Highest Rated Comments

xKEPTxMANx69 karma

Why does the FDA allow us to consume things that the EU has outright banned?

In your opinion, how strong of a hold do these big food companies have on our government?

xKEPTxMANx29 karma

What does a "good poop" look like? Is it firm, soft, a certain color or consistency?

xKEPTxMANx7 karma

Thank you! I had no idea there was a "scale" for this topic. Soo much to read and learn :)

xKEPTxMANx4 karma

Sorry for the off-topic question but I need help.

Below is the list of people I have tried to contact for help:

Wa state AG Consumer protection agency

Secretary of state, corporate division

Department of Licensing

Department of Revenue


Local police department

Local media

private investigator

and finally, my district's Senator

The story, in a nut shell;

I found an illegally operated business within my state and they operate in many other states. From the list above, nobody, including the PI could find any info on these guys. The company goes by the name of GreenLine CarpetClean. They are fraudsters and scam artists.

I went to sue them for their shitty job, I took pictures and I went to my local courthouse to start the lengthy battle to sue them. But guess what? In these United States of America, if you want to sue someone you have to have a physical mailing address plus the name of the registered agents for the particular company. Well wouldn't you know it, the live chat people and the telephone people WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES give up an address to any of their buildings. And this is where my story ends....nobody can help me and these assholes are out there scamming American's everyday.

What would you suggest I do going forward...?

xKEPTxMANx2 karma

Is it true that in Mother Russia you don't drink coke, coke drinks you?