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xenophonf50 karma

I don't know whether to tag r/badwomensanatomy or r/totallynotrobots.

xenophonf5 karma

Nothing except to advocate (and vote) for better regulation of the one hundred or so companies that cause most of the pollution on Earth.

xenophonf3 karma

This kind of stuff didn't make it into any of the history books I read as a kid. I wonder how much of the history of race relations in the 60s is covered, and in what level of detail, in school nowadays. I don't think anyone realizes what a tremendously oppressive environment this was, and sadly in many cases still is.

xenophonf3 karma

I’m the grandchild of immigrants. While I’m wholly proud of my XYZ-American identity, I wish I had a closer connection to the cultures my family came from, starting with language. (I can speak a little of one but none of the other.) Conversely, my grandparents worked hard to assimilate, and you know what? They did great. I’m so proud of them. I’ve traveled a little, but even then I can only imagine how hard that must have been for them. I guess my question is, how do we find the balance between the old and the new, the past and the future? My own children speak only English, for example, and that’s great! but it makes me a little sad, like they won’t get a chance to experience the heritages that hold dear places in my heart.

xenophonf3 karma

I’m not sure they ever met during the Classic series, and now that Liz Sladen is dead, we will never get to see it. But it would be totally awesome if Nyssa and Tegan had cameos in the new series! Sarah Sutton and Janet Fielding are both pretty awesome. Can you imagine their reaction to Whittaker’s Doctor?