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xplodingminds4 karma

While the fun experiences obviously are more memorable, I wouldn't discount the day to day stuff. I went on a very short exchange to York when I was younger -- it was with my school so the majority of my activities were already planned out.

I actually ended up enjoying time with the family (which was mostly just dinners and a few evenings) more than the school activities. They prepared some local meals, always made sure I had lunch to take with me when I went out, indulged my interests, talked to me like a peer and didn't try to parent me (as someone with overprotective parents it felt nice to be taken seriously and be listened to, especially since I was 16), and they always included me in their evening plans while at the same time making it clear I could just go to my room if that was what I preferred.

It truly felt like I was part of their family. I can assure you that the "boring nights at home doing nothing" may mean more to the students you host than you may think. Maybe not during the exchange, but later on in life they'll definitely remember the day to day stuff with fondness.

xplodingminds2 karma

Have you ever heard of or read David R. Slayton's Adam Binder series? The first book is called White Trash Warlock and while it's been a while, I remember really liking the unusual choice of having, well, a white trash magic user. Your series sounds right up the same alley -- although a methgician sounds even further out there (in a good way).

Also not a question, but I saw that you've made the covers outside of the first one yourself. Even having that basis, that's some beautiful work. Genuinely some of the prettiest covers I've seen.