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warriorofinternets929 karma

What a crock o shit

warriorofinternets37 karma

Why are butterfly scientists being murdered at that sanctuary in Mexico? Is this a common thing around the world?

warriorofinternets10 karma

It’s so they have to pay less people to do check in, which in turn helps them keep ticket pricing down.

In my experience people who hate Ryanair are the ones who expect regular service on a discount air service. Don’t want lower levels of service, pay the extra 150 euros to fly with British airways or KLM and then you won’t have to pay to check in at the airport.

If you want the savings buy the ticket and check in online like a normal person.

warriorofinternets4 karma

Ok so the company doesn’t care that people believe them to be shills for Russian hackers and providing GRu with backdoors into Kapersky “protected” computers, but shouldn’t they care that the majority of their potential customers believe this?

Like as a business that needs customers to grow, one would think losing public faith because of bad actions would spur some Introspection and reforms/improvement.

warriorofinternets4 karma

This is honestly the funniest AMA I’ve read since Woody Harrelson’s Rampart AMA.

Shills gonna shill for the GRU