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youfuckingslaves2 karma

Please send me a link to the footage. On the why it's because he outed the internal secret societies in his speech Google jfk secret societies for that speech. He then was going to dismantle the federal Reserve and was killed for doing so. To understand how deep this goes look at all the HIGHLY trained Secret Service were around and HAD to be in on it. George HW Bush has been blamed for this but haven't personally verified but wouldn't be surprised as his son was involved with 9/11 this I have verified.

youfuckingslaves-2 karma

You concluded wrong about JFK watch the driver at the 8 second mark. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=eqzJQE8LYrQ

The driver killed him (killshot) but the previous shot I believe that went through him and hit the governor was Oswald. He was the scapegoat, hence his immediate murder. Case closed.

youfuckingslaves-6 karma

I'm going to go with my own eyes. Everyone I have shown this to sees it, some take 50 tries some take 1. The fact you used an ad hominem attack (logical fallacy) only makes my spidey sense go bonkers. You also have egoic involvement since it is your body of work.

While I respect your right to think freely if you want truth watch the video. It takes 8 seconds to get it. Your book would take hours possibly days and it won't change the fact that a secret service agent William Greer shot the president.

I only deal in truth.

youfuckingslaves-15 karma

Indica has or will replace your job. Is this why Cannabis is still illegal?

youfuckingslaves-17 karma

They do not want people to wake up to their enslavement, cannabis helps you see through the BS which is where the paranoia and anxiety comes from. Think you are free? Check out where 50% minimum of your money goes without your consent. Sales tax, SS tax, Income tax, State tax, Property tax, Car tax (insurance) Health tax (Obamacare). You agreed to non of this yet when you add these all up you will see that you are at or above the 50% mark.

Marijuana cures cancer, this is fact. I have worked in healthcare the majority of my career. There is no health or care going on in these establishments.

I have meditated for 30 years I see through everything now. Look at the symbol for health, it has been taken over by sick individuals. The institutions are filled with MBA's who think they know how to run healthcare. It is all about money and yet 90% of these folks claim non-profit yet every meeting you will sit on that decides the fate of the organization is only and always about money.