Highest Rated Comments

wishthane3 karma

I guess it's Shaw's introductory pricing. Hard for them to attract new customers in a market like that.

$50/mo for the first year, $85/mo for the second year, and $100/mo after that.

Either that or they've just got an older price or something.

Novus does gigabit for $96/mo 1st year -> $120/mo though, in some areas. Unfortunately not my building yet, as far as I can tell.

wishthane3 karma

I love just walking anywhere in Japan. It's pretty much impossible to end up somewhere with nothing interesting to see. Go toward the lights, go toward the alleyways, follow other people, you'll find interesting things for sure. Especially at night it's just so much brighter than what I'm used to at home, and feels so nice. Wandering aimlessly is just absolute bliss.