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zarabino7 karma



Twitter does tend to bring out the worst in one, so these and others may not be representative of personal animosity, but I think there's an interesting divide between people in the emergent leftist media sphere (CA, Jacobin, the world of lefty podcasting; which is not to suggest the viewpoints in these spaces are homegeneous) and more liberal-left people in both academia and organizing that might be a fault line on progressive mobilization going forward.

zarabino3 karma

Would you consider doing a podcast episode with Erik Loomis? He seems to really hate you and "Current Affairs" and "Jacobin" (reason enough it would be interesting, to say the least), but it seems like he's coming from an interesting left-liberal perspective instead of a bullshit centrist one like Matt Yglesias et al. Talking across intra-left divides going forward feels like it's going to be important, even if we don't end up agreeing on much. It would at least make for an intriguing listen...