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wemptronics38 karma

RJ! 10+ year fan here and first I want to say I have a lot of respect for your work, but also how you constantly interact with your fans on social media. I was submitting an AMA request for you today until I checked your facebook page.

  1. What's your favorite track off the new album?
  2. When can we expect tour dates for MITI?
  3. What happened to your Wakarusa performance this year?

I know the last one is iffy, as I heard a lot of rumors as to why you didn't perform. You were definitely my #1 reason to drive 14 hours to Arkansas. No hard feelings of course, with the inclement weather and what not I can understand the difficulty.

Stay awesome, thanks for the AMA!

wemptronics6 karma


  1. Is Brendan aware you are reaping all this glorious karma for yourself?

  2. Seriously though, what are your plans? I'm guessing you are both 18 and was wondering where you are both headed in life. You seem to make a great team!

  3. How much do you, Brendan, rely on smell in your day-to-day? At least more than the average person?

Hope you guys both have a good day. Come back in a year!