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whiteguycash41 karma

Why do most people on the internet seem functionally retarded?

whiteguycash10 karma

At what point would articles of impeachment be in order for the Attempted Systematic and Intentional dismantling and destruction of basic American Rights without Due Process be in order?

Instead of making new "precedents" based on the presidential war powers act, why can't we establish a precedent that "If you are going to lead our Country, you will abide by the supreme law of the land"

whiteguycash4 karma

It benefits employers up until you can get a better offer. Depending on how much work you do, how much exposure to different parts of the company, and how much responsibility you take on, at-will employment can be great for the employee. Company won't pay you fairly, and your skills are marketable? Jump ship. Most companies don't harbor any sort of goodwill nowadays. employer-employee relationship to them is dollar signs. Why should the employee treat it any different?

whiteguycash2 karma

How do you feel about the idea of drone missions being flown over the Continental United States?

Would something like that ever be warranted?