My father was in the Soviet Military for over 20 years. At the young age of 11 he was sent to one of the most prestigious military boarding schools in the U.S.S.R known as the Suvorov school. He has numerous stories that depict every aspect of the military and social structure of the U.S.S.R. He had lived through the famines and had been posted in some of the most remote regions of the country. He had seen the total nonsensical behavior of the Russian government and experienced it first hand as he rose through military ranks. His stories range from experiences during the Cold War to his business dealings during the time of the Perestroyka as a Director of one of the largest freight forwarding companies that provided services in the ex Soviet Republics (needless to say a lot of bribery was involved). If you want to know some inside details about life back then, this is your chance. Ask him Anything!

The reason I am doing this is that I want to write a book about his life. We now live in Canada. I want people to know exactly how insane things were over there.

Proof: Gift from US Element Gift from British Element Graduation badge from the Victor Suvorov Military Academy

Further proof has been sent to mods.

Information about the Berlin Air Safety Center

Information about the Suvorov Military Academy

Edit: I am sorry I couldn't answer any more questions. I will resume answering at 2:30-3:00pm EST.

Comments: 71 • Responses: 10  • Date: 

Panentheist10 karma

Does he wish that the USSR never collapsed, and was still the Soviet Union today, or does he prefer the current model? Also what's his view on America?

StumpChunk13 karma

I believe that it was a historical mistake that it has ever existed in the first place. America deserves respect because they represent a real sample of democracy. Of course it's not perfect but it's one of the best.

trenchknife9 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. I assume he has now had access to a lot of declassified Western data from when he was in. Has he learned anything that the U.S.S.R. was dead-wrong about, or vice-versa? I'm thinking things like the U.S.S.R.'s fears about our Star Wars program, or the U.S. fears at the time that the Russkies were always just about to hit the big red button. I'm guessing there were some secret-weapon eye-openers for him since then.

StumpChunk19 karma

All those stories about soviet military power were exaggerated by up to 80%. I served in different branches of the army and I saw it myself. Mostly, high ranking officers (generals) got their positions because family connections. I have never met in smart or intelligent and well educated generals. So ou can judge my skepticism from this statement about any surprise I may have had.

I was very well informed because I had clearance to all western classified materials and therefore never truly afraid.

To give you an example I was already using touch screen technology in 1982.

credy9 karma

Why were you chosen to attend such an elite military academy at such a young age? Did you have any major accomplishments under your belt? What was the background of your classmates at the academy? What became of them after the soviet union fell? What became of you?

StumpChunk13 karma

  1. It was youth romanticism. At the time the saying went "bitches piss steaming hot for anyome from the suvorov academy". To get into the school I had to pass numerous intellectual examinations.
  2. I was a bright student. Studying for me was always easy and fun as I always studied much more than the material taught in class.
  3. They all varied. Some got in like me due to good grades others had good family connections.
  4. I am 62 years old now. Most of my core students are retired now. Some have died due to various circumstances.
  5. After the soviet union, during the perestroyka I became the GM of a large freight forwarding company that had 7 branches all over the former soviet union. Today I work in personal injury in Canada.

onepurch9 karma

How did the USSR view China? (ally against West or military threat based on population and location)

StumpChunk9 karma

They were allies right after WWII after the establishment of the communist regime but at the beginning of the early 60's and further the relations the two powers deteriorated and when I became an officer China was considered one of the potential enemies of the Soviet Union.

martusfine7 karma

What are his thoughts on Putin, favorite Vodka, and lastly, how mundane was his career during the Cold War? Meaning, were there more moments of downtime and "paper shuffling" interrupted by high tense and high energy moments?

StumpChunk14 karma

My opinion is that Putin is the typical and thevworst product of the Soviet system and not because he was a KGB operative but because of his behavior presently meaning first of all it looks like he is aspiring to restore the soviet empire. Secondly his behavior is a typical examplr of behavior of a high ranking soviet operative. If you ever hearf about the soviet union's foreign minister Andrey Gromyko whose nickname in the west was Mr. Net (no) he also rejected each and every iniative of the west. He unleashed an unprecedented anti west and anti american campaign in russia. Putin supports one of the worst regimes in Russia, namely Chechneya. Presently it looks likethr Russian regime is a mixture of Stalin's and Brezhnev's regime. I personally dispise this man and all efforts should be made to remove him from power.

Sterling Vodka is my favorite.

The whole service in the Soviet armed forces was useless and pointless. The myth about the so called undefeatable soviet army in practice is a real myth because starting from the high ranking officers of the soviet army up to the lowest level of soldiers was involved in drinking. There was no combat readiness at all, only on paper. I dare to state that from 60-70 percent of all soviet military technologies were not effective and broken. The command was not effective and all military excercises were stupid and dull.

Kalbru5 karma

Did your father ever have any dealing with the KGB during the Cold War and why the move to Canada?

StumpChunk12 karma

I have never dealt with the KGB directly nor did I want to but the whole country was affected the KGB. I moved the Canada because I decided it was the best place to raise a family in.

doubleheresy3 karma

What was the military like as the Soviet Union collapsed?

StumpChunk5 karma

I left the soviet army in 1990 but I don't think it is any better now. I believe the soviet military is even weaker now than it was back then.

antoniusmagnus1 karma

Does he miss the USSR? Does he look back on his days in the Soviet Army with fondness?

StumpChunk2 karma

If you look back at the other responses you'll notice. He had extreme dislike for the USSR and the Soviet Army. The army was completely disorganized and NOTHING comparing to what the USA and the rest of the world thought it was. It was all a propaganda tactic that worked.

AReaver1 karma

What can you tell us about the B.A.S.C.

StumpChunk8 karma

What exactly would you like to know? Please be a little bit more specific.

DabMonger-5 karma

My father was a high ranking offer in the Soviet Military

What is a high ranking offer?

StumpChunk8 karma

He was a Captain. As you can see in the photos.