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wave_theory114 karma

Am Russian and as we say here "The strictness of law is compensated by lack of need to follow it"

I love this.

wave_theory1 karma

Are there any actual military guys with you? We did this too as part of our training, but the op-4 (opposition force) guys were all people from our squadrons that had already been through it and had signed up to work on the other side.

wave_theory1 karma

I'm interested on what your current views are on drugs/alcohol after facing addiction yourself. As we all know, the marijuana legalization movement has been gaining a lot of traction. Do you see this as something that can only lead to bad things, is it all a matter of personal responsibility, or is it somewhere else in between?

wave_theory1 karma

You're anti-war, but do you believe in other socially conservative policies, i.e. no equal rights for non-heterosexuals, no help or support for the poor, and commercialized medicine benefiting primarily the wealthy?

Also, what about not less interventionism, but more choosing our allies more wisely, i.e. not selling weapons to a county that uses them to bomb busloads of children, or continuing to support a country that actively supports ethnically discriminating against a population with just as much claim to a territory as themselves? Interventionism can be used for good, if the people running it weren't morally bankrupt.