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Vortegne3 karma

What locks are unpickable or nearly unpickable?

doors_cannot_stop_me7 karma


Vortegne4 karma

Thanks for the answers!

How does one learn to pick locks? For emergencies and such.

doors_cannot_stop_me13 karma


JamieNOR10 karma

When I looked into lockpicking someone from /r/lockpicking suggested that I should watch this youtube playlist and read this guide.

doors_cannot_stop_me3 karma


dale_glass1 karma

Ok, then what would be the best lock types to deter a low-medium skilled thief? So for an example scenario, no amazing expertise, no fancy tools, and they don't want to attract attention.

I've heard good things about disc tumbler locks, what do you think of those?

doors_cannot_stop_me7 karma

They're quite nice. But in reality, most breakers and enterers are going to break something rather than learn to pick locks. A back door window is sooo much easier and less noticeable than spending 20 minutes or an hour fiddling with a new lock.

A decent Schlage with a few security pins thrown in should be enough to deter a novice lockpicker. Just make sure that the rest of your house is also hard to get into. Or at least harder than your neighbor's house.

stitch991 karma

Assuming there are some, what kinds of locks can you not pick, and why?

Are you ever tempted to use your powers for evil, and do you?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

There are several I can't pick, but I'm getting better all the time. Usually, it has to do with time constraints. But security pins and sidebars also give me trouble, along with not having the right tools for every situation.

I've been tempted, but I like my job way too much. And I like guns. I'd lose both if I aggro the law enforcement too much.

lanceschaubert1 karma

Have you ever met any other smith that was involved in a heist or was asked to join a heist and turned it down?

If so, story?


Edit: spelling

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

Nope. But I once sat around a campfire with a blacksmith and a gunsmith. It was a good evening.

lanceschaubert2 karma

That sounds like the opening to a good joke and an even better evening.

doors_cannot_stop_me4 karma

A gunsmith, a blacksmith and a locksmith walk into a bar. They don't say a darn thing, because they're all just happy to not have a know-it-all customer opening their mouth-hole at them for just a few minutes of the day. The end.

*Edit: Just kidding, customers. I love you! Please keep paying me!

BePlant1 karma

Hello! I made a post a few months ago in /r/whatisthisthing, about some funny looking metal pieces my mom randomly bought on a flee market in Brussels.

One of the top comments was "Could possibly be some kind of old lock tumblers. Interesting stuff..."

Do you perhaps know what they could be? Or can you confirm they're lock tumblers maybe?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

Looks like a very old locksmith's rekeyng kit for wafer locks. Cool find!

BePlant1 karma

Awesome, thank you!

Sorry to ask, but do you have an estimate how old we're talking here? And do you (roughly) know how they were used? Like, why are there so many of them, wouldn't a few be enough to work with? Or is it just a big collection?

Sorry to be a pain in the ass, and if you have no idea, no worries! My mom's just curious...

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

No problem!

I have no idea how old it is. But a locksmith needs many of each size of pin or wafer, so that he can rekey (change which key works) locks. I keep dozens of each size I use on hand, and hundreds in stock at the shop.

When you rekey a lock, you take out the old wafers or pins (which correspond in size to the depth of the cuts on the key) and replace them with new ones that match the target key. Hope this helps!

dirtymoney1 karma

what is yours and your boss's attitude towards lockpicking hobbyists.

I have personally run into too many locksmiths who dont like us.

doors_cannot_stop_me5 karma

My boss doesn't think there should be so much information out there about how locks work, and thinks there "oughtta be a law."

I think information wants to be free, and got my start as a lockpicking hobbyist. Security through obscurity is a dying market.

notimeforidiots1 karma

1-10, difficulty for you to *pick a lock?

edit: word

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

Depends on the lock. A lock of hair? 1. A vault lock in a bank? 10.

datanimal1 karma

if you could only have sex with one lock for the rest of your life what lock would it be?

doors_cannot_stop_me8 karma

The Lock sic Ness Monster. I would give her an allowance of tree-fiddy.

ErnieMcgee1 karma

I scanned through but didn't see this question (if it's already been asked, sorry about the repeat) but...How long on average does it take to go through the apprenticeship if that system is used or is your industry now more of a 'go to school/training' to become certified?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

I didn't go through a true apprenticeship or anything like that. I knew lockpicking from my own hobby time and basic residential work from my time working in a home improvement store. My (current) boss needed someone who was really good at customer service, and could learn the rest. I was that guy.

Very lucky, honestly.

ErnieMcgee1 karma

Nice, thank you for answering my question so quickly. Follow up - on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being very happy, how would you rate your job satisfaction and work/life balance?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

4.5, most days. I still work for and with people, and I hate people. In general, that is.

reddit_for_ross1 karma

I feel like your name should be /u/doors_cannot_stop_me_smee

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

I am still fully possessed of both hands. If I end up with a hook, I will change my username.

a_posh_trophy1 karma

Have you ever been called to a job that you thought was suspicious but proceeded anyway?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

A couple. If I get one of those, there is a long release form to fill out and we always have the option to call the police if the customer is lying about having proof in the house. I've never had to do that, though.

MasantXVI1 karma

Why must I buy lockpick sets online as opposed to in a hardware store?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

Many locales have laws governing the sale of lock picks (or "burglary tools" in general). Not to mention that (in the US) we are a litigious bunch and will sue over anything. Lowe's doesn't want John Doe suing them for providing picks to thieves. It's silly, but true.

killercurvesahead1 karma

When I was a kid, I was catsitting for a friend and locked the keys in the houseā€”on the piano, in view from the front door window (d'oh!). My dad called a locksmith and he got us in so we could retrieve the keys. Good Guy Dad paid for the service, and we never mentioned it to the family I was catsitting for.

Question: Why the heck did that locksmith open somebody else's house for us? (uh, yep we're white)

Followups: As an industry, are there particular ethical standards locksmiths are bound to abide by? How liable are you if someone abuses your services?

doors_cannot_stop_me2 karma

It's often just a judgement call, but there are a few ways to mitigate the possibility of getting in trouble. We have "emergency forms" for our customers to fill out when they need something unlocked that isn't theirs. We check ID and they have to sign that they take full responsibility. In my state that is generally enough, but it always pays to be cautious.

As far as industry-wide standards go, I'm actually not sure. My boss has kind of left it at, "Don't be dumb." If a locksmith does something shady, they can lose their license or certification.

In my state, as long as we are reasonably certain that someone should be allowed access, we are generally covered.

Hope that answers your question.

db633761 karma

What kind of locks should I put on my house?

doors_cannot_stop_me4 karma

In the US, Schlage are plenty good for residences. Kwikset are ok. Both are pickable, but theives rarely pick locks, preferring to instead smash windows. Get good windows.