Bio I started modeling when I was 12 in Brazil and ended up having a international career. Now I live in Asia and am trying hard to go back into the "traditional" job world.

I am doing the AMA specially because I don't view the industry as the "evil" a lot of people portray, its a though business but still a business

Modeling is a job after all that requires a lot of hard work from a very young age. I have worked from prestigious shows in Paris to very terrible 20hrs+ catalogues in China.

So... AMA

Proof: photos updated:

Comments: 1206 • Responses: 81  • Date: 

irrsinn845 karma

When you're wearing something really outrageous and over the top, do you ever joke about it with each other backstage or is that seen as super unprofessional? Sometimes I look at runways and wonder what the girl wearing the giant balloon might have been thinking. Of course I don't expect you can say anything to the designer and the like, but to other models? Do you have opinions on the clothes they put you in or does it become just really boring work stuff?

dolcenbanana1048 karma

ABSOLUTELY! We joke a lot backstage and sometimes even the fashion show coordinators (the people that organize all the show crew) join in. But OF COURSE we don't do in front of the designer or their assistants. Once they are near we are quiet and composed haha

We only really have opinions when they are amazingly beautiful and since they are not yet released we try to guess how much they would cost. The rest we just do it and get over with

irrsinn258 karma

Haha thank you! I've always wondered about that. Is there generally a very collegial and friendly atmosphere backstage at runways between the models or does it vary?

dolcenbanana435 karma

Its always friendly, from traveling around a lot you always know some girls in every show, or you get to know new ones :)

Its not very playful, since everything happens so fast in the backstage you are always being dragged around, running, etc... And sometimes you have 5 or 6 shows in a day and you are dead tired. But we all go along well, never seen any weird reality tv style cattish stuff

prosummobono105 karma

Speaking of reality tv, what do you think of America's Next Top Model? I always wondered what models felt about the show and specifically if the challenges shown are actually qualified to make you a top model. What are some characteristics in a person who's been casted in the show you would recognize to be able to become at least a decent model in the real industry?


dolcenbanana214 karma

I don't hate the show, but to be honest working as a model is not like that, they make it so they can sell, usually the winner ends up invested into the real career, I personally know a couple girls that won or were on that show, and nowadays they are proper legit models

But that day to day portrayed is not legit, you are allowed to have a real life and clients are less involved into "who you are as a person and your history"

irrsinn438 karma

Do drugs really have as ubiquitous a presence in a model's life as it has been portrayed in movies and other media in the past? Or is it something you could evade quite easily?

dolcenbanana950 karma

I find it a slight exaggeration. Sure, models are around drugs, and so are any other teenagers that go out to clubs.

I think the secret models don't want you to know is that they are all broke. Sure you make money, but only at the end of your contract in each country (usually 2-3 months at a time) meanwhile you get a little allowance that is badly enough to take the trains around town. So if you want to have a social life you go out with promoters, they are paid by clubs to take models in, there you can drink for free and there are plenty of rich guys popping bottles and those same guys are willing to offer you free drugs, now its up to you to take it or not

dolcenbanana547 karma

i know girls that did a lot of drugs but also know a lot of girls that never touched it. I kept myself mostly out of those circles

barandor179 karma


dolcenbanana575 karma

I kept away from the drugs, but I did go out with promoters and rich dudes a lot of times, since I wanted to have a social life

ironburton122 karma

When I was in Milan (at 17yo) I was so poorly treated by my agency that I couldn't afford food. So I went out every night so I could eat and drink. Then do 20+ castings the next day on barely any sleep, no food, then go out and do it all over again the next night. Every. Single. Night. I don't know how I didn't die...

dolcenbanana83 karma

Legit! I had a terrible time in milan too! My agency kicked me out of the apartment on easter eve and I couldnt even manage to get a plane ticket, so I slept on my friends floor for weeks, etc... Luckly my second time there I went with a different agency that was very nice. But in general I feel like agencies in europe are harder on you for some reason :

Nobody_is_on_reddit32 karma

... You and I lead very different lives.

dolcenbanana122 karma

It's very different than most ppl, doesn't mean better tho. I would look at the people with the mad jobs, making ton of money and sponsoring all of it and think: their life is so different than mine...

damiankw341 karma

Its weird seeing 25 and retired. Have you studied while you were modelling, or have other jobs? What do you plan on doing now that its all over?

dolcenbanana638 karma

I managed to finish High School, and its more than a lot of people do while modeling.

That is the frustrating part, you worked so hard for so many years and grew as a person and a professional but you are still viewed as a 25 year old with no education and no valid experience

I "retired" because that was the expiration date I gave to myself to that career, wouldn't want to wake up and be 30 and have to face the same problem

dolcenbanana389 karma

oh, as what to do... I am still deciding. I have been working with nightclubs and bars, trying to get into school and decided what is the ultimate goal

damiankw65 karma

Would it have been an option to do open learning / online university while doing modelling to get an additional career path in place before you packed in the modelling career?

dolcenbanana126 karma

If I met a young model now I would 100% give this advice!

Sometime you start so early that you don't think about that yet, and keep telling yourself you have all the time in the world (you kind of do.. but in a waaay more challenging manner)

Also a lot of girls think they will "make it", or that opportunities will just open up for you because of how travelled and connected you are

not_yo_supervisor313 karma

Which country did you love most so far out of the 17+?

dolcenbanana653 karma

My favorite is Hong Kong, thats why I decided to stay here after I retired (still here!)

I would give honorable mentions to New York, Tokyo and South Korea tho

Cyclops_lazy_laser_I180 karma

I'm.. Kind of jealous.

dolcenbanana363 karma

Don't be :) lot of careers can take you abroad, if you work hard, get really good at what you do you can always look for something internationally. Talent is always a valuable thing

DorgeFarlin36 karma

Ahh. So THATS who I saw at Dragon I. :)

dolcenbanana44 karma

Haven't stepped there in 4 years but might've been

Canadian_Infidel0 karma

Yeah but even the world's greatest brain surgeon wouldn't be able to retire at 29.

dolcenbanana17 karma

It's a "one career" retirement haha not a life retirement, I still got bills to pay!

tacky1151-12 karma

Ah yes, the great country of New York

dolcenbanana40 karma

Come on, don't troll, I could've said USA and would've generated the question of where, same for Japan

P1x1es299 karma

Were you ever expected, or felt like it was expected from you, to have sex with someone in order to get a job or keep a position? If so, did you?

dolcenbanana479 karma

I heard those stories, but mainly from girls that meet some dudes and they say they are affiliated to a certain place and would get them a job if they did something.

From all the clients, photographers and jobs I had through my agency, I have NEVER been asked to do anything inappropriate. Even when I worked in any jobs that had nudity I made sure it was stated in the job contract and that there was a full crew or else I would've just a left

LAX_to_MDW118 karma

That's interesting, I've worked on a few film shoots with nudity and they usually reduce crew to make the actors feel more comfortable. But I can totally see how more crew in a photoshoot could help maintain the comfort of a professional environment.

dolcenbanana97 karma

I guess in general film crews are way bigger. Normally in modeling jobs its hair/makeup, photographer, stylist/art director, lights, assistant. So if I go to a naked shoot with only a photographer (unless its a very good friend, that I worked several times with) I would not feel safe at all! For a first time naked shoot with someone I would only feel comfortable with at least hair/makeup and an light/assistant/stylist and photographer. 1-o-1 with a photographer I didnt know well would be shady

llosa228 karma

What do models actually eat?

I read all these horror stories about eating tissue paper and I'm sure it isn't true.

dolcenbanana507 karma

The thing is, most models are teenagers and the reasons they get into this career is because they are that awkward very skinny girl, so most girl eat everything, like normal people

of course when you get a little bit older and you start to see those measurements change you start taking care of what you eat, i just are very healthy, didnt drink soft drinks, eat fast food, cooked most of my meals so I know what is in it, but nothing crazy

I am not gonna lie that sometimes during a big fashion week, you realize you are 1cm too big for the shows you want and you do go a bit crazy. I used to go for a week of vegetable soups, and very light sandwiches

abrow214192 karma

What is the craziest thing you have been asked to do in a photoshoot or runway? If you don't have anything crazy, is there something a friend of yours may have been asked to do that was just really bizarre?

dolcenbanana560 karma

In Japan they have wedding show rooms, selling an entire bridal package. I was introduced to my groom early in the morning and had to simulate an entire wedding for a group of brides to be to see. It included an actual wedding, with my fake bridesmaids and family, cutting a cake, having a first dance... Etc... Entire 9 yards!

MarcusBondi186 karma

HELLO Miss D Banana! What are some of your best tips for standing out in castings and making the most of the opportunity to get the job? Thank you!

dolcenbanana555 karma

I do :)

  • Dont try too hard to look different than you are wear something you feel pretty and confident in. If they don't like how you look, its ok, other clients will
  • Be nice say hi to everyone, even the assistant in the reception, talk to the clients nicely, do a little small talk. There will be 100 girls that will walk in with an ass-face acting like a diva, but they will remember you as the nice girl that would be a pleasure to work with
  • Smile because, smile :)
  • Don't be grumpy with rejection accept it, thank them, you never know, maybe you are not the right one for that job but will be to their next shoot/show/catalogue, etc..

yeahisedzit149 karma

Aw u seem like such a genuine human being. Cheers~

dolcenbanana111 karma

Thank you :)

feraltis62 karma

Your advice is really just applicable to many things in life! Wishing you the best on your next adventure!

dolcenbanana43 karma

Thank you so much :)

MarcusBondi62 karma

YAY! Great advice! Awesome - THANK YOU! Sincerely.

dolcenbanana141 karma

you're welcome :) good luck!

Edit: sorry I only talked about girls! Same thing for guys :) should've used non gender specific works, my bad!

dreamerllama142 karma

What is the craziest thing you have done while on work?

dolcenbanana475 karma

I peed in a plastic cup and handed to the client.

I was in this catalogue in China, shooting for hours and I needed to pee. I kept asking, they kept saying "No, we are paying per hour, go to the changing room and change outfit" in those places to make sure you dont slack they have this intern girl in the changing room to change you (literally, like a doll).

I changed, grabbed a plastic cup from the water filter, peed on it, and walk to the client and handed to her

Billy_Whiskers119 karma

That seems silly of them. If you're uncomfortable because of needing to pee you can't be looking your best, more awkward and strained than naturally relaxed, happy and sexy.

Do you suppose they're worried you'll do drugs in the bathroom or something?

dolcenbanana206 karma

Some clients don't need good, they need "sellable" and they think they are wasting money in all the hours they need you, not realising if they are amazing clients you would even give them an hour free over time

untergrund102 karma

Are models actually an alien race, or are they just selected for their otherworldly appearance?

dolcenbanana394 karma

oh no! you found out our secret. I guess I will have to find you and do scientific experiments on you, with probes and stuff

we are mainly selected for our awkwardly heights and being that skinny girl everyone makes fun of in school for having no boobs

eggplantkiller9 karma

How tall are you? Haha, I was this girl.

dolcenbanana7 karma


Chime11e97 karma

As someone who has also worked in China.... "Open your ass and smell!" "Big pose, big pose!"

Now that you're retired, do you ever miss it? Which country did you like working in the most?

dolcenbanana99 karma

Omg!!! " Ma frend! Open your all!! Smell! Big mell!" I miss and do not miss that haha

Der_Bosewicht89 karma

How much did you make in your career? On average per shoot? What kind of career are trying to achieve now? Thanks!

dolcenbanana131 karma

It is really hard to quantify since every country has different fees. I would say an average for a catalog is around 100 euros per hour including image release, but campaigns and commercials will pay more depending on release.

irrsinn87 karma

Do you have a favorite job that you did? And did you have like a dream gig that you really wanted to do? What are the shows everyone wants to do?

dolcenbanana205 karma

I had a few favorites, I did the Barbie 50 year anniversary show in Tokyo, that is sure memorable and once I made a lingerie catalogue and I saw me in a huge billboard!

I always wanted to work for Vivienne Westwood, I did a casting for her (her and her husband choose the models hands-on) and she loved me but I wasnt the look they wanted for that show, so ended up not getting it

Everyone wants Dior/Chanel/Armani and... Victoria Secrets. Those are the ones that makes you feel like you made it.

parazoid82 karma

Does your line of work make you have to deal with any depression?

dolcenbanana233 karma

Depression is something that I couldnt say, but you deal with a roller coaster of emotions.

Most girls come from small towns do not speak any english and suddenly are on their own in a "models apartment" (apartments that agencies have in each country to host their girls) It can be hard to make friends since everyone is always coming and going to different countries, you can change bunk mates maybe 3 times in a month, you get overwhelmingly busy, you are always broke because your agencies allowance is very low, etc...

Also (this seemed to have changed nowadays, talking about when I started) if your measurements changed from your contract, a lot of agencies used to cut your allowance until you lost the weight.

And of course the terrible clients that called you "too fat" "your nose is too big" "too ugly" day in and day out.

I had several break downs. But eventually you learn not to care, you mature a lot about it. Also as many bad agencies and clients you find, you find 3x the amount of awesome supportive agencies and great clients and photographers

frodosbitch8 karma

You should make a website for models to rate agencies and clients. Like the do with doctors ( and professors (

dolcenbanana9 karma

man to be honest that is a great idea, a glassdoor type of thing, but fo r models/actors/entertainmers

parazoid79 karma

What's the most awkward situation that you came across while in these foreign countries w/o knowing the regional language?

dolcenbanana325 karma

In countries like Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China, since the locals don't normally speak english, they pick all the girls up in the morning their van with a driver and a interpreter that takes you to all your casting calls. The problem is, sometimes you only have 1 casting, but other girls have more, you still have to stay all day in the van. Once in Tokyo, I spent so much time in the van or in underground photography studios that I realized I havent seen sunlight (unless out of the car window) for an ENTIRE MONTH. I totally lost it and started crying like crazy (emotions people, emotions!)! My interpreter felt bad, dropped me in shibuya at 1pm and I spent the day just jumping around outside haha

sushisay109 karma

That actually made me sad. I've never heard of this part of modeling, so thanks for sharing.

dolcenbanana144 karma

Don't worry, it's not sad, it's stressful, but that's why you need though skin. There are also so many good sides of it

depleteduraniumftw76 karma

What kind of job are you trying to get now?

dolcenbanana172 karma

I am still deciding. I always wanted to work in something techy yet creative, video game companies, marketing agencies, etc... But I do feel like I missed the boat on that, I go to college now and when I graduate I will be a 29 year old with no "valid experience"

So I am focusing on more realistic expectation, like working for bar and restaurant groups, try to grow a career within and eventually get to marketing/management, etc...

kraken956 karma

I have a lot of questions XD

  • why did you decide to retire? Is 25 considered old in modelling?

  • what was the best memory you can remember in this 13 year long career?

  • what jobs are you deciding to get into?(won't it be easy to stay in industry as something other than model with all the contacts you have made so far, instead of starting anew?)

Thanks for doing AMA. :)

dolcenbanana98 karma

  • No, you can push a bit longer, I would say normally around 27, some last longer if you look young and all, I just feared waking up one day and being too old to start a career, but that is just me

  • I think the traveling, the meeting new countries, meeting a lot of interesting people

  • I couldnt get into fashion probably easier, but it was never been my dream, it is never something I could see myself doing (maybe alternative fashion, but not traditional/high fashion)

Your welcome :)

BuyMeLotsOfDiamonds53 karma

Approximately how much does a model make yearly? You mentionned that most models are actually broke; I always thought it paid a LOT..

dolcenbanana96 karma

It's very hard to quantify, you go into a country for a 2-3 months contract. They pay for your apartment, weekly allowance, transport, any paperwork needed, etc... You got for casting and get jobs, at the end of you contract they put on a statement how much you made - taxes, from that they take away all the expenses and a 20~40% commission, you get the rest.

If you don't work enough to pay expenses you leave on a negative account, and you never have to repay that

matroska_cat53 karma

Do you ever met Behati Prinsloo or Adriana Lima?

dolcenbanana106 karma

Behati, no.

I met Adriana Lima, but by "met" I mean we worked together on a fashion shows, but so did other 30/40 girls on any given day

sometimes you meet some of them because they are from the same agency, etc..

IntellegentIdiot43 karma

What advice would you give yourself before you started modelling? What advice would you give other models who are just starting?

dolcenbanana136 karma

  • don't start too young, you have time to mature and manage your career better
  • don't do any jobs you are not comfortable with, you are free to decide
  • don't jump into any international agency offers without researching how legit they are, there are a lot of dangers out there
  • you are not special, or better than anyone. You were just given a really cool opportunity, take value on it
  • learn as much as you can about the places you travel
  • have a though skin, don't get upset, the jobs comes with a lot of rejection, doesn't mean you are not beautiful and awesome
  • understand that sometimes it may just not work for you

Teacupsofrain38 karma

Random but as a beautiful person lol, do you find that a lot of women are hostile and stand offish around you?

dolcenbanana134 karma

Not really. I guess girls tend to be very hostile to each other in some sort of food chain thing. When you are working in the business the other girls are in the same struggles as you, we all tend to stick together and help each other out, you learn very fast that it's not about being beautiful, it's about what people decide is beautiful, you may be beautiful to one client and terribly ugly to another, so there isn't an actual competition and if there is, is a friendly one

I am way more easy going about my image nowadays, I don't need to be the pretties or the center of attention, o guess this way there is very little hostility towards me

247987935 karma

Hi! I've started modeling since I was 16 and I'm currently 20. I mostly work in different cities in America. I've only finished High school education and I haven't started on college yet. Any advice for that? I've also toyed with the idea of retiring in a year or two but I'm not so sure if it's a good idea or not. Another question is, what age did you start and how did you start? Have you always wanted to be a model?

It's great to see that I can relate to someone here. :)

dolcenbanana81 karma

I started when I was 12 and I wouldn't recommend to anyone to start that young. I am 5'10, I was around 5'8 when I was 12 and I had a lot of confidence issues, a friend of mine kept telling me I was perfect to be a model, and of course I denied. He got some of our photos from a birthday party and sent to Ford Models, they called my mom the next day saying I should come in and try out. I did and that is what happened.

It's a very good career because it allows you to travel, meet people, learn a lot about yourself, but don't convince yourself that you are going to be famous. A lot of very successful model careers go by and you are still very anonymous, manage expectations.

If you have any other direct questions just send me a privet msg :)

melonlollicholypop13 karma

Did your mother travel with you when you were <16?

dolcenbanana14 karma

No :( unfortunately, I wish she was, but my family had to work and I couldn't really afford to pay my mom to be with me, but if you can afford your moms expenses, they are always welcome

LanaMalloryArcher30 karma


I'm a new freelance model, 22 years old, who just graduated from uni. I have a pretty solid portfolio, but feel like a lost lamb when it comes to approaching agencies. I know it's impossible to say what they're looking for, but what tips could you give an amateur freelance model looking to get signed?

dolcenbanana68 karma

It's like applying for a job. Get your portfolio together, you measurements, your job experience, send to all reputable agencies you know. And as reputable I don't mean only the big and famous ones, but also the ones with good track record of taking care of their models and being professional )if you in doubt, look for model groups at your city on facebook and ask them) Send them everything and wait for a call back.

Only look for agencies in your country tho, tell them if you are interested in traveling and they will be the ones to send you abroad. That way it's also their interest to make sure you are in good hands

f1nchf13ld25 karma

Is your fav film Zoolander?

dolcenbanana50 karma

Ok, I LOVE that movie! First time I watched was in Malaysia with a bunch of male models... It's no 100% true, but it's funny to have a positive funny joke about models, and who's fault is it to be ridiculously good looking???

Tsany24 karma

This was good timing, I was just thinking about posting this question on /r/explainlikeimfive.

Why does this hunched pose with elbows sticking out pose seem to be de rigeur within couture fashion shoots? It's so unnatural and uncomfortable, it makes the women look really strange, like a gangly bird impression.

It completely draws attention away from the beauty of the clothing and the women, just makes me wonder why they're standing like a weirdo.

dolcenbanana25 karma

So when you shoot, you out on the clothes, you walk into some white background as they tell you "do it". You just move on a lot of "poses" that it normally works. You do maybe 30 poses per outfit and when you leave the studio you have no idea what photo they selected... But since you mostly have no directions you just do a set of poses you know "works". But why it works? Couldn't tell haha

Owtlaw120 karma

What's the coolest thing you were ever given while modeling? Tank? Crossbow?

dolcenbanana31 karma

As a gift or prop for a shoot?

mr_q_ukcs19 karma

Hello! Can you take a picture of yourself holding a reddit logo or your username for proof please?

Super-waffle18 karma

Hi dolcenbanana, everyone says that you need to find "good" or "reputable" agencies, but if you're new to the industry how do you know?

dolcenbanana54 karma

There are the top 10, that you know are reputable and you can make a internet research.

For the non top 10, go on Facebook find modeling groups from the given city and ask. Look for girls that are listens in that agency, ask them about the experience. If you find anything fishy or feel iffy, don't go for it, if you have potential other agencies will take you or give you tips to improve to be fit for them.

It's sad but there is also a chance you are not marketable and not suitable for the job, it's better to be rejected than to get into a shady agency that would put you on risk

Also if an agency charge you to be their model it's a MASSIVE red flag

sheforgotmyname18 karma

I hope you are still in to answer some more questions!

I have limited exposure to modelling industry, all I know is what I see on America's Next Top Model. I remember on the show there was a girl who was out for being too sexual, like she had an hourglass body shape. Is sex appeal frowned upon? How are plastic surgeries accepted/rejected in standard reputable agencies like you had?

Also on the show they often classify the models as "catalogue models" but not good enough for runway based on their photo shoots. Is that a real thing?

Finally can you share with us the time you spend with Make up artists? How is the relationship like backstage? Do they really have time to paint or sculpt your face and make crazy hairdos in that stressful backstage? Designer assistants accidentally poke u with a pin when assembling clothes on you?

Thank you for this really honest and genuine AMA, I really like how you are unfazed by rejections. That is the wisest thing I have ever heard in 2015 and 2014 combined, you pee cup warrior.

dolcenbanana11 karma

About make up artists, since the client sometimes pay per hour you tend to have a limited 1hr for hair and make up, if the job is really big and they have a very specific look, it may take longer but it's usually pre agreed. Most make up and hair artists are awesome people :)

dolcenbanana8 karma

Americans next top model is an entertaining show, and it talks about some truths, but it's still entertaining TV, so of course a lot of it is exaggerated. Also taken out of context, imagine like this: you work for a company and day by day you need to go meet clients. Of course being charismatic helps, but you wouldn't be "sexual" it is work.

reddevved15 karma

Do the fashion modeling and "adult" modeling worlds cross paths, and off so to what extent at different stages of the model's career?

dolcenbanana20 karma

do you mean adult as in pornography/fetish/etc ?

reddevved9 karma

Yeah, but mostly just like softcore porn.

dolcenbanana26 karma

I don't think both worlds cross, at least I wouldn't even know how one starts or how it works. But nothing against it if thats what someone wants do it.

snaptogrid13 karma

Fun AMA, thanks for doing it. What kind of romantic lives are girl models able to have, what with all the traveling and working? What kind did you have? Or is that just, realistically, a dimension of life you have to put off till after retirement?

dolcenbanana28 karma

It was very hard, you are always traveling and you are not even sure when you going to be in a country or not. Se girls are very lucky to find male models and get angle cows to agree to send them abroad together, apart from that you end up in a lot of small term relationships and that's about it :(

Murmaider13 karma

Have you seen the 2011 documentary Girl Model? Was their portrayal of young girls being taking advantage of realistic or exaggerated in your opinion?

dolcenbanana7 karma

I never seen this documentary, sorry I can't help

Sealsarecool12 karma

Is height the be all and end all in both Male and Female modelling? Like for example, you could have an absolutely stunning person, but if they fall out of the height bracket are there any other options?

dolcenbanana35 karma

There are exceptions to the rules. But usually for fashion modeling girls height is min 5'7 and guys 6', but in that height you do mostly catalogues and commercials, for fashion shows I would say ideally girl 5'9 guy 6'2

framedrag9 karma

Where do you plan on retiring now that you have knowledge of other places? I ask because I also left Brazil at a very young age and I never wanna go back. (Not even to visit ahahah)

dolcenbanana34 karma

Same here! I took Hong Kong as home!actually I'm texting you all from the Hong Kong reddit meet up and they are all freaking awesome ppl!

Jake_the_cake_8 karma

Now that you are retired from the modeling world, what do you do on your free time?

dolcenbanana23 karma

I play a lot of xbox and go drink awesome cocktails with my friends

annenena8 karma

How big is the group of topmodels like Doutzen, Cara, Jourdan etc compared to regular models in %? And what does it take to become a topmodel vs a regular model?

dolcenbanana13 karma

I don't know hot to set up a number but maybe 1 to 5%, it's a bit of luck, the right connections and hard work. You are not very sure when you start

yomoxu8 karma

Your hair is bright blue right now - are you a geeky kind of girl?

dolcenbanana49 karma

I'm on reddit haha take a guess :)

Matt_827 karma


If a girl of 12 expressed an interest in modelling, would you recommend it to them? (I'm not a 12 year old girl, btw).

dolcenbanana22 karma

No, I would say start the youngest at 16/17, you are very young but you know how to take care of yourself

GreyMatt3rs6 karma

Do you think people who are attractive (by most people's standards) generally have it easier in life? You seem very down to earth so have you noticed people (not associated with the modeling/fashion world) treating you differently just because your attractive?

I would like to ask this question to people I know in real life but the ones I have come across, I think I would just be inflating their ego or they're just so self-absorbed and so I don't think they could give me a straight honest thought out answer. I've always been fascinated by how one's attractiveness has shaped them and their view of the world. That's why I find Ruby Rose's story so fascinating.

dolcenbanana9 karma

I actually thing you question is very interesting. So attractiveness is very relative. When I was working as a model I knew I followed some set standard of beauty, but I never saw myself as specially attractive. I knew I could fit a dress like I designer would like me too, or have a perfect styled hair, but I never thought when I was outside in a bar guys would look at me like I was above average or anything. I could not deny that people that are presentable (groomed, charismatic, well dressed, etc) tend to have more opportunities. But I think its more related to how you present yourself than the looks you are born with. Also, even if you are amazingly presentable if you cant hold a conversation your initial looks wont help you much. But its unfair but true.. a lot of self absorbed people with inflated ego and ass personalities end up getting ahead for being "out there"

that_is_so_Raven4 karma

Do you watch Breaking Bad?

dolcenbanana5 karma

I did, yes

jus_chillin4 karma

Do you have a 401(k) and how much money did you save for your retirement?

dolcenbanana5 karma

Not really, since by the government you are a contractor, you are not required to invest on a 401k, it's an option to you to invest in privet ones, I never did to be honest

Siege-Torpedo3 karma

What universities are you looking for, if any?

dolcenbanana3 karma

I'm not sure I should mention here but I'm looking for places like CUNY so I know I can't dos a decent part time to afford it :)

manicaero3 karma

In your years of experience travelling to strange and beautiful new places and meeting interesting people, did you (or a model friend) ever find yourself in a really scary situation? Like a creepy person or location?

I guess I'm just wondering the real risks of a job like yours.

dolcenbanana6 karma

Yes, I have been to a few very scary situations and luckily it all worked out at the end. Mainly not related to work itself, most on my time off. I once was in a great agency in Malaysia but in your off time you are free to come and go, I once got a taxi driver I couldn't communicate in any language with qnd he drove me into very unknown parts of the city, once I got absolutely totally lost in China, and got lost in Indonesia, luckily I had a very strong support group, o I called local fiends that could talk with the involved people and help me out.

dreamerllama2 karma

Any photos of you without makeup?

dolcenbanana7 karma

let me look for something here in my computer, I would take one now, but I am already wearing make up for the reddit global meetup day ;)

minglow2 karma

You seem like you're the realistic summary of an amateur person becoming an amateur model. Financially speaking, when you quit, how stable were you and what did you have to show for your entire developmental years as a youth?

dolcenbanana2 karma

I think realistic my first 4 years were "cool job and I can maintain myself" I only got into stability after that when I learned the countries my image sells well and the type of jobs I should invest in, my last 5 something years I was very stable

Kwintenwithak2 karma

Your pictures are mostly uncommon. I like that. What was mostly the purpose of the picture? (Magazine, show, etc.)

dolcenbanana3 karma

The range is a bit bigger, you have fashion shows, catalogues, campaigns, commercials, events, prints (small promotions printed) fitting, test shoots, etc.. Do the range is bigger than you think, not all jobs are glamorous

yzerfontein2 karma

How much did you manage to save up during your modelling? Or did you blow it all?

dolcenbanana11 karma

I never blew money over in bullshit, but you never know how much you make in any country, some countries you leave with a lot of money, some places you leave with 0. Sometimes you need money along the way in some countries, so you use the money you saved, some places you end up needing extra help for lack of agency support, etc.. Also family may need your help, etc.. So I managed to save a bit of money over all, but enough to probably pay for 2 or 3 years of collage (no crazy Ivy League school lol)

Like I mentioned previously, I had what o would consider in the modeling world, successful career, but I never became famous and did million dollars contract like Victoria secrets and etc..

TheDudesCarpet2 karma

Any nude modeling? Like on those filthy nude modeling websites...which one? There's so which one specifically were you on?

dolcenbanana10 karma

Oh no no! No disrespect to anyone that does that, but it's not what I would do. I did some body lotion shoots (where you are naked but no boobs/vag showing, all covered) and I did a lot of artistic stuff for art exhibitions and paintings. Part of the agreement for some of those shoots is that my agency has final approval in order for them to have the copyrights, etc

[deleted]1 karma


dolcenbanana5 karma

I had a few, but I think my worst was the one I posted earlier on a question. After over 6 or 7 hours shooting the client wouldn't let me go pee, so I peed in a cup and handed her the cup haha

white_girls-5 karma

Hi! It's sort of a life goal of mine to date or at least sleep with a model. So far, no success.

I am of slightly below average attractiveness. I dress fairly well, I'm fairly normal in social situations, quite smart, can be interesting and witty, and I have a lot of money.

Any tips for how to accomplish my goal? How can I meet models and what kind of qualities do they look for when evaluating a potential mate? I imagine they have so many men after them, so how can I stand out and not just be one of the rest?

Thanks :)

dolcenbanana3 karma

Maybe stop labelling "models", we are normal girls with different personalities, I like video games, some girls like history, some are mad about art and literature, some are plain boring, we are all different.

There are gold diggers that have all sorts of jobs, so good for you to have a lot of money

DownTrunk-8 karma

"Model." What do you think determines models from just internet famous?

dolcenbanana13 karma

I couldnt speak for the internet famous, I do not know how they conduct their business.

But as a model you have contracts with a chain of agencies (your mother agency that manages you career and your international trips, and the agency of each country) you have employment contracts stating everything about what is expected to you on a professional level, rules of conduct, copyright management, taxes, working visas, payments, etc...