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zoobrix199 karma

As you say you ended up helping to raise your younger brother and sisters. It's fine for older siblings to help out with younger kids of course but it always seems like when a family gets as big as yours the older kids are doing way to much parenting themselves and having responsibilities placed on them that shouldn't be.

How did you deal with the stress that must have caused growing up?

zoobrix24 karma

This is why everywhere needs what's called an apology law where saying you're sorry to someone does not count as an admission of guilt. We have one where I live and apparently it's cut down on lawsuits especially medical malpractice cases where people may be massively upset at happened but no one at the hospital being able to apologize after a mistake would only push people towards further anger leading to more people suing. It's also nice to hear the odd public apology nowadays too that you know you would have never heard before.

Sure a lot of organizations still double down and admit nothing but it definitely has cut down on that ridiculous dance of statements when something happens that make sure they're not even coming close to saying sorry for fear of legal ramifications.

zoobrix23 karma


You can find our team making regular patrols around campus and halls of residence. Our contact information is available here or you can always reach us directly in an emergency via the SafeZone app.

Took me all of 10 seconds to find a college in London who's security guards make regular patrols. Smaller cities in Canada also might not have any security guards but in larger cities like Toronto they're going to need them, just like in the UK.

zoobrix15 karma

Do your universities have no security guards at all? Do police officers ever need to come to campus? Is access to those campuses controlled?

A special constable is just a security guard with extra powers who isn't quite a police officer. The University of Toronto is in the middle of a city of 3 million people and anyone can walk through the campus.

I'd wager in very few large cities would a university have zero security precautions but if it's like that where you live that's a rare feat.

zoobrix12 karma

Where do you live?

I don't mean to pry but someone said the same thing about the UK, no university has security guards, and in 10 seconds I found a university that had them, they did patrols, responded to emergencies and so on. In smaller cities in Canada you probably wouldn't have them but in a big city like Toronto you need them, it's very possible it's the same where you live and you just haven't ever really noticed just like the person from the UK.

Also needing cameras does count as a security precaution.