Highest Rated Comments

wasdev_tim2 karma

I'd have a completely different answer for a large-scale business app (e.g. consider OSGi) vs a personal one, and as Joe indicated, even on the personal side the answer can depend a lot on what technologies you already know and what the purpose of your app is. Personally, I often fall back to JSP/JPA for simple apps, and pick other technologies as I'm trying to learn them or do something specific.

wasdev_tim2 karma

Two words: 'developer experience'. Liberty is simpler (from disk structure to command line to configuration-by-exception), is extended consistently (if you've used one feature you know how to use another, or you can write your own), supports more (e.g. OSGi) and has better tools (RAD or WDT).

wasdev_tim2 karma

I try to make every Liberty users life simpler

wasdev_tim2 karma

Actually, reddit has noticed the high percentage of replies from one IP (IBM) or our new wasdev_ accounts and is throttling us. So maybe we're a bot after all!

wasdev_tim1 karma

Most of us are still thrilled to be part of this team, and can't imagine doing anything else. Besides, we're not nearly done yet - check out all we added in the 8.5.next beta! But seriously, IBMers can't publicaly discuss future projects anyway.