Highest Rated Comments

xlThalionlx13 karma

I just wanted to drop in and say Ive follower Justin's career since his TUF debut, and he is truly, truly passionate about helping these people. I know Reddit has many Atheists that jump at the chance to devour and put on display half hearted religious people, but Justin is not one of those religious nut jobs. Justin is the true example of how people should reflect their faith in a positive way; completely selfless and kind.

xlThalionlx8 karma

If everyone could have that same mindset within their respective faith, we would live in a much better World. I wish you all the best in your endeavors to Congo!

xlThalionlx2 karma

Justin! MY MAN! Your buddy from Fist2MouthMMA here...thanks for being the very first interview I ever did. Im enjoying seeing how great of an ambassador you have been for the sport. Keep it up!