I'm currently in Indonesia in the West-Java province visiting remote and rural regions where child mortality rates are high. Internet is spotty and Reddit is blocked by the ISP's on the connections available to us but since Reddit loved the AMA we set up via satellite almost two years ago from the Mali desert (http://bit.ly/1j7qndj), we thought we'd try to do one here as well. Questions will be texted to us by a friend and we'll text the answers back to post them.

Proof: Imgur

I'm here visiting Save the Children's programs together with Athene since we are independent fundraisers and wanted to document where the money goes.


Thanks so much for all the questions, everyone! Sofie loved it, even though it was difficult for her to imagine that these questions came from people from all over the world, who are interested in her way of life.

Comments: 1419 • Responses: 20  • Date: 

NorthofBarrie852 karma

Also, what are some of the things you like about your life?

reese0152223 karma

I like strawberry ice cream

WeededDragon1842 karma

What do you know about other countries?

reese0151926 karma

I can only imagine good things about the rest of the world.

duncnx763 karma

What is your favorite school subject?

reese0151438 karma

I love science and I am the second best in my class.

Ipowermaral760 karma

What do you want to do/be when you grow up?

reese0151555 karma

I want to be a teacher so I can make other children smart.

Ipowermaral700 karma

What is your biggest wish/dream?

reese0151407 karma

To become a doctor so I can help other people more.

reese015699 karma


Thanks so much for all the questions, everyone! Sofie loved it, even though it was difficult for her to imagine that these questions came from people from all over the world, who are interested in her way of life.

the_awkward_turtle_644 karma

If you could get any item you want, what would you get?

reese0151216 karma

Cellphone and laptop.

nigel_with_the_brie536 karma

What do you and your friends do for fun? What kind of games do you play?

reese0151036 karma

At school I love to play with the jump rope but at home I love to play hide and seek. There is one place behind the house where nobody ever finds me.

duncnx462 karma

What is your favorite thing to do for fun?

reese015802 karma

Riding bicycle and rope skipping.

Ipowermaral416 karma

What are you scared of?

reese015794 karma

Snakes! I'm afraid of getting bitten by them.

Lavalamp21390 karma

What is your favorite and least favorite food?

reese015711 karma

I love chicken saté but I don't like spicy food. I also love noodles.

duncnx377 karma

Who do you look up to/who is your role model?

reese015793 karma

My mother.

PDFIN325 karma

what is it that makes you smile and feel happy? what is happiness to you?

reese015768 karma

When someone gives me money to buy candy or food.

Ipowermaral270 karma

Can you tell us about your best/worst memory?

reese015624 karma

My bday is may 14 and it was great and fun. We went out with my friends while it was raining and we were playing out in the rain.

WeededDragon1260 karma

What did you do this morning?

reese015561 karma

I made my bed.

duncnx199 karma

What's your name? and do you have a nickname?

reese015316 karma


tictacshaq191 karma

what do you think of Athene? 8D

reese015344 karma

It's hard to say cause I'm meeting him for the first time.

duncnx176 karma

What's your favorite part of science class?

reese015350 karma

I love learning about nature.

teddyg11101 karma

I would like to ask any of these questions. How much do you play and how much do you work? What do you do everyday or in the week? What do you think about foreigners and the rest of the world? And how many friends do you have at home/how big is your family?

edit: I came up with a few more questions. How old are you? Is there anything you want to accomplish this year? Who are your most favorite people in the whole world? Have you heard of Bill Gates? Have you lost any friends or family members to sickness?

reese015226 karma

How many friends do u have? How big is your family: A lot! More than 50! And I'm the youngest in a family of 4.

reese015222 karma

How much do you play and how much do you work? Every morning until noon I go to school. After that I play with my friends.