I'm Dawn O’Porter (http://www.dawnoporter.co.uk/). Author of Paper Airplanes (http://amuletbooks.tumblr.com/post/99494204956/exciting-news-dawn-oporter-will-be-doing-a), and creator of BOB, a clothing line (http://www.bobbydop.com/) that I am launching tomorrow at 6 months pregnant. I also think I may have lost my mind. But women are super heroes, right? Let's talk about that....

Amulet Books would like me to mention that the US edition Paper Airplanes eBook is $1.99 for today only.

Proof! http://instagram.com/p/tyFv5TNCKx/?modal=true

UPDATE - Thanks everyone, that was really fun! You were nice, which was nice, and a relief;) Let's do this again sometime...enjoy Paper Airplanes! x

Comments: 137 • Responses: 59  • Date: 

DawnOPorter8 karma

I'm about 6544 comments behind Keanu Reaves when he did this...ten minutes left...come on lets catch up!

flannell2 karma

Erm, does O'Porter have a family coat of arms?

DawnOPorter4 karma

It's in development

mark_i8 karma

Do you love Kettle Crisps or Chris more ?

DawnOPorter8 karma

dont put me in this position!!!!

thecricketnerd6 karma

Because of your name, did you ever feel that you were doomed to work the early morning shift at a hotel?

DawnOPorter6 karma

Yes, I still do. It's a constant pull. I should be in the elevator with the bags, but here I am at my computer denying who I REALLY AM.

jimmyrhcp4 karma


When you lived amongst the polygamous families, were there moments when you feared for your safety? How did the wives treat you during your stay?

P.S Major crush on you for years.

DawnOPorter3 karma

No I never feared for safety but I did think they would kick me out. The wives were mostly really nice to me, I especially bonded with one. But they still kicked off a bit when they saw the show, but I think I was very fair about their way of life.

SoltanPill3 karma

why did you turn Chris down first?

DawnOPorter5 karma

I didn't know who he was, he was just some guy on Facebook who kept asking me to go bowling. I'd never heard of him.

wee-emerald3 karma

Dawn how excited are you and your hubby for the baby coming?

DawnOPorter1 karma


mrchuckbass3 karma

What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?

DawnOPorter4 karma


6363duck3 karma

Hi Dawn! I recently found the podcasts on iTunes that you did years ago with your friends from LA, and they are hilarious! Do you have any plans to do more podcasts like that? If not please do!

DawnOPorter4 karma

God that was SO long ago. No I wont be doing anymore quite like that, although they were really fun!

SoltanPill2 karma


DawnOPorter4 karma

I know. Whatever anyone thought of her at the tie she has the right to live a normal life now. But her name was damned forever and I think that is very unfair when he continues to be a hero.

parisblu2 karma

What's your advice for attempting a vintage look without looking like you're trying too hard?

DawnOPorter6 karma

Mix your decades so you dont look like your in fancy dress (although I do), and make sure whatever you buy you are comfortable in. That is the rule for ALL fashion, when you don't look comfy you look silly or like you tried too hard.

processthePROGRESS2 karma

How did you and Chris meet?

DawnOPorter8 karma

He approached me on Facebook and asked me out. I said no. Then he approached again. Then invited him to my 30th birthday party. He came, I fancied him, I accepted his advances.

[deleted]2 karma


DawnOPorter3 karma

My superpower is that I can eat a massive packet of Kettle Chips and not feel remotely guilty. And tights, always. Sod looking sexy I need a gusset!

mark_i2 karma

My gf always talks about dressing with a more vintage style but never does.

What is something none expensive that i can get her as a gift ?

DawnOPorter4 karma

Oooooooo, good question. You can get really fun vintage jumpers. REALLY fun for this time of year then she can just wear her jeans x

6363duck2 karma

I follow you on Twitter and a lot of your tweets are food related (not a complaint, I love foodporn) how do you keep your amazing figure?

DawnOPorter5 karma

I go up and down like everyone else. But even though I eat a lot I am pretty healthy. I have treats and I keep active. I walk my dog loads, I swim. And I eat SOOOOO much good stuff. I only tweet about the naughty stuff because that's fun. No one wants to hear that lunch was a red pepper, two carrots and a pot of humous. they want to know that dinner was CHIPS.

mrchuckbass2 karma

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

DawnOPorter6 karma

I pooped in a plastic bag when I was at university. I'm still traumatised but I had no choice.

folichonne1 karma

What would you rather: have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers?

Also I know you're busy with books and babies right now but any plans for documentaries in the future? Loved your shows on Mail Order Brides and Free Love communities!

DawnOPorter1 karma

I'd have legs as long as fingers. I could sit and write all day. I need my fingers as they are. And no documentaries in the pipeline right now, I'm all focused on books and dresses.

appleflop1 karma

Once the baby is here, would you consider doing a "You Deserve A Drink" with Mamrie Hart? That would be soo good!!!

Make it happen!!

DawnOPorter2 karma

Yes SHE is my HERO and I need a drink!

mc_jakie1 karma

Hi Dawn,

My girlfriend really likes you and your programs. She's not here right now, but wanted me to ask you 'how does she get her hair so nice and shiny?'

Obviously, I'm dying to know too.

Thank you.

DawnOPorter1 karma

Sure ''my girlfriend'' whatever! Ha, I have no secret. I change shampoo all the time. I think it's because I eat a lot of avocado. Honestly, that must be it.

EnderMB1 karma

Hi Dawn! I'm a huge fan of you and your documentaries, and I'd highly recommend watching any of them. Which of your documentaries would you say you are most proud of?

DawnOPorter2 karma

ooooo, well the first one Super Slime Me got me started so I have a real fondness for that. I think we nailed the stunk/journalism and humour in that film. I also loved the Polygamy one, I felt like I was really at the heart of something there, making a program no one had seen before.

AbramsStaff1 karma

Who would you like to talk to via Reddit AMA? (Alive or passed...)

DawnOPorter1 karma

Oooo GREAT question. I'm boring though maybe. I'd like Yves St Laurent, Dior, Chanel...the old fashion greats.

jillysomething1 karma

Have you ever noticed the picture of your ideal man you drew at the end of Dawn gets a Man looks strangely like Roy from the IT crowd?

DawnOPorter1 karma

I know, we laugh about that a lot. I guess I just knew...

zefareu1 karma

Regular potato fries or sweet potato?

DawnOPorter3 karma

Regular, 100% regular. With mayonnaise, OH MY GOD I AM HUNGRY.

fake_name_emily1 karma

Will you and Chris be giving your child a crazy celeb name like Zoolander Albatross the third?

DawnOPorter3 karma

Just a symbol, like the Artist who used to be known as Prince but is now something like *>>?£

JadelynS1 karma

I loved your Channel 4 documentaries, especially the polygamy one. Which one is your favourite and why?

DawnOPorter1 karma

I just answered this....scroll down...but the Polygamy one was definitely one of my favs. thanks so much!

DawnOPorter1 karma

Did I miss anyone?

evielynch1 karma

Can you explain the name change when you were married, was it just to add a bit of Chris to you without losing your identity? Whatever the answer, I like the idea.

DawnOPorter2 karma

Yeah, I was lucky there was a little something to take as i didnt want to lose Porter. We mocked up two covers of Paper Aeroplanes and I thought O'Porter looked better. So that made it official for work, now it's on my passport. I love it !

RuthGold1 karma

Dawn! I think you are truly fabulous and I was wondering if you plan on coming back to Scotland any time soon? I know your next book isn't out for a while but even if it just for a chat about food.

DawnOPorter1 karma

I have no plans at the moment, but Chris is in Glasgow in a few weeks on his book tour, so go see him!

JadelynS1 karma

Would you like to see your books adapted for TV or film?

DawnOPorter1 karma

Yes of course...there is talk!

JOIE241 karma

What is your favorite childhood memory?

DawnOPorter3 karma

Lying with my mum on a sun bed reading her Jack in the Beanstalk.

Frajer1 karma

Is your husband Chris O'Dowd privately the same as he is publicly?

DawnOPorter15 karma

Kind of. Apart from that he wears dresses and calls himself Sandra.

Stoooooooo1 karma

Can you please describe the ideal pizza for you?

DawnOPorter1 karma

four cheeses, basil, tomato, some kind of meat, GARLIC!

Quiet_girl151 karma

I don't really have a question but just want to say I am a huge fan of your books and loved "this old thing" on channel 4. I'm totally a Flo and I know you have said before that you are a Renee. Do you find people come up to you and tell you which character they without you asking?

DawnOPorter2 karma

YES and I love it. Writing relatable characters has been the absolute highlight of my career. I LOVE that people see themselves in the girls.

coniform1 karma


DawnOPorter4 karma

I sat, I told myself I could do it, I cried a bit, I ate A LOT, I drank a touch too much, and then I just bashed the bloody thing out!

Phoebus131 karma

What was the hardest part of created BOB?

DawnOPorter3 karma

Relying on other people to do jobs that I myself don't know how to do. You employ the people you think will be able to do it, and then you hope you were right.

_Moregan1 karma

What's your role in your new clothing line?

DawnOPorter5 karma

I own it, I run it, I design the clothes and source all the vintage that we sell. I am BOB.

SoltanPill1 karma


DawnOPorter2 karma

I LOVE IT, although I havent been watching this episode. It's my guilty pleasure though, but I live in LA and can't get into it when I'm out the country.

FreakyFlamingo1 karma

Dawn, I am a massive fan of yours and I'm really hoping to take a better look at your BOB stuff soon! What inspires you to keep such vintage style, and how are you (or are you at all!) finding vintage maternity pieces?

Also, do you hope that your child is a Renee, or a Flo? Even if it's a boy!

DawnOPorter2 karma

What inspires me is that I continue to find clothes that i think represent my personalty, that is the joy of vintage. And I've been buying big stuff and having it tailored to suit a bump. And I want my kids to be like either of them, but maybe more like Renee because I like people who dont think before acting...they are fun!

robinsky11 karma

Where did you come up with the name for your clothing line?

DawnOPorter2 karma

very early on. Its an iconic hairstyle from the 60s..it's my hairstyle. I like the word, how it sounds and how it looks. So BOB it was!

Reknawa1 karma

Does Chris fix your computer when it breaks?

DawnOPorter9 karma

you know Roy isnt a real person, dont you?

that_is_so_Raven1 karma

Any thoughts on Breaking Bad?

DawnOPorter2 karma

BLOODY LOVE IT....I inhaled it. Gus was the best character of ALL time.

EVG1231 karma

Hi Dawn, I think you're great, lots of luck with the clothing line and your baby! I'd like to know who your feminist icons/idols are? Or just women you find inspirational in general?

DawnOPorter2 karma

God, so many. I always feel bad picking out individuals when so many women who are not well known inspire me. Anyone with kids and a career inspires me. Anyone who pushed through tough times to achieve success, both at home and in work. I could literally list hundreds of women I admire.

SoltanPill1 karma


DawnOPorter2 karma

I have been very welcomed, and I had the lot of them out to LA for Christmas last year and we had a ball!

AbramsStaff1 karma

Can you tell us about publishing a YA novel in the UK vs. the US?

DawnOPorter2 karma

Well the US market is just so massive, it's VERY exciting. But I have more of a profile in the UK so I guess for me that felt easier, but so far so good with the US. My publisher is awesome and people seem to like the book!

Itsafunnykindofstory1 karma

Who did you sell your soul to for that amazing hair?

And also what inspired you to create BOB? I'm so excited for it!

DawnOPorter3 karma

I woke up like this!

SoltanPill1 karma

Are you in LA for good now? Or just for a few years for Chris' career? Are you ready for your kid to have an LA accent and be obsessed with tanning?

DawnOPorter2 karma

I lived in LA before I met Chris, he moved in with me! I'm not just there for him. It's where I want to live, and I don't know how long we'll be there for yet.

revolut1onname1 karma

What's your guilty pleasure food?

Been a big fan of yours since your "Dawn..." series, loved it!

DawnOPorter3 karma

Any form of friend potato

_Moregan1 karma

What was it like to see your book on shelves for the first time? What bookstore were you in?

DawnOPorter2 karma

The best feeling EVER. I was 26, it was my first book and I walked in and it was just there. I was alone. i took a thousand photos and then went to Starbucks and say grinning like a fool as I had tea and cake. I saw Paper Airplanes in Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago and had a very similar moment...I cant imagine it will ever feel normal.

jillysomething1 karma

Hi Dawn, big fan of your work, my question is do you feel differently about giving birth now than you did when you made Dawn gets a baby or are you still terrified?

Also if I can ask a second question, whats the last great book you read?

DawnOPorter1 karma

Very much so. I wasn't ready for kids so the idea of it was hideous. I am now, I feel oddly excited about the birth. BRING IT ON.

Last great book I read was...hmmm....Maybe Steppenwolfe, Herman Hesse. Twisted and weird.

fake_name_emily1 karma

What advice would you give to someone wanting to become a writer?

DawnOPorter3 karma

write!! Too many people say this to me, I've asked them what they have written and they have nothing to show me. Write write write and blog it all out !

AbramsStaff1 karma

Do you read print or eBooks?

DawnOPorter1 karma

Both. I read so much quicker on a Kindle and travel a lot so it's handy. But I luuurrrrrvvvveeeeeee books.

Betinween1 karma

Hi! What's your favorite place to write? And did you have a specific ritual when writing? Besides the booze, food and tears I mean.

DawnOPorter4 karma

ha. I LOVE writing on my bed propped up by pillows. But if I keep on with that I'll be a hunch back by the time I'm 40. I have a desk too, I like it there, and I love sitting in restaurants and cafes. I like having people around that I dont have to speak to.

eoini1 karma


DawnOPorter3 karma

Nora Ephron, Eleanor Bergstein and...hmmm, who gets third place? Fuck it, Beyonce.

jillysomething1 karma

Where did hotpatooties come from I've always wondered?

DawnOPorter5 karma

Meatloafs song from The Rocky Horror Picture show, which I LOVE!

JohnCondren1 karma

Who gets to choose your baby's name? You or Chris? Also have you picked one yet?

DawnOPorter2 karma

I mean, you do that kind of thing together, right? And maybe...

rupesmanuva1 karma

Are you still based in the US? What do you miss the most about the UK? What do you miss the least? If you could raise your child(ren) anywhere in the world, work etc aside, where would it be?

DawnOPorter1 karma

Yes we are out there for the time being but I am in the UK a lot, so I dont get much time to miss much I still feel very involved. I miss dinners with my friends, and that sort of thing but I can't complain. And I can get MArmite out there so what more could I want!

Where to raise kids isnt something I know the answer to yet, luckily I am a way away from that!

pussy_hoarder1 karma

I would just like to say how much of a fan I am of your documentaries and shows. I thought your books were really great too. What would you say kick started your career?

DawnOPorter4 karma

Thanks so much! Hmmm, what kick started my career? I think the documentary Super Slim Me where I tried to starve to a Size Zero. I think that proved I was fearless and willing to throw myself into my work

flyflyfreebird0 karma

Dawn, do you floss regularly?

DawnOPorter3 karma

not as often as I should, I am rubbish at teeth.

you_ruin_everything-1 karma

Is it true you farted on Dennis Quaid?

DawnOPorter2 karma

YES, how did you know?? NO!!!!!