I'm excited to be here for my first AMA and look forward to answering your questions.

I'm here in support of a few causes that I am incredibly passionate about: human, animal and environmental rights. My foundation exists to protect all living things. And right now, if you join me, you can win a trip for 2 to have lunch with me at the amazing Playboy Mansion!

I'll give you a tour of the grounds, too - there are things about the Playboy Mansion grounds that only I know about...I'll share my secrets with you if you win! Enter here: www.prizeo.com/pamela

You can also learn more about the Pamela Anderson Foundation at http://www.pamelaandersonfoundation.org/paf/.

And check out my upcoming book, Raw, a collection of behind-the-scenes photos, poetry and prose, out September 1st! http://www.amazon.com/Raw-Pamela-Anderson/dp/1942952074/

I'm on with Victoria today, so AMA.


Well, I just wanna thank everybody for writing in. I didn't think we'd get so many questions. I'm pleasantly surprised! And I'm looking forward to the Playboy experience - just yesterday I had lunch there, and they thought they won the prize, but it was business.

I'm looking forward to showing somebody around one of the most magical places. It's so nice that Hef is still with us, and he's healthy, and who knows, maybe we'll bump into him, he's a LEGEND. And it all helps raise money for my foundation, because I really DO put the money to good use, and we've been able to make so much progress. So I really appreciate people entering, and hopefully we'll see you at the Mansion!

Comments: 2452 • Responses: 43  • Date: 

shivan213373 karma

Hi Pamela! Can I visit you at your home with my traditional wedding sack?

RealPamelaAnderson2838 karma



thatbrazilianguy2094 karma

Regarding that scene on Borat, in which he puts you in his "wedding bag": was it staged or not?

RealPamelaAnderson2733 karma

I knew about it. And we actually did a couple endings for that movie, but that's the one we chose.

dick-nipples1732 karma

How does it feel to know that pretty much every guy who was a teenager in the 90s was obsessed with you?

RealPamelaAnderson2121 karma

I guess that's a compliment! But that's not really what you think about? I've never thought about it like that. But I'll take it as a compliment!

Oh god...

Where are they now?! Hahaha!

seismicor1500 karma

What's the most terrifying secret about a Playboy Mansion that you can tell us?

RealPamelaAnderson2549 karma

Terrifying secret? There's nothing terrifying about it. Unless you're shy, hahaha!

shivan211465 karma

How do you remember working with David Hasselhof? Did he make a lot of jokes during Baywatch?

RealPamelaAnderson2355 karma

He did. He's actually very funny. He just loves being David Hasselhoff. He's kind of a caricature of himself, and he was always very distracted. I think he liked to bet on sports!

chrispybacon921095 karma

I have to ask, how fun was filming Borat?

RealPamelaAnderson2486 karma


He is insane.

Which I love.

Sacha was so great to me, and it's such a compliment that he wanted to make that film chasing me around.

But when it really came down to it - I really thought he wanted to kill me, and capture me. He's an incredible actor, very funny. The film, the whole concept was new at that time - people have since tried to mimic it - but nobody knew he was filming a movie, and when he came to the book signing, it was a real book signing.

And then he is in line, with this bag, and he throws me in the bag, throws me over his shoulder, and starts running out! But then I get away from him. The look in his face was SO frightening, I ended up running away, jumping in another car. It was enough. It was exciting.

In a very special way, hahaha!

It was great.

seismicor1056 karma

How did you enjoy voice acting in Futurama TV show? What was the experience like and would you do it again?

RealPamelaAnderson1941 karma

I would like to. I've been asked to do some voices for things. It's funny, because if I call - people don't do this anymore, but when I call 411 for information, my kids laugh at me because I did that the other day, I guess people just google it, but I'm the WORST with gadgets - and when I called for information, they said "Is this Pamela Anderson?!"

They knew my voice! I was in shock!

So people say my voice is fairly recognizable, and I should do more voice projects, so I haven't pursued it too much - but I'm definitely open to it.

ImRichieDagger848 karma

Hi Pamela! How was it working with Stan Lee on Stripperella?

RealPamelaAnderson1224 karma

Oh my gosh, it's been so long!

Stan Lee is AMAZING. That was really fun. It didn't last very long. He wanted actually to have the characters be nude, and for some reason, I didn't want that at that time! I had kids, and I loved the animation, but they wanted to make it a little racier than I was comfortable with.

Shocking! Haha!

davec79690 karma

You say

My foundation exists to protect all living things.

And yet you support PETA, who goes out of their way to steal and kill people's pets, and reportedly kills over 90% of stray animals they receive.

By what definition do you support protecting living things?

RealPamelaAnderson3163 karma

I think that PETA has rescued a lot of animals that people have kept illegally - like exotic pets that people have no right to be having as pets- and they can't be happy in those situations. I don't think it's 90% of stray animals, but people do go to PETA headquarters and throw animals over their fence - with broken bones and things like that. And when animals are very hurt, and they do euthanize them, people get very offended and very upset. But there's no way to save every animal. The most important thing we can do is spay & neuter pets, so that we don't have unwanted animals, and so we can find homes for healthy animals that will have good quality of life. Sometimes they have to figure out the most humane thing to do. And a lot of people have the wrong idea when it comes to "no-kill" shelters. Because funding goes to animals that will never find homes that could be going to animals that could be saved. It's such a difficult choice. I wish things were a lot different. But there are just so many unwanted animals out there. So that's why it's important that people spay & neuter their pets. And adopt animals from shelters.

lokochileno625 karma

Hi Pamela, who's your favourite Hockey team?

RealPamelaAnderson1495 karma

CANUCKS! Hahahaha!

I'm from Vancouver Island! So...

AlwaysAGroomsman594 karma

What's the craziest/funniest thing David Hasselhoff has ever said to you?

RealPamelaAnderson2147 karma

Well, I think when he gave me a calendar of himself?

And a CD of himself?

And a postcard of himself, coming out of the water, dripping, and said "Thank you for supporting my musical career" and I didn't know he HAD a musical career!

I think this was a Christmas gift to everybody on the set of Baywatch.

chaz91w527 karma

Everyone seems to have a golden rule they try to follow in life. Whats yours?

RealPamelaAnderson1008 karma

Golden rule would be making compassionate choices when it comes to every decision.

And having a lot of fun! Hahaha!

Having fun. Living!

philckd511 karma

Hi Pamela! Is there one Baywatch story that you remember that tops all the rest and who was your favorite person to work with? Also if there was any one thing you regret at that time in your life, what would it be and how you would handle it today?

RealPamelaAnderson1719 karma

Oh boy!

Baywatch stories, there are so many. I just couldn't believe that i had the best job in the world - that I could bring my dog, and I got paid (because I would've been on the beach anyway) - I just couldn't believe my luck!

I remember I had my first child on Baywatch, and I was back in my bathing suit one month after having Brandon.

So I can kind've look at my body on some of those old episodes - I've seen pictures where my body looked all shapes and sizes, and that was pretty brave of me to get back in a swimsuit so soon!

Every day was fun.

I started on Baywatch with my boyfriend, David Charvet, at the time. So we thought we were really lucky - we got to work together, on the beach. It didn't last very long, working together, but it was fun! And I love being active, and in the water, swimming. I grew up on an island, so I've always been very athletic, not afraid of the ocean, so I really enjoyed it all. I loved being as active as I was. And then I realized that people DO have stunt doubles - and when I realized that - I couldn't believe that ! Because we really did a lot of our own stunts.

At that time in my life? Well, I think that was the time... just after I had my kids, I was pregnant with Dylan, a tape was stolen out of my house with Tommy, and they spliced all these videos together, and they put out that videotape together of Tommy and I running around naked and being silly. And it was very humiliating, embarrassing, and I...that was just very difficult. It was supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life, but it was very difficult to handle. I think that was the hardest thing I've gone through. Grace and dignity, you just have to get through it. And then I think it became a trend. But ours wasn't intentional!

dayofthedead204506 karma

Hi Pam,

Thanks for doing this AMA! I have three questions:

Is it true that your divorce with Kid Rock was escalated due to a screening of Borat?

What is your fondest memory of being married to Tommy Lee?

Are you a fan of the HBO series Game of Thrones and if so who’s your favorite character?

Thanks Pam!

RealPamelaAnderson751 karma

That didn't help things.

Having my kids.

I've seen a few episodes of Game of Thrones... I haven't watched in a long time. Sorry!

NeilParmesan478 karma

Will our lunch be strictly vegan?

RealPamelaAnderson587 karma


Kijafa376 karma

Pamela would you rather adopt one horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses?

RealPamelaAnderson602 karma

That's pretty funny.

The little ones.

Yeah! Haha!

nousabyss367 karma

Hi Pamela. Clearly you have proven to be a strong independent and intelligent woman. Kudos. Having said that, what's your biggest regret been so far?

RealPamelaAnderson1041 karma

Divorce. Hahaha!

It's just so hard on a family. And I think I'm a hopeless romantic that keeps trying. But I do have boundaries. And those are things that i am proud of, but I regret that I've dragged my kids through some unnecessary situations. That's my biggest regret.

shivan21290 karma

You mentioned Blue is the warmest color, do you watch arthouse movies often?

RealPamelaAnderson789 karma

I do! Those are my favorite films. My kids always give me a hard time, because I'm always watching something with subtitles they don't want to see. I love all of Brigitte Bardot's films, anything by Jim Jarmusch... I'm not a big TV or movie person, but I do like to watch some of these - there's really great films out now that my agents are sharing with me that are doing these smaller indie films - there are a lot of directors tackling these incredible subjects. I think I live in some kind of bubble - I thought I was artistic and crazy and all of these things! And when I see these films that these younger directors are putting out - they are really exposing these different lifestyles and ideas and things I've never heard of.

seismicor281 karma

Hi, Pamela. What is your favourite erotic movie?

RealPamelaAnderson603 karma

Favorite erotic movie?

Oh my goodness. I can't think of any... I think that film, BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOR. I don't know if that's too much of an erotic film, but I thought it was different, and beautiful.


What is your favorite David Bowie song?

RealPamelaAnderson437 karma

FAME! Hahahahaha!

I like David Bowie. That's the first one that came to mind.

Tommy remade it. That's why I heard it a lot.

Laukring195 karma

Do you still have that sexy red bathing suit?

RealPamelaAnderson546 karma

I do. I have one, in my safe. And I used to have another one, but someone stole it, and I found them in your guest room, in bed, wearing it.


She was deported back to France.

RealPamelaAnderson324 karma

That was another house! I have full security now!

seismicor185 karma

Would you do Barb Wire 2, babe?

RealPamelaAnderson333 karma




I don't think ANYONE would want to do Barb Wire 2 with me! But you never know!

-Babo97-172 karma

How's it going Pam? If you could have any other career what would it be?

RealPamelaAnderson488 karma


People have always asked me to be an architect or interior designer. I love sustainable architecture. I have an idea to create sustainable pre-fab homes and sustainable furniture. I just chose the wood for my guest house, which is sustainable. For some reason, people always ask me "Could you design my house? Could you decorate my house?"

I've just always had a fascination with architecture and design.

timeo90166 karma

What 4 things would you do if you could be a guy for a day?

RealPamelaAnderson372 karma

Oh man.

I would open a car door for a woman, hahaha!

Let me see. This is very important.

I would be a good father. I would be a good husband. And... I would never hunt!

There you go.

BrolafBestLaf145 karma

Hey Pam huge fan of baywatch.

What were the biggest points in your career? Meaning what made it? What was your turning point that made it soar? Did it come with baywatch or was it before?

Not many know what it might be. Thanks :)

RealPamelaAnderson376 karma

Well, I think...Playboy found me, in Vancouver. I thought I would come to LA and, you know, do a photoshoot for the cover, and turn around and go home. But then I just thought I'd stay here until I stopped working, and I'm still here. But Home Improvement came before Baywatch. I started doing Home Improvement and Baywatch at the same time. And then I did Barb Wire, and got married, and everything exploded after that!

It seems like so long ago. My oldest son graduates from high school this year. It's bananas.

shivan21142 karma

What would you like to make in the near future? What is your dream project?

RealPamelaAnderson297 karma

I just finished a couple of indie films, which I really love. I'm starting to do a little cooking show, which I'm really excited about. It's called "The Sensual Vegan," and we're starting to shoot in June. I'm writing a book as well - this is my second book - and it's incredible. But cooking shows are very basic how to start cooking vegan tips, and I hope it turns into something more than that, but we're going to start shooting in June. So I'm excited about that.

And the indie films are incredible. To put that much effort and focus into a film - now I've done two character-driven films that are coming out, so I hope to do more of that. One is a short called "Connected," and one is a feature film called "The People Garden."

They're just small films, to get my feet wet again, to really experiment. And I'm really enjoying it.

radams5000134 karma

When are they going to reboot VIP? That show was the best.

RealPamelaAnderson168 karma


I think it's being shown somewhere around the world all the time. They were showing it in South America, when I was there.

Baywatch and VIP seem to go on, and on... and my mom always makes fun of me, because she can always find me on some channel! VIP and Baywatch keep going on and on!

theArnoldFans1122 karma

There's talk of an Expendables all female cast movie or TV series in the works...would you make a good Expendables action hero?

RealPamelaAnderson146 karma

Sure! Hahahha!

I don't know...

NightPhoenix35114 karma

What is your advice to people who want to support a cause, and maximize the positive impact they have on the world, but don't know where to start?

RealPamelaAnderson193 karma

Well, you should definitely find what you're most passionate about, and then research organizations that you can support, and you can do something as easy as sign petitions, retweet information, get on social media, and let your voice be heard. There's so many causes. If you find your passion, and you can focus on that one thing, then your message doesn't get diluted. I sometimes find myself that I get involved in a lot of different charities - like my support for animals - and then I realized that environmental issues affected animals and people, and then I got involved with organizations fighting human trafficking. So I try to stick to those 3 areas.

akdigitalism80 karma

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has done some incredibly controversial things throughout his career. Why on earth did you want to be seen with someone like that?

RealPamelaAnderson280 karma

Well, he was the first person to make a vegan prison. And I think if we were to turn prisons vegan, we could save a lot of animals and teach a lot of people non-violent ways of eating. One person eats about 200 animals a year. This one prison had 8,000 inmates. And going vegan could save a lot of animals. It also saved a lot of energy - really, what they were serving as meat was bologna and hot dogs, so gosh only knows what that is - and going vegan helped with religious restrictions on diets, and they found that overweight prisoners lost weight, underweight prisoners gained weight, and so I went back after the year-long prison going vegan experiment concluded, and I served lunch there.

Which was interesting!

ElfMage8379 karma

What drew you to work on Baywatch?

RealPamelaAnderson170 karma

Well, I've never been on an audition. What happened was - it was kind of a course of events - when I was on Playboy, they wanted to meet me, and I didn't know where Marina Del Rey was, it sounded very far away, and then when my boyfriend was going to go audition, I went with him, and they gave us both jobs! But I didn't audition.


They said I was famous before I walked into the door, because i was the one that never showed up! And they knew who I was, and offered me the job.

ImRichieDagger69 karma

Hey Pamela. Do you prefer Oreos or Twist n Shouts?

RealPamelaAnderson298 karma


Oreos are vegan.

Shooter203469 karma

How's your day Pam?

P.S. You're pretty good looking. Has anyone ever told you that?

RealPamelaAnderson171 karma


That's funny! Not recently, but... hahaha!

Today, I had a really great day. I was speaking with my chef I'm working with on my show, to approve the menus for the vignettes we're shooting in a couple weeks. I had an argument with my son today about university, which I think a lot of parents are going through right now, I think everyone's nervous about their next steps as we get to the end of the school year, and I try to tell him "You can change your mind, but you don't want to ruin any options" - so anyway, all morning I was talking to my son, and then I was working on my cooking show, and now i'm talking to you!

So a great day. It's ending well, it's just great to have communication.

II_Productions66 karma

Any stories from working on Barb Wire?

RealPamelaAnderson163 karma


Well, Barb Wire seemed to last FOREVER. I ended up getting married while I was on Barb Wire, I ended up getting pregnant on Barb Wire... Tommy and I were newly married, he wanted me at home, he was always on the set causing problems, wanting to spend time with his wife when I had work to do- but it was fun, it was such an action-packed movie. And I actually went to the Cannes Film Festival to promote the film before we shot it, and we got SO much attention that they ended up changing the script several times, and changing the director, hoping that it would be maybe a big, mass-market hit, when really in the beginning it was intended to be a very dark comedy, small film.

The initial script was a lot simpler, and the director Adam Rifkin had a different image, and then they replaced him and re-wrote the script - and I was so confused - between the re-writes and all the personal stuff going on, I'm surprised it got made! But it was fun. And I learned a lot.

-Babo97-65 karma

Hey Pamela! What do you love to do in your spare time?

RealPamelaAnderson202 karma

Well, you know, as the kids are older - they're 18 and 19 - they're not always here, but I love to cook, I love to garden, I meditate, I write a lot, I have this book coming out, Raw, that shows it. A lot of my poetry, my journalling, and behind-the-scenes photographs are in it. I have a girlfriend, Emma, whom I've known for 15 years and she always seems to have a camera in her hand, so we're putting together this coffee table book with some funny moments. I like to write. And I do TM Meditation, I try and really spend some time alone lately, writing, and I'm always involved in some kind of construction - I'm building my guest house - and I'm always involved in my Foundation. I'm trying to make more spare time to be alone more, I think it's therapeutic.

orangejulius60 karma

You're an avid supporter of PETA. How do you feel about PETAs kill shelters? How do you reconcile the thoughts behind running a kill shelter with the ethical treatment of animals?

RealPamelaAnderson298 karma

Well, I believe in the quality of life of an animal. I know that's a very controversial subject, because we don't support no-kill shelters, because there are so many animals suffering in shelters that a lot of money goes to caring for animals that are injured or unable to find homes, and so they believe in the quality of life of the animal, they believe in spaying & neutering. So it may be controversial, a lot of people don't understand, a lot of animal activists want to save every single animal, and unfortunately there are so many unwanted animals and so many filled shelters, that many healthy animals get neglected and unable to find homes.

TheDuskDragon52 karma

What's up Pamela! Thanks for doing an AMA!

How is David Hasselhoff in real life? Do you guys still talk to each other?

RealPamelaAnderson126 karma

I haven't seen David in years. So no, we don't talk to each other anymore, but he was a very sweet man.

juicebox60841 karma

Hey Pam!

What can you tell us about Hef that would be a complete shocker?

RealPamelaAnderson150 karma

Well, I think he's a pretty open book, hahahaha!

I saw him at the Mansion at Easter, and I think he's almost 90. He has a bad back, so I think he's in some pain and struggling right now. But he has such an incredible spirit, and such charisma. Something that's just missing - a lost art of chivalry. You always feel special around Hef. He always makes you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. He's just got that charm.

shivan2140 karma

How do you remember Baywatch? What was best at making it?

RealPamelaAnderson220 karma

Just being outside every day. And seeing every sunrise. Our hours were sunrise to sunset. It doesn't get any better than that. To be in the ocean, running around in a bathing suit - it was really fun. And the stories were really simple, and sweet. I really believe that was probably my favorite job I ever had. It was just so sweet. And then I started marrying rockstars...

TheCalluminati34 karma

Hey Pam,

What would you say was the biggest influence in making you want create your foundation?

RealPamelaAnderson76 karma

I just felt that I'd done so much work with PETA and I was such a great connector - connecting foundations with people who had a lot of resources - that everyone was saying I should have my own foundation. So i thought I'd start doing it myself, because I'd worked very closely with people who are on the front lines. First responders to different natural disasters, whether it's Waves for Water or Sea Shepherd. My kids have done a lot of philanthropic work, when they were in Indonesia on a surf trip they brought clean water filtration there, so I thought it was such a huge part of my life that I wanted to create this foundation to help support those that are really doing this work, so it's going to people who are making huge, huge differences, so I can direct the funding to people whom I know really well and can tell you the difference they've made.

Palifaith16 karma

Who would you consider the biggest sex symbol today? (other than yourself).

RealPamelaAnderson49 karma

AAAAAH! That's so funny!

I love the old sex symbols - like Lana Turner, and Marilyn Monroe!

There's just so many to choose from, because there are so many beautiful people out there, and you can see beautiful people anywhere, on Instagram... I just think there are so many people who are addicted to fame, but the Jane Fondas and the people that i always respected always had some kind of activism in their blood - I think those are the people who always interested me.

Because a symbol of any kind - there's more to them than just looks.

There has to be something that people are attracted to beyond physical appearance.

theArnoldFans111 karma

David Hasselhoff told me he'd make a great Terminator in an Arnold film...do you agree and would YOU TOO make a great Terminator? Would you play a better nice terminator or an evil one?

RealPamelaAnderson20 karma

I don't think David would make a very good Terminator, hahaha!

And to be a Terminator, you'd have to be quite evil... right?