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z3r0sand0n3s102 karma

All your data in the cloud basically means you're putting your stuff on someone else's computer.

That's not "basically", that's "literally". And too many people don't get this. It blows my mind.

At that point it's outside your chain of custody and you have -no idea- who is doing what to it and for which purpose. But to trust a big corporation with it is just lunacy.

Exactly that.

z3r0sand0n3s7 karma

As someone with a genetic medical condition (Ehlers Danlows Syndrome)

Hey, I'm curious - to your knowledge, what are the major differences and similarities to Marfan's? I've heard of EDS, but haven't really looked into it. On the other hand, I have Marfan's.

z3r0sand0n3s4 karma

The term "orthostatic" refers to standing or the act of standing up. I've got orthostatic hypotension, which means that upon standing up my blood pressure will often drop (hypotension = low blood pressure).

So yeah. She'd have no trouble driving in most cases.

z3r0sand0n3s4 karma

Repetition isn't always a bad thing.

Depends on one's perception. I, for one, can't fucking stand that weak ass song, or the ridiculously protracted and unnecessary repetition at the end. "We ran out of lyrics and have time to kill. Let's just sing this one line 39572527292 more times. Cause fuck you, I'm Paul McCartney." Ugh.

z3r0sand0n3s3 karma

So to summarise, I don't think I will be able to :(

"I don't think I will be able to"