Happy Wednesday, everyone!

We are Jon, Jeremy, Izzy, Dave, Simon and Darryl - hailing from Toronto, Ontario via Lindsay, Oshawa and Milwaukee.

We released our sophomore album, "We Still Move On Dance Floors" internationally at the beginning of September and are currently on a 2 month tour that will take us through over 30 cities across the US and Canada.

We were awarded the Juno Award (Canadian equivalent of the Grammy's) this year in the Roots and Traditional (Group) Album of the Year category, The SiriusXM Indies' Folk/Roots Artist/Group or Duo of the Year and were Long-Listed in this years Polaris Music Prize.

We released a new homemade video we shot in Chicago a couple weeks ago, have a look here!. Reddit gave us a big hug last year with over 80K views in the first 24 hours of our one-continuous-shot video for End Of An Era

We're currently all in the van together heading to Boston, (Victoria is not with us...), ready to answer your questions.

Oh, yeah... our website with tour dates: thestrumbellas.ca

Proof: https://twitter.com/thestrumbellas/status/519833579032178688

EDIT: Update proof, add website

EDIT: Wow, we had a blast today everyone! Thanks for stopping by and spending some time with us, we really appreciate all the lovely things you said and shared with us, it means a lot to us to know we have wicked fans who really support what we do. We're gearing up for the gig here in Boston tonight and will wrap this up for now.

For those of you who aren't already with us, we have the twitter and facebook stuff we update on the regular. We also started r/thestrumbellas to share what we're up to... please feel free to stop by and chat if you ever get the inkling.

Much, much love! - The Strumbellas.

Comments: 232 • Responses: 117  • Date: 

wordsNtricks15 karma

I saw you twice this past month, once at Ottawa Folkfest and again at Beau's on the weekend. Both times it was rainy, muddy and completely awesome!

My question is, How did you enjoy having a freakshow on stage before you at Beau's? Did you feel the need to swallow a sword, or hammer a nail into your nose on stage to further gross out the crowd?

TheStrumbellas10 karma

Those guys stole all of the sweet moves I was going to do on stage! You can't be the second dude who swallows a sword, know what I mean? - Dave

wordsNtricks6 karma

I personally think you should have still played the entire show topless with tape over your nipples.

TheStrumbellas7 karma

Well it's not like we don't have a Maverick's show coming up... - Dave.

TheStrumbellas4 karma

We're hoping to ship in some mud for our Maverick's show, not gonna feel like Ottawa without the mess!

I loved having the Blue Mushroom Sirkus Psyshow perform we played - what a great way to get a crowd going! I met them after the show, nicest folks ever! - JD

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Definitely never gone on after a freak show before. It was amazing. Next time I'm playing the entire show on broken glass

traindodge6 karma

As Canadian musicians how does it feel getting down to some of the deep southern parts of the US or Europe and hearing your lyrics screamed back at you? That feeling of pride must be incomparable.

TheStrumbellas9 karma

It's awesome! Southern people are so nice too. And their accents are the coolest. We try to mimick it in the van and we're terrible at it. And the best fried chicken in the world...

godless_brother6 karma

Hey guys - big fan! My band actually opened for you guys, and Tom Fun Orchestra a couple years ago in Hamilton at the Casbah...you guys stole the show that night.

How do you guys keep the same excitement to play the same set of songs night in night out on tour?

Can you tell me a little bit about your writing process for new material?

What are your favourite cheeses?

TheStrumbellas8 karma

I'm a big goat cheese fan, recently got into halloumi... grilled over campfire...

It's not too hard to give the energy when you really love what you do and the people you're doing it with... and if I see just one person singing along or dancing, it becomes a part of the energy in the room we all feed from. - JD

TheStrumbellas5 karma

The process for writing a new album is to get a glass of wine, put on your mothers dress, and hide in a lonely apartment until something good comes out. I like all cheeses, except blue. Simon.

TheStrumbellas3 karma


Every show is different so playing in new places to different crowds. That helps make playing the songs every night fun and interesting every time. -Izzy

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Shout out to Tom Fun. Best dudes and best fist-pump-along-in-the-band-van record ever - Dave.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

For writing, simon sends out demos and then we tend to all agree what songs we like. Then, we head to the space and start working on parts. We then like to play them live early on to see what type of reaction we get and start to further tweak the songs from there. Then, it's studio and producer to work out any last stuff DJ

gogogogone5 karma


TheStrumbellas5 karma

We're booking a flight right now. ;) actually, if you send us an address I'll send her a signed shirt.

gogogogone2 karma


TheStrumbellas2 karma

For sure!

TheStrumbellas5 karma

Did I swim in Great Slave Lake. Yes. DJ

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Playing in Yellowknife was totally amazing btw. That's something I will never forget - Dave.

rippentacos5 karma

any plans to come play in Australia?

TheStrumbellas21 karma

It's on the radar, (eventually...). Do you have any plans to get rid of your venomous spiders?

bumbershoot_policy5 karma

I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing!! I heard you for the first time this summer at the Winnipeg Folk Fest. You rocked the stage! I'm so happy that you are coming back in November for two shows. I was devastated when I found out about the first show being sold out, and literally danced around my bathroom at the news of the second show. As opposed to what you think, the first four songs on your most recent album are the most optimistic songs I know. Somehow listening to that album can lift me out of any funk. So thank you for that. See you in November. My question is: if you had to choose an animal mascot for the band what would it be and why?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Animal mascot for me is a Canada Goose. Don't ask why. Just a long history DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I would choose a lionigator because maybe then it wouldn't haunt my dreams - Dave.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

We were super happy we could add the second show! Selling out the first show felt great, but hearing people couldn't get tix didn't feel so great. It's not always possible to accommodate a second show, so WFF helping is find another available venue was amazing.

As for band mascot? I'm gonna go with wolf. - JD

TheStrumbellas3 karma

test post please ignore

letsbeefriends3 karma


TheStrumbellas2 karma

Thanks for the band van laugh. :)

johnfrance3 karma

Saw you guys a couple years ago in Oshawa at Broken Arts Fest I think, super awesome! Missed you'll at the last Oshawa show, you planning on coming back??

TheStrumbellas6 karma

Props to Oshawa! Taunton and Harmony represeeeeeeeeeent - Dave (i.e. the dude in the band who's from there)

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Hi thanks! We will definitely be back in Oshawa. Just finalizing dates but should get back sometime this winter.

NcHawk173 karma

Hey guys! Had a great time seeing you guys at Beau's Oktoberfest, instantly one of my favorite bands now, already bought tickets to your show at mavericks in December in Ottawa.

Simon, what are some things that inspire you as a song writer? and as a band where do you guys draw influences from?

Thanks for all the wonderful music and taking some time to answer our questions!

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Death, religion, my dad, and any other nonsensical things that pop into my brain. I haven't figure out how to write positive music yet. - SW

TheStrumbellas3 karma

I personally am mostly inspired by older music. The Beach Boys, The Easybeats, The Zombies, The Chamber Brothers... sometimes feels like a standing-on-the-shoulders-of-giants type of thing. That and trying to look as much like if RUN-D.M.C. went to grad school as possible. - Dave.

NcHawk171 karma

Dave! Where can I get one of those awesome shirts you had on in the end of an era video!

TheStrumbellas2 karma

We are unfortunately sold out of those ones (we only did a tiny run) but there are some new Dave face shirts with a different design we're picking up this weekend! Grab one at a show or get in touch if you want to buy it online - Dave.

boredandtired2 karma

I saw you guys 3 years ago in may. You were playing the Cameron House in Toronto and me and my friends decided randomly to go to that bar since we had never been to it. We ended up having an amazing memorable night, and we all couldn't stop talking about how great your band was live. You guys were unreal, I grabbed a CD but lost it, but anytime I see your names on a list, I can't help but smile. I hope I get to see you guys again soon.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Well, this comment made my day. Peace DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Right on! We really cut our teeth as a band at our residencies at Cameron House and probably made our first real fans playing those shows. Cameron House holds a very dear place in our hearts, the love and support they gave in our early days was a huge part of us getting our band off the ground.


I know I've already sent this to you in a PM on Facebook, but since this is Reddit and your awesomeness deserves to be recognized - thank you so much for filming the music video for "The Sheriff" in my home town of Beaverton, Ontario. I had been working in Northern Ontario when I heard the song, and honestly feeling reeeaaal home sick. But seeing my home town alongside your incredible music destroyed my feelings of homesickness. All the memories of growing up, my friends and family - and getting tanked in the legion - came flooding back and made me smile. So again, thank you for giving me that during a supreme low in my life.

For those interested, here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im4QdVc4NEA

TheStrumbellas2 karma

We had such a fun time filming that video. Though everyone in town was a bit wary of us ripping around town in a fake cop car, haha. Glad it found you and helped you with your homesickness!

powergauge2 karma

What's your favorite type of dessert? In addition, if you could only bring one thing on a deserted island (with no internet connection of any sort) each, what would it be?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Cake. Beats pie no prob. I would bring a really thick book but my guess is I'd then be in for some serious teasing from th rest of the band (who I assume will also be stuck with me on the island, Gilligan-style) - Dave

TheStrumbellas2 karma

We should have teamed up for this so that our six things could together make one awesome thing. Instead we just have baconator kitty pie and a book - Dave.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

We just spent some time in North Carolina where the pecan pie was mighty fine. I was never a pie person but that changed my whole dessert perspective.

If I had to take one thing to a deserted island it'd definitely be a Wendy's drive thru. You need variety in any balanced diet and coconuts just don't cut it. JH

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Mine is pecan pie and I'd bring a kitten. DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Banana pudding. And I'd bring an unlimited amount of banana pudding on a deserted island. Simon. (Or a guitar)

r_antrobus2 karma

Do you like chocolate milk?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Big yes. Does anyone know if anyone still makes 3%? Haven't been able to source any for years. - JD

TheStrumbellas1 karma


TheStrumbellas1 karma

No. JH

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I don't get chocolate milk at all. We've talked about this in the van... and like not even a little bit. Even the phrase. It's like you're saying "dessert salad" to me - Dave.

titanicx2 karma

Do you ever wonder if your left testicles converse with your right?

TheStrumbellas4 karma

Depends on the style of jeans I wear and the temperature outside DJ

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Everyday of my life. I take testicles very seriously. Simon.

TheStrumbellas3 karma

You come here often? JH

DuDEwithAGuN2 karma

One reason why I should buy 2 tickets to your Phoenix show in Toronto?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

We can meet up and talk about our feelings over a glass warm milk.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I will be there? Wait, maybe that's not a good reason. DJ

gizball12 karma

Simon and Darryl, who is your favourite up and coming artist, and why is it Eli Maiuri? ;)

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Cause I've never met someone who is as equally good looking as he is a good songwriter. SW

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Eli and the Straw man. Is that you? What? You're crazy! DJ

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I love gizz

johnfrance1 karma

What is your favourite band you've ever got a chance to play with?? Any bands you were huge fans of and then got to play with?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

For me to date, I'd say Deep Dark Woods. Canmore Folkfest for a workshop and their first song was Leopold Canal. Amazing DJ

TheStrumbellas2 karma

We've been on the same bill as Neutral Milk Hotel twice and I still can't believe it. Both times we couldn't see them cause we had to play, but the second time the guys arranged for me to meet Jeff Mangum and I FREAKED OUT. He was really nice and drew me a picture that I will treasure forever because I'm a total spaz - Dave.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

We played Interstellar Rodeo with Amos Lee and I totally fangirled out. I taught myself to play guitar learning his songs. I tried to play to cool when I met him but I don't think it worked. -Izzy

TheStrumbellas1 karma

We played a Juno after party last year and Chris Hadfield did a few tunes, I totes fanboyed out. I got a chance to talk to him a bit... I'm sure I made an ass of myself, but as a bit of a space nut, it was a huge highlight. Super gracious and kind fellow. - JD

mikeypeg1 karma

Hey guys! Thanks for adding a second show in Winnipeg. You don't know how grateful we are! Where did the inspiration come from that crazy alien head in 'I'm Not The Sheriff' and where do I get my hands on one of those?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

That was the brainchild of the director we worked with, Michael Maxxis. He had a vision for the video and just went with it.

The mask was a prosthetic that took several hours to apply. Not sure where it came from :)

Mr-Iggs1 karma

What's the strangest contest you have held within the van?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

"Would you rather" is a fun game slash contest DJ

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I tend to talk a big game about my ability to eat fast food. I once tried to eat a sextuple Baconator(basically 2 triple Baconators smashed together) but didn't make it. I tried cheating by stashing a patty on the floor until Izzy started yelling 'There's a patty on the floor. There's a patty on the floor.'

Several years later I ate 40 chicken mcnuggets in one go. My proudest moment. JH

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I believe the exact phrasing was, "he took a patty out! He took a patty out!" - Dave.

dearmissally1 karma

What inspired you guys to make a band? Were there any hiccups in finding suitable members?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Starting this band was a spontaneous decision one day. I do everything in life on a whim, and this whim happened to last for 6 years so far. We have had a few people come and go. It sucks. But if you're going to sit in a van with people for 12 hours a day, you better be able to sleep in a twin bed with them too!

youngleaves1 karma

When did you all get started playing music? Did you always want to do it professionally? Best and worst things about being on tour?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I started playing violin and piano in kindergarten. I had dreams of being a classical musician but when I decided not to pursue that, I was just looking for ways to keep playing music. So I joined a few bands and eventually responded to Simons Craigslist ad. I didn't expect it to evolve into a full time career, but it's a dream come true that it did. Izzy

TheStrumbellas1 karma

20 camp fire guitar. 30. First band. Had no idea what I was doing on bass and am in complete shock with the support we're getting. Jer hates me for this too:) DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Let's just say I started to lip sync to sinead o'connors nothing compares to you in front of the mirror at a very young age.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I realized I sucked at sports. I always dreamed of doing it professionally, but I never thought that dream would come true.

Best thing about being on tour is meeting people from all walks of life. Worst thing is missing home and loved ones - JD

WhenIPoopItMakesMeFe1 karma

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that you're incredible! Through your music, I feel as though you represent us Canadians well! Anytime anyone wants me to suggest music you guys are the first on my list! I've seen you in Kingston a handful of times and I look forward to seeing you here at the Grad Club in December!

What I want to know is how many baby birds do you think could fit in Jon's beard? That thing is a legend among mere mortals!

Cheers! Keep on keeping on!

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I'm guessing 14 DJ

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I think the real question is how nice is it to run your fingers through that thing and the answer is real nice - DAAAAAAVE.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

14.6. Don't ask how we got it down to such a specific number. Thanks for the beard love. JH

A2Spartan1 karma

Hey guys. I saw you guys in the little town of Winona Lake, Indiana. Had never heard of you guys but really enjoyed the show. How did that little show compare to some of the other ones you guys have done?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

It was awesome. Everyone was so nice to us. And we got to try some really expensive scotch.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

All shows bring something cool. For me, it's about the setting and vibe on the night. We were treated extremely well in Winona with a great response. So it felt great. And so did that beef tenderloin I ate afterwards. DJ

Roogoyle1 karma

Hey guys, it's Roo! A two parter:

1) What memories do you have of some of those early Toronto shows, like cramped in the corner at The Press Club, or on stage with 10 members (including a saw player) at Bread and Circus?

2) Do you ever play any of the early songs anymore (The Racer, Indiana?) Follow up...do you ever sing the original lyrics to Underneath by accident??

So glad to have been there in the early days, still a HUGE supporter :)

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Hey Roo! A lot of my memories from those shows involve Jon and Adrian ripping off insane clarinet and mandolin solos and me feeling lucky and kind of amazed. Indiana has come back recently, bit of a surprise but then Simon's always good for a few of those. Racer might be somewhat permanently dead but you never know (see above re: surprises) - Daaaaaave.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Hey Roo! How about that original management team?

Those early show shaped us. Not even sure how 10 peeps fit on those stages. Kind of a miracle.

Indiana and Underneath is what we still play. Lyric slips. No. That would be immediate band meeting:) thanks for all your support. DJ

doritodust1 karma

Sit or stand?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Stand DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

You mean, during sex? - Dave.

BVKR1 karma

Saw you guys first at the Owl's Head Festival 2 summers ago and got totally hooked on your sound, very excited to see you again in Montreal! For me there's something raw and authentic in your music, the people you sing about and the stories jump right out of the track and take form in my mind. I saw the video on your website about the inspiration for end of an era, so other than love in the age of cholera, what book (that you've actually read) has influenced you the most in general? Also how would you feel about playing at my hypothetical wedding some day? I'm thinking tiki lights, a bonfire and lots of dancing.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

This is a hard one to answer since I'm doing a literature PhD, so my relationship to books is a bit weird. In all honestly Jane Austen's novels, despite their reputation, have influenced a lot of what I think about friendship and love. Aristotle on what I think happiness is. A book called The Closing of the American Mind when I was younger and Anne Carson a lot these days. I also like poop jokes - Dave.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

My fav book? Into the Wild. But to be honest I don't really read. I can't keep focused long enough. I always do that thing where I read a page and then have no idea what I read so I have to do it again. I've read the first page of thousands of books. We'd love to play at your wedding if it works out. It sounds like it will be beautiful. SW

rjorg1 karma

Hey Hey, I drove out to see you in Charlotte last month and it was amazing. The crowd was roaring. Dave really missed out ;)

Question: I have been listening to your music almost religiously for over a year now and I was wondering if most of your songs are pretty true to life in some fashion or are they just really good relatable lyrics by default?

P.s. Keep coming to the southeast!

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Roaring it was. DAAAAVe. Hey Simon. Answer this one about lyrics. DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Always super, super sad to miss a show - Dave :(

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Hey. Thanks for the question. My lyrics are pretty honest. My favourite part about being in a band is when someone who has a mental illness, is depressed, or is generally going through a hard time in life tells me my lyrics helped them in some way. It means the world to me.

xxdoompigxx1 karma

Hey I'm in Caleb Warren and the Perfect Gentlemen. We played together last month at the Tin Roof Cantina in Atlanta. We had a blast. I played your bass when you guys finished. How did you like Atlanta? Is the rest of the tour going good?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Hey dude! You guys were awesome. And you especially were very awesomely entertaining. I honestly find people in the South (atlanta included) to be probably the nicest and most hospitable people I've ever met. And that's coming from a Canadian ;) Let us know when you guys make the trek up north. We'll have a snowball fight.

xxdoompigxx1 karma

Will have to do that. Lol glad I was able to leave an impression. You guys are awesome

TheStrumbellas2 karma

5 feet of snow!

tdog34561 karma


TheStrumbellas1 karma

Duck sized horses. -izzy

TheStrumbellas1 karma

A good question but what I wonder is: why 100 duck-sized horses? Is a horse 100 times the size of a duck? What's the measurement? Body mass? You need all the details before you can answer... JH

TheStrumbellas1 karma

It's always been my dream to be on a reddit AMA and get asked this. (I'm a Reddit Junkie) Oh, and a horse sized duck. No one could beat 100 duck sized horses by sheer numbers alone.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Bring on the 100 duck sized horses!! DJ

Iain131 karma

Are you ever going to make up the Halifax & Moncton shows that got canceled last tour?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

We always love coming east and we don't get to do it enough. Hopefully we will be back next spring or summer! -izzy

crisberry1 karma

Your music is fantastic, so rich and captivating! But my favourite thing about you is how down-to-earth and approachable you are. My question is, how much will you charge to play at my wedding? It might be a while, though... I lack the necessary ingredients, such as a significant other. Looking forward to your next show!

TheStrumbellas1 karma

1 million dollars:) when you find the sig other, let's negotiate. Sometimes we'll play for beef jerky! DJ

agvlachos1 karma

Hello! thanks for your music i just love it. My question is not a question really. I was just wondering whether i could find the lyrics of your songs somewhere online since english is not my native language? Thank you

TheStrumbellas1 karma

We haven't put up or lyrics anywhere online, unfortunately. There are a few sites where fans have submitted lyrics and chords and the lyrics are usually pretty close. Close enough at least ;). - izzy

TheStrumbellas1 karma

send us a note and I'll email them to you. :)

justbingit1171 karma

Hey guys, huge fan. Last time I counted I think I've seen you 7 times, the first was a free lunchtime show at my university (Guelph) a few years ago and the most recent was a sold out show at the Horseshoe in Toronto.

So how's the US tour going? Are people showing up specifically to see you or are you playing at venues where people stop by to check out new bands? Or is it a good mix of fans and future fans?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Awesome! We always love playing in Guelph. Playing in the US is a mix. In some cases we are opening for more established bands and in some cases were tying it on our own. We do better in some regions than others. Some states we get a great crowd, others not so much. Still a bit of trial and error at this point :). -izzy

Madworldz1 karma

Hey there, love ya guys! So I'm curious...

Sometimes while I'm sitting in my family room watching TV or smoking a bowl and sometimes even while I'm completely wacked out of my mind. I'll look over at the blinds on my window to the left of my fireplace. You know that little string that hangs down letting you pull the blinds up or bring them down? Well sometimes, while sitting there and looking at this string. It will slightly start to sway from left to right. Never right to left, but left to right.

So my question for you all is, should I make mac n cheese for dinner, or would pizza be a better choice?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Is it KD or homemade?

justbingit1171 karma

Is Simon wearing shoes right now?

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Real Men don't wear Shoes! (Unless there is any hint of a hard surface as I have very tender feet and I like to keep a healthy moisture on my toes at all time) SW

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I don't even have to look. The answer is no. He is literally sitting behind me. JH

9119911 karma

Nick Mount gave me my first exposure to your music in ENG140 and I KNEW I had to check it out. Saw you guys back in May at the Indie awards and I'm lucky enough to see you guys when you're back in TO in November.

So... Thanks for it all, I wish I had chosen my TAs better.

And do you guys feel like this is all happening kind of fast? That you're "making it"?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I won't be happy until they make a 'Classic Albums' about a record we make. We're still babies. Both literally and figuratively. Or to hang out with Ryan Adams for a day. SW

BuzzyDog1 karma

Please answer in exactly 23 words. Are you going to suck as bad as Nickleback, or rock as hard as The Tragically Hip?

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Oh c'mon, who didn't like "how you remind me" when it first dropped on the radio...SW

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Well, I'd love to sell as many records as Nickelback and feel the same kind of Canadian pride as The Tragically Hip do. - JD

lostlemon1 karma

How do you guys deal with getting sick? Do you resign yourselves to all getting sick? How do you go about preventing a cold from spreading?

P.S: I've played your albums so often that I've converted most of my roommates into fans. Can't wait for your next!

TheStrumbellas2 karma

The van is pretty much like a kindergarten class. It's completely full of germs but it's like Mr. Burns...so many that none can make their way into our immune systems.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

we run this band on a very strict policy of Death before Dishonor. If I get sick, you get sick. SW

morgueanna1 karma

Never heard of you before. I must have missed the original thread showcasing your video. I'm listening to "We Still Move On Dance Floors" and it's great stuff. Thanks for doing this AMA because I probably would have never stumbled across you any other way.

Ok, a question: any plans to make it to California, especially the LA area?

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Thank you!

We will be playing in LA at the Hotel Cafe on Oct 21. Swing by and say hello! JH

remus_631 karma

Strums!! Humongous fan of your music. I saw you guys in Regina and we talked to for a bit. My buddy and I were the ones tweeting you up until the concert and requested you to play Indiana, thanks for doing that by the way! My question: Where do your ideas for your lyrics come from? Is some of it religion? I've noticed in your songs you reference "Jesus" and "Lord" and was wondering how those lyrics came to be. Looking forward to seeing you guys in Saskatoon ok November 8th.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Hey! Good to hear from you guys. I just think Jesus and religion in general are the most fascinating topics of all time. I always ask both religious and secular people their opinions on religion and why they believe what they do. It's so fascinating! What do you take from them? Now I'm curious...

smelly_me1 karma


TheStrumbellas2 karma

White. And no. We're Just a band family with kids DJ

Unable131 karma

Whats the worst thing any of you have had inside of your bodies? (not sexual, medical; tapeworms, kidney stones ect..)

TheStrumbellas2 karma

I once ate 40 mcnuggets in one sitting so I had that inside my stomach. JH

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I once had a lumbar puncture. That was quite uncomfortable to put it mildly. - JD

coffeenachos1 karma

What would be your advice to a band trying to get themselves out there? My husband and his group have been playing music for 10+ years together and have played shows but I think if they somehow got out there they could be something bigger.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Relentless ambition. SW

TheStrumbellas1 karma

It's a hard question to answer, because every band is different and what works for one band might not work for another.

My only advice is to make sure you love what you are doing. If you truly do, it will show and become infectious. - JD

coffeenachos1 karma

Music is in their blood for sure. Do you feel like social media is a good outlet to use? I keep telling them to use all these tools to their advantage. BTW I just googled your band because I've never heard of you and gotta say instant fan!

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Sweet, thanks! Social media is a great tool, for sure, but I feel like it must be used in conjunction with getting out there and playing live.

masamedda1 karma

You performed at my aunt and uncle's 20th anniversary party in the fall of 2011, and this summer I saw you guys rock the stage at TURF! Incredible to see how successful y'all have become.

I have a lot of questions, but this is the most pressing: how did the guitar-throwing stunt get its start, and has it ever gone wrong? I'm sure all the band members are used to it by now, but I think most crowd members stopped breathing.

TheStrumbellas3 karma

The guitar throwing thing was a random idea I had. One time I rented a really expensive guitar, threw it up and smashed it. So I've stopped throwing them up for a bit...

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Pretty much freaks me out every time he's done it and there might be a little poop in my pants during 🎆 DJ

TheStrumbellas3 karma

x2 re: pooping the stage - Dave.

BCrane1 karma

Ryan Gosling or Kate Upton?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

A mismatch Goston DJ

sstelmaschuk1 karma

Jeez, thread is four hours old so don't know whether anyone is still here; but may as well.

Just want to say I love the album; it's great road trip music, especially when heading out on these long Saskatchewan highways!

So, question: When are you coming to our big flat province?!

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Awesome, thanks! Saskatoon on Nov. 8th!

TheStrumbellas2 karma

We play Saskatoon nov 8th!!

bepositiveorgtfo1 karma

Are you working on another album?? Your 2 albums are up in my all time faves so I can't wait to hear new music!

TheStrumbellas3 karma

Album número 3 is in the works. No set time yet but songs are being jammed and we are slowly introducing some at live shows DJ

rins191 karma

You guys are awesome! I have seen you live twice now and I have had your record playing non-stop for a couple months now. Who are some artists that have influenced you guys musically or who are some artists that you guys really love listening to?

TheStrumbellas1 karma

For me, Broken Social Scene, Dawes, Father John Misty, Deep Dark Woods, Future Islands, The Supremes DJ

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Ryan Adams and the cardinals, meatloaf, father john misty, royal city, wu tang clan.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Sometimes I think this thing I'm doing where I want to listen to Robyn constantly is just a phase and other times I think it's permanent. Also listening a lot to Adam Baldwin's EP which is awesome and Sam Cash who honestly writes some of this country's best rock and roll songs - Dave.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Ryan Adams, Bon Iver, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac -izzy

Mr-Iggs1 karma

Hey guys! I made one of the better mistakes in my life when I accidentally attended your Juno fest show last winter, and you made sweet love to my ears. My question is who is the inspiration/ story of "the fire"? Also I recently terrorized the Winnipeg Folk Festival store via multiple aliases and email accounts to open a second show Nov.11 as I missed on tickets for the night before. Now that you're stuck in "the heart of the continent" for a night, want to sing karaoke?

TheStrumbellas5 karma

The fire is about my dad. He died when I was 16. He always wanted to be a 'rock star' so I'm doing this to hopefully make him proud up there.

TheStrumbellas2 karma

Can you handle my staggeringly accurate version of R. Kelly's Ignition (Remix) tho? - Dave.

loveitordie1 karma

Also, WHEN you guys get big do you think it will change you? And if so, in what ways?

TheStrumbellas10 karma

Yes, it will change us. For one thing, we'd stop answering AMA questions honestly and instead plug our fifth studio album Rampart. JH

TheStrumbellas3 karma

I'm already at a point where after every show I just throw that day's pair of Jordans in the garbage - Daaaaaaave.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

Let's just say our rider will consist of bowls of seperate coloured m&m's, football helmets full of cottage cheese, and nude pics of bea Arthur. Simon.

TheStrumbellas1 karma

I think the only things that will change will be better soap in the hotel rooms DJ