Highest Rated Comments

zz_z134 karma

He doesn't know about the fourth hole.

zz_z85 karma

Yeah we're gonna need you to flip the rover over and look at the bottom. Now look for the big label, near the american flag you should see a little button, you're gonna need to find a ballpoint pen or an unfolded paperclip and push that button for 30 seconds. Once you've done that you can flip the rover back over and see if it's working properly.

zz_z29 karma

"People Are Our Business"

zz_z19 karma

My 7 year old son is a master god's eye craftsman, if you ask him nicely I'm sure he would consider taking you on as an apprentice. I will relay your response to him and get back to you in a timely fashion. Can't help you with the decoupage, sorry.

zz_z11 karma

Leaves suck, they're mostly smooth so they don't pick up a lot, and they tend to break leaving you with shitty fingers, not to mention they're unwieldy and smear shit all over the place. Smooth rocks or sticks are better, peel the bark off the stick and it'll work pretty well.

Rocks are the best though, three sea shells up in this motherfucker.