Highest Rated Comments

zexpe9 karma

I hope it's OK for shallow free dives...

zexpe9 karma

Yea, the way gravity was implemented realistically for each of the planets of varying density was awesome. I have to agree with the rest of your comments too!

zexpe7 karma

Will Elite: Dangerous have ground-based spaceports like in Frontier?

zexpe6 karma

Will permits be required to enter certain systems, like Van Maanen's star, in Elite: Dangerous? I seem to recall you could obtain these by carrying certain parcels or passengers. Presumably this taxi-driver profession will still be a viable option in Elite: Dangerous?

zexpe6 karma

Frontier was famed for accurately mapping out the local star systems using the best information we had back in 1993. This was before the Hipparcos catalogue of 100,000 star positions was released in 1997. Will you make use of the Hipparcos catalogue for Elite: Dangerous? Shame the Gaia catalogue won't be out sooner!

Also, will the existing known exoplanets be included? Presumably we will still have a "gazetteer" for each solar system showing all the planets, stations, stars and brown dwarfs.