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xthatwasmex3 karma

Shock collars are illegal in my country, but I often claim that if you are good trainer enough to have the timing and pressure 100% right 100% of the time, you are most probably good enough to train without it. And that it should never be used by people that do not have that ability.

It is, however, common here to use "adversive" methods such as shaking a can of gravel at a herding dog - to shock them/scare them out of a stare or whatever you dont want them doing. Would you say you find it necessary to do so, or could you do that simply by adding/removing your body/changing your body language?

xthatwasmex2 karma

Many people with IBS can manage better with low-fodmap (i know from experience). Maybe you can use this list (you may have to scroll a bit) as a starting point, and take out starchy carbs and insoluble fiber? I am thinking of beets (2 slices is low fodmap), string beans (up to 86 grams), pureed spinach (not baby spinach), cucumbers, zucchini (that last one has gone a long way in replacing pasta and other veggies for me). Would any of them work? If you cant eliminate starchy vegetables, you can maybe replace a little with other stuff so your overall carbs go down. A little goes a long way over time.