Highest Rated Comments

ymmuyqbb489 karma

I can't tell if this is real. You sound insane. Unorganized, self absorbed, and not good at cooking. Bad life decision after bad life decision... you're right, its the permits/dick boss/etc fault. Are you trying to be the negative personification of a 'self-entitled millenial'?

ymmuyqbb153 karma

Add on - least favorite culture?

ymmuyqbb43 karma

where can you buy lab grown?

ymmuyqbb4 karma

Congrats on nice job. Did you price out having it painted professionally to see what your time was worth? Would you do it this way again?

Also on 3rd page 1st pic, nice picture taking posture!

ymmuyqbb3 karma

My man, Mo - what was the best joke/punch line you ever told that was not well received? Do you filter your jokes to match your character's persona, or is all Mo, all the time?