Highest Rated Comments

wilsonmma2226 karma

Hey man!!! Huge fan, 1. How often do you keep in touch with the girls? 2. How are they adapting to life now ( like technology and stuff ) 3. How are the free hamburgers??? 4. Do you still do any interviews?

wilsonmma413 karma

Hey Lisa!! Huge fan! Been waiting for your AMA forever. Phoebe and Ross were my favourite Friends characters. So here are the Friends questions:

  1. Your favourite all time Friends episode?
  2. If you were to do a reunion with the Friends cast, which one would you prefer? Friends Movie, Friends Episode, or an entire season?
  3. You were slightly emotional after the last episode was taped. Were any of the 3 guys like that??
  4. Can you give my cousin Tom a shoutout for his birthday? :)

wilsonmma7 karma

I take Judo too ours is more adapted towards MMA. You have any good tripping sequences you wanna reveal?

wilsonmma4 karma

but if we both have our right foots forward and we grab the lapel grip, then there's no inside lapel grip present right?

wilsonmma4 karma

oh this is great, thanks :D