Highest Rated Comments

zUltimateRedditor44 karma

Ehhh... Count Dooku? Are you sure? Even without the Force, he was regarded as the best duellist in the galaxy. I mean he was Yoda's padawan for Gods Sake! AND he held his own against him eventually leading to a draw. Despite Bruce Wayne's intellect, I don't think he would beat Darth Tyranus, and this is coming from a Batman Fanboy.

zUltimateRedditor23 karma

How was it in terms of hourly payment? What did you start off at? How were raised determined?

zUltimateRedditor1 karma

So in terms of compensation, how does this work? Are you contracted by the state to sculpt something? And how do they/you come up with the number that will be on your paycheck?

zUltimateRedditor-2 karma

What’s are you ethnically? I really can’t figure it out!