depends on the country, but you should look for government info on where you should go or call once you think you need to get tested.

zero0n37 karma

When I had walking pneumonia the one thing that triggered me to go get a checkup was my lung capacity being significantly decreased. Specifically I remember trying to sing along with a song and could barely get out a single verse without having to gasp for a deep breath, and even when taking a deep breath it didnโ€™t feel even close to a normal deep breath.

Is this a decent signal to start packing up and heading to urgent care or a hospital? (Edit: assuming you have a fever and other covid symptoms)

khysmyass11 karma

Definitely. If you have history of that severe of Pneumonia, you should be extra careful.

jonbristow7 karma

Are there cases of getting the virus and completely recovering at home, with just mild symptoms?

khysmyass22 karma

Yep. there are. Mostly young generation patients who don't have underlying diseases.

ShadowHunter2 karma

Can you explain why is it " it's very important to get tested so you can prevent more severe symptoms. "?

What exactly can be done to help prevent more severe symptoms?

khysmyass3 karma

If you get tested early and diagnosed earlier, you can start managing those symptoms before it gets severe and cause permanent damage.

ShadowHunter2 karma

Can you be more specific? How does one manage symptoms to prevent permanent damage?

khysmyass8 karma

If you are diagnosed, they immediately start treating you with antibiotics. That can protect your lungs, immune system because those meds can help fight the virus. So it leads to less chances of bigger damages like pneumonia because you're already managing it with preventative medicine.

ShadowHunter3 karma

I have not seen any guideline on using antibiotics to treat this. Are you saying everyone diagnosed (even with mild symptoms) gets antibiotics?

khysmyass7 karma

It depends on the country, but korea does have a set antibiotic guideline once you are diagnosed.

ShadowHunter2 karma

maybe that could explain relatively few deaths? Thank you.

khysmyass3 karma

I'm not entirely sure, but I do think it could play a factor.

Throwaway925092 karma

Antibiotics are targeted at bacteria and will not be effective against viruses. Is this to prevent secondary bacterial infections?

khysmyass14 karma

To correct my mistake, you would use antiviral meds first and then use antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections if needed. My mistake.

Arglissima16 karma

How is the staff handling all the work? Did you have enough masks, gloves,... ? How does your family deal with you working at a hospital during times like these?

khysmyass62 karma

In general, the staffing for COVID-19 wards are TOTALLY understaffed, although, fortunately in my hospital, there has been more than enough volunteers that work in the COVID-19 wards. Masks, gloves and safety equipment is a whole other conversation though. We are running on such low numbers of equipment that we don't have enough to give out to caregivers and doctors. We only have enough for nurses and patients. Doctors get their daily mask at the doctor's lounge (one per day) On the last matter, I don't see my family often anymore.. I consider myself a "walking ball of viruses" due to the nature of my job. So I stay away from my family as much as I can

Arglissima19 karma

That seems incredibly tough, being understaffed, in those conditions and not seeing your family... I know it is the responsible thing to do, but it still is hard.

Thank you for the work you do! I hope the situation returns to normal quickly.

khysmyass43 karma

Yeah, but it feels like the right thing to do, so almost all medical staffs are okay with being away from family, because it saves them.

and you're welcome. I hope this whole COVID thing dies so I can see my man. lol

taracus15 karma

Now that different countries are going different paths (some are closing everything down, some keep some things open), do you think one way is better than the other?

As a followup question, SK seems to be testing as many people as possible (no restrictions on who gets to take the test?), most other countries seem to have given up on this idea instead stating "Stay home if you think you have it and we will test you if you need hospital-care". Do you see any up or downside by mass-testing as SK is doing?

It feels weird as a citizen to be told "Well you might be infected but we will never know, just go home and get well !".

khysmyass34 karma

  1. I think some countries closing everything down is not a bad idea, but I'm sure politics are playing a strong factor in that matter. Korea couldn't shut down people from China coming in because of the whole trade issue. And I think it was a smart move for USA to not block Koreans from coming in the States, because Korea holds the technology to mass-test.
  2. A middle-sized company in Korean developed a fast, cost-effective test kit for mass testing. That is why Korea is able to test so many people so fast. The government is advising people who either, ;has been to countries that involved 'viral outbreaks' in the past 2 weeks, ;has a fever higher than 37.5 celcius ;has symptoms (cough, dyspnea, etc) ;has been contacted by authorities due to crossing paths w/ another diagnosed person. Those people are advised to go to a public health center located in every city, or call a specific number to get directions. I think in short-term it's not good for Korea to test on so many people, because it shows that much people are getting diagnosed, but in the long-term, we will be able to control the virus better because we know exactly how much people we're dealing with.

deb-scott14 karma

Are you ok??

khysmyass16 karma

Yep. I'm fine.

SchrodingersNurse14 karma

I am a neonatal intensive care RN in the USA. I also work in the pediatric ICU. Have you seen many children actually symptomatic or mostly just carriers? our premature babies have such fragile and noncompliant lungs, we are worried what this could do to them.

khysmyass18 karma

As you know, it's very easy for neonate-pediatric children to have mild fever. Their temperature tends to shoot up and down, so they get tested as much as adults do. But right now I think I've only heard about one case (15mo/M) of neonatal-pediatric COVID case.

But since you are in a ICU setting. You have to be extra careful. Our hospital's Pediatric and Neonatal ICU have both banned all parental meeting times. No exceptions.

SchrodingersNurse3 karma

Thank you, stay safe.

khysmyass6 karma

you too.

jazpple10 karma

Are there people getting sick again after recovery?

khysmyass14 karma

I don't remember seeing cases like that.. but I think there is possibility that can happen.

billbill19678 karma

First - Hero โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™

What can I say to my sister who thinks this is all being exaggerated?

khysmyass18 karma

She's not 100% wrong. It is just another respiratory virus. There are tons of different types of Coronavirus. It's just that this one doesn't have a prevention method and a cure.

bella5108 karma

What are the first sign of covid-19 ? And how long does it take to go from ok to bad?

khysmyass24 karma

First and most common symptoms are: high fever(higher than 37.5 celcius), cough, fatigue

More serious symptoms that need active management are: dyspnea(trouble breathing), pneumonia and other respiratory problems

More serious symptoms usually take 2 weeks (depending on the person's general health), but it also could never happen.

Buddahrific7 karma

Is that two weeks from exposure or two weeks from symptoms first showing up?

khysmyass9 karma


PewPews6 karma

Any word on assisting other foreign countries with planning/strategizing over this outbreak and key points where we are deficient in preparedness? Sounds like South Korea is successful in tackling this head on. It would seem like to be honest, a wise thing to do to give assistance in technology to some companies like Apple or google who have the best intentions of getting global societies back to the status quo if that can ever occur....

khysmyass18 karma

I think the main reason SK was successful with dealing this is because of the transparent process of testing and revealing all info(including travel routes of every single diagnosed patient) to public. That seems like a smart thing to do and the right thing to do. I hope SK can give out the mass-testing kits and get good credit for it.

b_ootay_ful6 karma

Since normal hand sanitzers are sold our here, do you know if iodaphor based sanitizers are effective?

I make my own mead as a hobby, and use it to disinfect my brewing equipment.

khysmyass11 karma

although Iodine-based sanitizers are more effective, I think normal hand sanitizers will be enough. Plus, iodine-based sanitizers require more time to set until it becomes 'effective'

gionyyy4 karma

  1. Is there any evidence that Ibuprofen based pills taken after the symptoms appear makes the condition worse?
  2. If masks prove to be ineffective why do people wear them? Does it reduce the risk at all ? If yes, what advice and best practices do you have regarding wearing masks.
  3. If heavy symptoms appear, what can patients do at home to alleviate them?
  4. Is it better to have a weaken the immune system before catching the virus and then boost it while it's fighting COVID-19 ?
  5. Is there any evidence vitamin C helps you recover faster or exhibit mild symptoms?

khysmyass9 karma

  1. I've never hear whether IBP worsens or betters the condition.
  2. Masks are a very effective source of protection. Surgical(dental)masks do protect, but KF80,or 94 masks are more effective. Normal cotton/polyester type masks cannot prevent you from the virus.
  3. If heavy symptoms appear, do not try to alleviate them at home. Immediately "call" local health centers and ask them what you should do.
  4. No. better to have an already strong immune system.
  5. Vitamin C does help with general physical condition if taken regularly, but it hasn't proven directly effective with faster recovery or symptoms.

rhaizee3 karma

How many young healthy people are you seeing get infected? What are considered mild symptoms? Are they on the line of a flu? flus can be pretty awful for a young healthy person. Is anything not urgent, considered minor?

khysmyass7 karma

Many young gens ARE getting infected, but they have a remarkably low mortality rate (only 1 under the age of 39 so far). Coronavirus is actually a very common cold virus. It is not a flu. CoronaV has been mutating every once in a while, and the new COVID-19 is another version of that mutation that we haven't developed a vaccine/cure to.

annaltern3 karma

Thanks for doing this!

Do you know what the projections are for the epidemic in your country going forward? Are you expecting the numbers of infected to keep decreasing, or will there be a second wave or an increase in the fall?

khysmyass10 karma

The government did make a statement that they are looking at briefly November for the virus to die down. Hopefully, the rate does decrease, but there still might be a possibility that when people become relieved, they care less about personal sanitization(wearing masks, avoiding crowded areas), and eventually another peak strikes.

DangerousBee3 karma

Hi! What do you think is the key to Korea's success in handling COVID-19 and are there precautions being made to stop the virus coming back once you have it under control?

khysmyass13 karma

I think the ability and the technologic capability to mass-test and detect people at early stages of the virus made it easier to manage, because more people had less severe symptoms. Precautions that could be taken once you get unisolated is keep your masks on and make sure your immune system is healthy(no extreme diets, eating good healthy food).

zero0n33 karma

Do you know where we can find Koreaโ€™s stats? Since they are clearly a head of every other nation in regards to testing, their numbers are probably the most accurate out there in regards to hospitalization and fatality rates.

Edit: found your post of stats below

khysmyass4 karma This is the link to Korea's current stats. but they are only in korean. English isn't available yet.

Heywood123 karma

Is the South Korean government worried about the epidemic spreading into North Korea? (Because allegedly the disease has already hit the DPRK.)

khysmyass8 karma

I heard it from the news that it did hit DPRK. I heard we supplied masks, but I have no further info on that matter. Sorry.

Heywood122 karma

Masks are good. I'm sure they are getting pointers on dealing with COVID-19 from the Chinese.

Thank you for the fast response and stay safe.

khysmyass4 karma

no prob. you too.

poquetachaqueta2 karma

Thank you for doing this and hats off to your work.

I am taking all precautions for myself and family life ke avoiding crowded places as much as possible and wearing N95 mask when in crowds, washing hands frequently etc. In a densely populated country like India, what else can I do keep me and my family safe?

khysmyass3 karma

N95 masks, hand washing and avoiding crowded areas are all wonderful. If youโ€™re willing to take an extra step, storing your outside clothes(jackets) seperately could also be good. But itโ€™s not necessary

BeerRhombus2 karma

Do you feel there will be any more clusters popping up in Seoul (like what just happened in Sindorim)?

khysmyass2 karma

I think it could happen anytime.

snakebay2 karma

์—์ด์ฆˆ ์•ฝ์„ ์“ด๋‹ค๋Š” ์†Œ๋ฌธ์ด ์žˆ๋˜๋ฐ ์‚ฌ์‹ค์ธ๊ฐ€์š”?

khysmyass6 karma

์•ˆ๋…•ํ•˜์„ธ์š”, ์—์ด์ฆˆ ์•ฝ์ด๋ผ ํ•จ์€ ๊ฐ€์žฅ ๋งŽ์ด ์“ฐ๋Š” '์ง€๋„๋ถ€๋”˜(zidovudine)'๋ง์”€ํ•˜์‹œ๋Š” ๊ฒƒ ๊ฐ™์•„์š”. ๋ช‡์ฃผ์ „ ๋‰ด์Šค์—์„œ ์™„์น˜๋˜์‹  ๋ถ„ ์—์ด์ฆˆ ํ•ญ์ƒ์ œ ์“ฐ์…จ๋‹ค๊ณ  ํ•˜๋”๋ผ๊ตฌ์š”. ์—์ด์ฆˆ์™€ ์ง์ ‘์ ์ธ ์—ฐ๊ด€์„ ์ง€์œผ์‹œ๋ฉด ์•ˆ๋˜๊ณ , ์—์ด์ฆˆ๋ฅผ ์น˜๋ฃŒํ• ๋งŒํผ ๊ฐ•๋ ฅํ•œ ํ•ญ์ƒ์ œ๋ฅผ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ–ˆ๋‹ค๊ณ  ์ƒ๊ฐํ•˜์‹œ๋ฉด ๋  ๊ฒƒ ๊ฐ™์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์—์ด์ฆˆ๋ž‘ ์ „ํ˜€ ๊ด€๋ จ ์—†์–ด์š”.

์ •์ •ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ง€๋„๋ถ€๋”˜์ด ์•„๋‹ˆ๊ณ  Lopinavir/Ritonavirย (LPV/r) ๋ผ๋Š” ์•ฝ์ด๋ผ๊ณ  ํ•˜๋„ค์š”. ๊ฐ™์€ ์ž‘์šฉํ•˜๋Š” ๋‹ค๋ฅธ ์•ฝ์ด๋ผ๊ณ  ์ƒ๊ฐํ•˜์‹œ๋ฉด ๋ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

snakebay5 karma

๊ทธ๋ ‡๊ตฐ์š”. ๊ณ ์ƒํ•˜์‹ญ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

khysmyass6 karma

๋„ต ํ•ญ์ƒ ๊ฑด๊ฐ•์กฐ์‹ฌํ•˜์‹œ๊ณ , ๋งˆ์Šคํฌ ๊ตฌํ•˜๊ธฐ ์–ด๋ ค์šฐ์‹คํ…๋ฐ ์ž˜ ์‚ฌ์šฉํ•˜๊ณ  ๋‹ค๋‹ˆ์„ธ์š”!

Emlcrstf2 karma

Hi, thank you for taking the time to do this. I have 3 questions:

  1. Do you think this will become a seasonal disease like the flu?
  2. As a relatively healthy 27 old, am I better of isolating myself or going out to get this so called 'herd immunity'?
  3. If the virus is contracted and you recover, is there likely to be permanent damage?

Thank you for your bravery and hard work!

khysmyass12 karma

First off, thank you for the kind words. 1. I think it will become seasonal once we get the vaccine/cure made. 2. Herd immunity only works if there is a vaccine that prevents that disease, so stay at home if you don't want to contract the virus. 3. Permanent damage is more likely when you develop severe symptoms and need to be hospitalized in an ICU setting.

easwaran6 karma

Iโ€™m not the original poster, but regarding 2, you should think verry carefully about whether you can be 100% sure that you wonโ€™t spread it to some less healthy neighbor or family member before you get into self-quarantine after contracting it. I would absolutely want to wait until very strong medical advice is in place about it before attempting this kind of discount โ€œvaccinationโ€.

khysmyass3 karma

I meant to say to stay at home if poster doesn't want to contract the virus. Edited.

kaseylynn242 karma

What is the situation in the labor and delivery wards? In America and due in 3 weeks with our first. I'm just concerned about how delivery will go and having at least my husband there. My mom was supposed to drive down but we've decided against that at this point. I really don't want to do this alone.

Also any recommendations for keeping myself and a new born safe while this is happening?

khysmyass8 karma

First, I hope your delivery goes well! and congrats on your firstborn! I think it's better to have less people with you when you go through delivery, I know it is way better to have emotional support, but considering the baby needs to be protected first, your family can wait a little bit until they meet their newest member. Just like general precautions, ALWAYS wear a mask and avoid crowded places! Especially when newborn are susceptive to viruses and have a weak immune system.

smashedavocadoes2 karma

Is it possible to get corona without a fever?

khysmyass6 karma

there has been many cases diagnosed that were asymptomatic.

DenuvoSuks2 karma

I have lupus, immune system compromised. Any special advise?

khysmyass5 karma

Oooh. SLE? I think the best thing for you to do is to try to stay at home and try not to have guests at your house..

khysmyass7 karma

I know this is such a shitty answer, but it's the best too. If you have to leave the house, wear a protective mask, when you get home please take off all outside clothing once you enter the house, take a shower.

DenuvoSuks1 karma

Yes. Sle. Also is it true you're using hidroxicloroquine to treat covid19 patients? Could it run out?

khysmyass3 karma

Hidroxychloroquine is one of the treatments. Running out shouldn't be a problem because it is not a definite treatment. It's one of many options.

swissmiss_761 karma

Has South Korea found the person who initially brought the virus to the country, and if not, do you know if this research is underway? Also, have you heard any updates on what animal the virus came from?

ETA: also, have you seen any cases of patients who went on to recover after being put on a ventilator? Thank you and stay well!

khysmyass3 karma

I think we found who the first diagnosed person is, but I think that person isn't definitely the first to bring it to the country. The initial person is less likely to be found, since the virus has already spread so much. Updates on the animal, I thought it was most likely from the bats in Wuhan market?

swissmiss_761 karma

Right and I thought it jumped to humans from an intermediate host which they thought was a pangolin but isnโ€™t. Or do we know that it went straight from bats to humans? Thank you!!

khysmyass3 karma

I heard it could be the consumption of bats or either bat droppings that got inside the foods sold in the market. not sure.

swissmiss_761 karma

I added a late question sorry - have you seen any patients recover after being put on a ventilator or is the ventilator a bad sign? Thanks again!!

khysmyass3 karma

Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™ve heard of patients who ultimately tested negative, but Iโ€™ve heard of patients who were able to wean out of vent care.

l06ic0 karma


khysmyass16 karma

I think that is false news. Current standings for COVID-19 cases in Korea are: Tested: 274,504 Diagnosed: 8,236 Testing: 14,971 Un(de)isolated: 1,137 Deaths: 81 75

EDIT: Mortality count is 75, not 81

TTRO9 karma

Still a very low death rate, compared to basically any other country. Do you have any idea why that is?

khysmyass16 karma

Weird saying it myself.. but Korea does have very advanced medical technology.

TTRO3 karma

But did you have a higher amount of beds and ventilators for the serious cases, than for example Italy or Spain? Did you develop some sort of treatment that other countries aren't adopting? Was the age of the infected lower than in other countries?Where I'm trying to get is: how can we avoid what's happening in Italy? They have a 7% death rate and it's probably still climbing.

khysmyass8 karma

Korea does have a very dedicated ICU system (ventilators, ECMO, CRRT) and educated staff. Plus, because we can diagnose them at earlier stages of the virus, there tends to be higher rate of patients with less severe symptoms. As far as I know, the highest age generation that are diagnosed in Korea are people in their 40's and up.

TTRO2 karma

So, correct me if i understood it wrong, you managed to keep older people from catching it at all?

khysmyass12 karma

Ooop, I was trying to say that the older generations 40, 50, 60, 70's had a higher chance of catching the virus. English is not my mother language, so sorry if I didn't say it correctly the first time.

stiephel8 karma

Your English is fantastic.

khysmyass3 karma

thank you :)

andybmcc4 karma

I'd imagine it's the high testing rate and the citizen's voluntary adherence to distancing and other policies. SK seems better set up socially and culturally to minimize exposure and provide care than a lot of other places.

khysmyass19 karma

I agree. Koreans are strangely extra cooperative when it comes to national crisis lol

l06ic2 karma

Thank you!

khysmyass5 karma

No problem!

jello5624 karma

When you increase the denominator, (pts tested), the overall number is smaller. SK is testing over 500x the # per million than the u.s.

More asymptomatic or mild cases in the denominator equals fewer deaths per positive case.

khysmyass2 karma
