Highest Rated Comments

whatalamename42 karma

Jambo is a great name for a giraffe! Where did he come from?

whatalamename12 karma

You're a resident and you have the day off?? I call bullshit. ;-)

whatalamename9 karma

My fraternal twin did that too when we were y'all's age. I think it was just an attempt to assert her individuality. It can be hard being twins, when everyone just treats you like one person.

whatalamename3 karma

Is there really a need for more voice-over talent or is the market pretty saturated? How stiff is the competition? Do you think it's a growing industry? As more & more life-long radio people are getting laid off, are many of them moving to voice-over work? Does it require the ability to create a wide variety of voices/characters, or is there plenty of work just doing a normal voice? (Is that the difference between voice acting & just doing voice-overs, if there is one?) Thanks so much for doing this AMA! I really enjoyed your videos.

EDIT: Also, do you need to live in a big city to make a good living? And do you do the production too? Thanks! :-)

whatalamename3 karma

I can't tell whether or not that's sarcasm. But since "y'all's" is a legitimate contraction with all the apostrophes in the correct place and a more appropriate term than many of those used these days as a possessive reference to more than one person, I'm going to take your comment as a compliment.