Highest Rated Comments

TheStrumbellas21 karma

It's on the radar, (eventually...). Do you have any plans to get rid of your venomous spiders?

TheStrumbellas10 karma

Yes, it will change us. For one thing, we'd stop answering AMA questions honestly and instead plug our fifth studio album Rampart. JH

TheStrumbellas10 karma

Those guys stole all of the sweet moves I was going to do on stage! You can't be the second dude who swallows a sword, know what I mean? - Dave

TheStrumbellas10 karma

Ya. This is what JD is like and we deal with this shit day-in and day-out! DJ

TheStrumbellas9 karma

It's awesome! Southern people are so nice too. And their accents are the coolest. We try to mimick it in the van and we're terrible at it. And the best fried chicken in the world...