Highest Rated Comments

williamthebloody1880675 karma

Hey Charlie.

Have you considered splitting 2016 wipe or will it just be a feature length?

Is there anyone you'd like to write and/or direct for Black Mirror?

EDIT: because someone asked this over at /r/blackmirror and it's one I'd like answered: is there any chance of the upvote and downvote sounds from Nosedive being available as ringtones?

williamthebloody188021 karma

Will you stop?

williamthebloody18808 karma

Green Wing, Bad Education, Doctor Who, what is it about you that makes people cast you as a baddie?

Did John Simm ever talk to you about being the Master/Missy?

williamthebloody18804 karma

On the documentary, she was given a court appointed lawyer after she was deemed incapable of hiring her own

williamthebloody18802 karma

Next time you tour Britain, any chance of coming to Middlesbrough? No-one cool ever does :¬(

Did Neil let you read his Doctor Who episodes in advance or did you not want to be spoiled?

Which other musician would people be surprised to hear that you really want to work with?