Highest Rated Comments

welcometooceania581 karma

Hi Imogen!

Is another Frou Frou album still happening?

Also thanks for doing this ama. Love your music and can't wait for Sparks!

welcometooceania158 karma

Hi Governor Johnson, thanks for your time.

My question is about pennies.

Inflation has rendered pennies almost useless and unnecessary. Pennies cost more to make than they are actually worth. Would a Johnson administration favor the elimation of the penny?(sorry Abe, we still love you)

Here is a simple video explaining the issue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5UT04p5f7U&feature=relmfu

welcometooceania107 karma

Would you support abolishing the electoral college?

Also, would you support an overhaul of the voting system to make elections more fair?Possibly by implementing something like the alternate vote which would give smaller parties a better chance by eliminating the spoiler effect?