Highest Rated Comments

zacomer37 karma

First, I would just like to say as a young Arizona Democrat in a district where there is no Democrat on the ballot for U.S. House, I am in awe over what you and your team are accomplishing. Your "Prevent Abortion" campaign condoms are among my most prized possessions.

I'm curious about what the end game is on running an audacious campaign is in a deeply red district. Are you running to increase voter turnout statewide? Increase liberal visibility and try to turn the party away from their default tactic of running to the evermore dubious center? Genuinely turn the district blue? Some mixture of the three?

Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA. I'm really hopeful your campaign creates the kind of results the rest of the party is forced to pay attention to.

zacomer12 karma

Just how cool is Michael Jai White? Like, be painstakingly specific.