Highest Rated Comments

yarnicles100 karma

Hi Caitlin! I'm a huge fan and have been watching your YouTube channel for years and picked up your book yesterday!

I wanted to thank you. My parents are getting older and you inspired me to have "the talk" with them. I'm so glad I did because I learned that what I expected them to say wasnt the case at all! I thought their religion required burial, but my mom told me they prefer cremation. I wouldn't have known that except for your work. Thank you!

My question - what's with the hair cut? All the members of the good death you have on your channel have the dark hair and blunt bangs. I can't pull it off and fear I'll never be accepted as a deathling. Is it a requirement or can you waive it for me since my face shape makes me look like He-Man if I get bangs?

Thanks for all you do. Come to Utah someday!!

yarnicles32 karma

Why don't you measure bras correctly? The girls over in /r/abrathatfits make fun of your chain constantly. Maybe y'all should look into that...

yarnicles2 karma

Thank you for your bravery! I really enjoyed your book and look forward to seeing your show.

Do you still hold any belief in any of Scientology? As someone who has left a religion (Mormonism) I sometimes find my mind wandering back to old beliefs. Does that happen to you and, if so, what beliefs?

Thank you for doing this!