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wmcduff140 karma
Note to self: in the unlikely event of having to fake swear on video camera, go with "Hey! Lip! Readers! You! Rock!" but make it look like swearing.
wmcduff3 karma
I was watching someone on Twitch play Quadrilateral Cowboy (Alex of LoadingReadyRun) and he noted there was a difference between puzzle games like Professor Layton or point-and-clicks and your type of puzzle games. I think he called them 'goal games', defining them where the objective, tools and goals are very clear, but how you proceed being up to the player. Zachtronics games are definitely more in this category.
wmcduff1 karma
What's the oddest subject you could imagine yourself doing a game about? For example: imagine, if you will, a Zachtronics game about professional wrestling...
wmcduff1607 karma
That would be a fun poster for libraries. :)
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