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zazieely79 karma

A couple of my radiator thermostats have stopped working. Is it possible to just replace the top section (the bit that turns and sets the heat level), or will I need to drain the whole system and replace the entire part?

zazieely59 karma

My father lived his life by the words of Marcus Aurelius. He collected volumes of his writings, and after my dad's death, we all took a copy to keep and pass on.

Mine is full of notes, not by my dad, but from a lady called Vi, who was given the book by her friend Peg for Christmas in 1930 (according to the inscription). The front blank page has this written in it. It's also got her address and surname. If I ever find the family, I will pass the book on!

What do you think is the most fundamental aspect Marcus's teaching that makes him relevant and resonant to people almost a century apart?

zazieely56 karma

"if ever I feel blue, depressed, fed up or just feel in an unphilosophical mood, this is the friend to whom I shall turn. For in him I find some of my earliest thoughts opinions. Also, he puts one in one's place, that is to say, if troubles are of great magnitude, he reminds one of one's littleness and the futility of caring too much for the loss of the world's pleasures, seeing that in another 100 years hence, things will be the same, except that I shall be 'pushing daisies'".

I love that she's philosophising about 100 years in the future, and here we are, almost at that mark, and she's getting broadcast across the world. I wonder what she'd say if she knew??

zazieely17 karma

Awesome answer on many levels. Thank you!

zazieely17 karma

I think you've just summed up every problem with modern society.