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yogowolfy2 karma

What the hell? This is a serious issue about free speech and expression, and all you're here to talk about is this guy's sex life? This is so much bigger than this guy himself. This is something that should have us furious with our government.

yogowolfy1 karma

I don't see how voting will help. The vote for this bill was 97-2. Both parties are in on it and no one else has a chance, and the government could put down a revolution unbelievably quickly these days. Seems hopeless :(

yogowolfy1 karma

How do you suggest we fight for free expression in this day and age? I'm sure you've heard about the law that was just passed that made Craigslist remove their personals section too. I'm sick and tired of all of it, and feel like we HAVE to fight, but anything we do is fruitless.

I know there's a sub, /r/redditagainstcensors, trying to fight, but it all feels too little too late.