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worldDev71 karma

Please don't tell anyone I picked my nose yesterday.

worldDev57 karma

Sorry, but this statement seems to be a very strange vivid memory. Care to elaborate on the context and significance in a time of war?

worldDev9 karma

It's not that he smokes weed, it's that he thinks his reasoning is actually fooling anyone. If you want to get high, that's fine, just admit it, don't come up with absurd reasoning so you can still talk down to other people doing the same thing.

worldDev8 karma

I used to play that and Tie Fighter all the time as a kid, and these days I play a lot of Elite Dangerous. It's a fairly different format being more of an 'open galaxy' game, but the combat is a really good scratch to the space combat itch I had for decades. Then I got sucked into the rest of the game and am pretty much hooked.

worldDev8 karma

I've been contracting with various clients the past 5 years between doing some ad agency work and automating businesses with web applications. I've been at the point where I am usually overbooked with my time, and have wanted to expand operations in the hopes of building a more self-reliant business. How did you go from a one man operation to growing a team? It feels like an immense risk to me, but the logical next step.

Currently I'm stuck between the thought of hiring help and looking for a partner. I've tried the partner route 3 times now and it has either ended in a mismatch of commitment levels, or a fall out of trust. Hiring seems terrifying after having dealt with a few bad apples, and paying for one could potentially set me significantly back financially and make outcomes much less predictable alienating my current clients. Any advice?