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wethechampyons11 karma

As a liberal Christian, I disagree with many of the statements like this throughout the Old Testament. Personally, I believe rules like this come from someone experiencing something bad and then writing it down, saying no one should do it. Like one guy mixes fabrics and gets some crazy bad lice, says not to do it. Has power, gets it in the bible. People need kids to work a farm, and you can't make babies with your same sex partner, so your crops die and someone says its the Lord's doing. Essentially, they are outdated, don't-hurt-yourself-in-this-society rules that no longer apply like they used to.

wethechampyons7 karma

First hand story and advice here! :)

The shot made me horribly depressed. The day I knew it was time for a change was when my boyfriend was cooking, asked me to open a box of noodles and I started crying because that was just so sad. I was also on a non-stop period for 2 months, after having been on the shot for 6. So...in that case it was pretty obvious something was wrong, and it usually is in cases like that.

The pill also caused mild depression for me. I didn't know in that case because I'd just been on the shot and I was so much happier that I didn't understand I wasn't happy yet. It also kept me from getting wet naturally and killed my sex drive. I'm now on Nuvaring and it's perfect for me - but my best friend tried it and it caused her the same depression I had on the shot. I don't know about your age, but another friend of mine wasn't allowed to switch off the shot even though it caused her depression because her parents didn't think she would remember to take a pill every day - so educate your parents too about other methods, like the patch or a ring.

My point, which I preach about as often as I can, is to not settle for anything. It took me 3 years and 4 methods to find what worked for me but it could have been a lot sooner if I'd just asked my doctor if I could try something different. Remember that you can always switch back if you liked an old one better, and that many methods are relatively in the same price range under insurance/generic brand/nonprofit like planned parenthood. That said, you also need to give your body time to adjust if you're trying something new, so if you don't feel 100% when you first start a BC method, give it a couple months. It might still be the one for you.

wethechampyons3 karma

I'm going to mostly copy this from another post of mine in this thread, but I'd like to add that my doctor treated me the same way and I changed doctors because of it. She said I couldn't possibly know it was the shot causing my depression even though I had other bad side effects that all started at the same time, that I was mentally unstable, needed to get on depression meds because reactions like mine weren't "that common." The same doctor made fun of me for asking to get my tonsils removed after getting strep 4 times in a year, because of my age I obviously just wanted to brag to my friends that I'd had surgery. Some doctors are just shit. Just like you can try a new method of birth control, you can try out a new doctor until you find one who will take you and your problems seriously.

Copy paste time!

The shot made me horribly depressed. The day I knew it was time for a change was when my boyfriend was cooking, asked me to open a box of noodles and I started crying because that was just so sad. I was also on a non-stop period for 2 months, after having been on the shot for 6. So...in that case it was pretty obvious something was wrong, and it usually is in cases like that.

The pill also caused mild depression for me. I didn't know in that case because I'd just been on the shot and I was so much happier that I didn't understand I wasn't happy yet. It also kept me from getting wet naturally and killed my sex drive. I'm now on Nuvaring and it's perfect for me - but my best friend tried it and it caused her the same depression I had on the shot. I don't know about your age, but another friend of mine wasn't allowed to switch off the shot even though it caused her depression because her parents didn't think she would remember to take a pill every day - so educate your parents too about other methods, like the patch or a ring. (And of course you need to understand your options, since there are so many!)

My point, which I preach about as often as I can, is to not settle for anything. It took me 3 years and 4 methods to find what worked for me but it could have been a lot sooner if I'd just asked my doctor if I could try something different. Remember that you can always switch back if you liked an old one better, and that many methods are relatively in the same price range under insurance/generic brand/nonprofit like planned parenthood. That said, you also need to give your body time to adjust if you're trying something new, so if you don't feel 100% when you first start a BC method, give it a couple months. It might still be the one for you.

As for better communication with your doctor, if you find a new one or not, just lay it all out on the table. Your doctor isn't your friend or your mother and just remember not to think of them as a person with an opinion about you. Be firm, do your own research and explain what you know you do or do not need. In my case, it was "I don't care if the shot isn't causing the depression, get me off of it now. I shouldn't even need a reason other than I'm curious to try another method, so write me a new prescription or I'll find a doctor who will. I don't want a new medication if I have another option first." She did write me one and I changed doctors anyway to someone I now love (though I doctor-bounced for a few visits until I decided to stick with one).

For your other options, all you have to do is a google search. Here's a start:http://plannedparenthood.org/mt/www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/birth-control-4211.htm Look into how often they're used, how difficult/easy it is to use and use properly, effectiveness, common ways they're misused, even personal reviews. Talk to a doctor about all of this for any method you're interested in, pros/cons, and the doctor's personal recommendation if you trust them.

Good luck!

wethechampyons3 karma

This makes me want to touch your balls after you shower.

wethechampyons2 karma

Yes! I use mine for BC but it also cleared up my skin amazingly.