Highest Rated Comments

xStrayce57 karma

Hi! Thanks for doing this AMA. I’m a first year food tech student, vegan chef, and ex-IT nerd. So I have like a bazillion questions but I’m too excited to formulate all of them now. I’ll start with a couple that immediately come to mind.

What currently available technology do you think has the most potential for application in plant-based meats?

Why is pea protein suddenly popping up everywhere? Likewise methylcellulose?

(Inb4 literally any tired joke about vegans)

xStrayce19 karma

Thanks for your response. I have to admit I hadn’t thought much about fermentation, but I’m going to go on a research spree now.

One more question if you have time, because this AMA seems to be blowing up a bit; Any advice for someone who is looking to break into the plant-based meat industry?

xStrayce13 karma

Appreciate the offer, but I’m not in the States, and not planning to go there any time soon. I’ll be joining up with the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology as soon as I can tho!