Hello Reddit! Grandson here doing the typing. We will start fielding questions at around 7 central. Happy Birthday Grandpa! Edit: Verification! http://imgur.com/2WAIF

DOUBLE EDIT: experiencing some technical difficulties with grandpa's internet connection. ( I am posting from my phone) Stay tuned, I might be a while...

UPDATE: Grandpa is in bed for the night, keep your questions coming and we will answer everything tomorrow! (Birthday cake at 6)

UPDATE 2: WOW. Thanks guys! I will relay all the questions tonight, then I will show you the Guffelworfs.

FINAL UPDATE: Grandpa is tired, thank you everyone! Next time we come over we will go in depth on the art!

Comments: 255 • Responses: 42  • Date: 

spaghetticat201265 karma

Given the option, would you fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?

nicvanroon238 karma

I would pick the duck, it's a fairer fight.

killerardvark57 karma


nicvanroon114 karma

D-day, that's the big one. Then Caen. Once we got over that hurdle the trip through Belgium was easy. Germans retreated from Belgium without too much of a problem. The city of Brugge was tough. We gave the Germans 24 hours to retreat. Thankfully they got out of there. The waterway into Antwerp was dangerous.

GramTheDon13 karma

As a Canadian Vetran, how do you feel about the initiative by some Vets this Remembrance Day to leave their service medals at home to protest the changes to the Vetran's Benefits for current/future vetrans?

Did you wear yours? Do you know anyone (perhaps your from your Legion) who choose to leave theirs at home?

nicvanroon12 karma

I wear mine, I don't care what anyone else does.

nicvanroon10 karma

I wear mine, I don't care what anyone else does.

[deleted]41 karma

What was the most chickens you owned at one time?

nicvanroon22 karma

1200 I think.

Tittybanana36 karma

Grandpa, how do you feel about all the new technology?

nicvanroon68 karma

Good for the people who are here.

louisde431 karma

Who taught you how to internet?

nicvanroon102 karma

My grandson is typing for me, the internet still scares me.

xxcheese19 karma

Did WW2 change your style of art after the war, or did you become an artist after the fact?

nicvanroon56 karma

I didn't start painting until I was 61. I started making sculptures shortly thereafter. I took photos throughout the war but never really considered it art. Just documenting. I like using oil paint because if I make a mistake I can cover it up! (Answered from grandson's memory)

xxcheese22 karma

I don't suppose we can see some of those photos? ...Assuming they're readily available.

nicvanroon162 karma

jjlqb14 karma

Do you have a portfolio of your artwork?

nicvanroon80 karma

No portfolio, just walls and closets. http://imgur.com/LxeKU

stoltesawa2 karma

Any chance we could see some of these paintings in detail?

nicvanroon5 karma

Yes. :) I will make a gallery when we get to grandpas

herplede3 karma

I would love it if he could pick out some of the pieces he's most proud of and tell us about them!

nicvanroon4 karma

He is tired right now...Next time we come over I will do an art post and show you the hundred-some sculptures he's made

herplede3 karma

Thank you very much! Offhand, do you know if he keeps them all, or does he sell any of his art?

nicvanroon3 karma

Keeps all his art and gives some to people he likes.

jimmyshagbag10 karma

As an American tanker we always complain about how cramp it is in the Abrams in all our gear. How tight was the fit in the old Shermans? Edit picture of my fat girl when she broke down.

nicvanroon9 karma

I"m a small guy, but it was tight.

ILoveYouKiki10 karma

Where do you live in Canada? Saskatchewan myself.

nicvanroon6 karma


IhateToronto8 karma

What is the thing that changed that upset you most in the last 50 years?

What is the one thing you would still like to accomplish?

nicvanroon17 karma

The holocaust.

I would like to invent something cute and useful.

GalantGuy5 karma

When did you learn about the holocaust? Was it common knowledge throughout the war, or something that was a secret until the allies started liberating camps?

nicvanroon9 karma

Just at the end of the war is when we learned about it, as hostilities ceased.

_ajayy5 karma

Do you have any regrets? (profession, love interest, etc.) [Sorry might get awkward for Grandson OP]

nicvanroon8 karma


2XChromosomes5 karma

Happy Birthday!

What is the secret to your longevity? In your opinion, is physical health or mental health more important in determining the quality and length of one's life? Between eating poorly, sleeping poorly, being overweight, and not exercising, which would you say is the most unhealthy?

With an experience of so many years, what would you say is most important in life? We fret about unimportant stuff when we are young, like being unsure of ourselves, being shallow and valuing appearance, money, etc., so what would you say is really important in retrospect? What events in your life made you feel that your life was truly worth living?

If you are going to say family, that will just make me sad because I have poor relationships with my family. So if one's family bonds aren't strong, what can one do make one's life worthwhile and give it meaning?

Waiting for the wise words! Happy birthday again, and may you live till 100!

nicvanroon9 karma

Never drank, never smoked, never did drugs, and loved a lot.

nicvanroon5 karma

Again, finding the right girl and marrying her.

2XChromosomes2 karma

And how do you that (I am a woman so how to I find the right guy?)? Is it purely luck? You were quite handsome in your younger years, that might have helped?

nicvanroon22 karma

If all else fails hang out at a bar that serves cheap tequila.

ShroudofTuring5 karma

What led you to tanks, and what role did you serve as part of the tank crew?

As an intelligence historian, I'm fairly familiar with certain aspects of the part Canada played in WWII (things like SOE and Sir William Stephenson). I'm less familiar with the role of the armed forces themselves, and part of that may just be cultural bias as an American. For example, I had no idea Canadians were involved in D-Day until you said you were there. Can you recommend any good books on Canada in World War II?

Thanks for doing this, and happy birthday!

nicvanroon10 karma

A WW1 Vet told me to stay out of infantry.

Lye-NS5 karma

who are your top 3 of each musicians? movies? painters?

nicvanroon10 karma

My son, I enjoy music but don't pick any particular miso . I'm not too fond of the modern bebop stuff.

Oh heck. Green tomatoes you know. Um....miss Davey. Driving miss daisy. There was one 28 downing street. English...do you know what I'm talking about something like 58 Charing cross road that was good.

Artists: van Gogh. Anyone on the group of seven is good.

uboat575 karma

1) What make/model Sherman was it (M4A4, VC Firefly, etc)? 2) What position (Commander, Gunner, Driver, etc) were you in your tank? 3) Did you give your tank a name? 4) What was the scariest moment you experienced during the war? 5) What were interactions with allied forces like? 6) How much did the tank affect your hearing (how loud was the main weapon?)?


nicvanroon28 karma

1) What make/model Sherman was it (M4A4, VC Firefly, etc)

Wasn't a firefly, that was the good one. We were supposed to direct fire.

2) What position (Commander, Gunner, Driver, etc) were you in your tank? I was observation post, we were using the tank mostly for transport. 3) Did you give your tank a name

Calamity Jane

4) What was the scariest moment you experienced during the war?

We were the only survivor out of 17 tanks. Scary.

5) What were interactions with allied forces like?

Quite good.

6) How much did the tank affect your hearing (how loud was the main weapon?)?


muchadobout5 karma

I hope this isn't too late, but my Grandfather is 91 years old and fought for Canada in WW2 in a Sherman tank.

I don`t know many details about his service as he doesnt like to talk about it. I know he went to Belgium and spent some time in a town called Bergen Op Zoom in the Netherlands.

I know it`s a long shot and that I dont have many details but is there any chance you and my grandfather met during the war?

nicvanroon3 karma

I was in Bergen Op Zoom. Didn't meet him.

nicvanroon2 karma

I was in Bergen Op Zoom. Didn't meet him.

[deleted]5 karma


nicvanroon14 karma

Elect the proper people onto government.

2Pacsgodson5 karma

Did you have any confirmed kills? And if you did how did it affect you?

nicvanroon9 karma

We dropped shells on people. We didn't see the end result. We knew bad things were happening.

AC9Stang3 karma

What were your thoughts on the M4 Sherman tank?

What were your thoughts about your German counterparts during the war?

What did you think of going to war in Europe and how did they change as the war progressed and finally ended?

And finally, thank you for your service sir, can't thank you and you veterans enough for what you did all those years ago.

nicvanroon4 karma

What were your thoughts on the M4 Sherman tank?

I don't know. That technical stuff is beyond me. They first came out with a 75 mm gun, then they pit a 17 pounder with q longer barrel. And that was nicer.

What were your thoughts about your German counterparts during the war?

They had an 88 which was far superior to anything we had. They were well trained.

What did you think of going to war in Europe and how did they change as the war progressed and finally ended?

Civilians were wonderful to us during and after the war. They saved us as much as we saved them.

And finally, thank you for your service sir, can't thank you and you veterans enough for what you did all those years ago.

Happystepchild3 karma

What is something that took you the longest to findout about life?

nicvanroon3 karma

That's a loaded question.

squanto13573 karma

What is the key to living an old, happy, fulfilling life?

nicvanroon17 karma

Find the right girl.

Intelligenttrees3 karma

Have you ever ridden in a more modern tank? if so, how did it compare to the Sherman?

nicvanroon4 karma

Just the Sherman, that was enough for ne.

SirJiggart3 karma

What regiment did you serve with?

nicvanroon4 karma

19th field regiment.

SirJiggart2 karma

Was that Royal Artillery?

nicvanroon4 karma

Yes, RCA

oxidizedtrombone2 karma

Was there a stigma against tankers being fat in the Canadian army? That's always an ongoing stereotype in the American army.

nicvanroon7 karma

You couldn't be fat, you wouldn't fit 4 guys in there.

ResidentMist2 karma

What was your most memorable experience from the war?

nicvanroon30 karma

Getting home.

nicvanroon13 karma

Getting home.

ch4rbok2 karma

Just as a general question: What do you consider the single most important thing that has ever happened to you?

Also, what is one thing you wish more young people understood today?

nicvanroon8 karma

Bring born I guess.


calger142 karma

What were your opinions of General Montgomery as a commander?

nicvanroon4 karma

He was good.

cecilsaxon1 karma

Thanks for sharing, the Canadian contributions to WWI & II are too often overlooked. As a younger guy that has experienced combat, does it ever get easier to deal with? I would like to think it does, but afraid it does not.

nicvanroon1 karma

It's always difficult.

G8D1 karma


nicvanroon18 karma

http://imgur.com/F0P3P Best I can do for now, be there in about 20 minutes.

SUPERmegaPIEman1 karma

Really weird request. Do you have any old pictures of yourself in uniform, I have just started colorising photos, an I want feedback from someone who is in it.

nicvanroon1 karma

I will get some to you.