Highest Rated Comments

warmrootbeer36 karma

This is too fucking adorable. This is the best instance of "reading in the writer's voice" thread ever; every single comment is GLaDOS in my head and it just makes the aww so much more aww-ey :')

warmrootbeer35 karma

I've had multiple seizures, brought on my dehydration/increased heart rate/anxiety/some-sort-of-thing-idk-I'm-only-24... anyway

The closest to death I've been was when I had one of my "outside of my vision goes dark at the edges til I can't see and then I pass out and convulse, etc." seizure things at the lake. We were out swimming, I hadn't drank much water, got out from swimming out and back several times and lit a cigarette.

Tunnel vision, I sit down and I cold sweat, I'm feeling very very sleepy and I'm sweating a ton but I'm not hot, I'm warm and fuzzy and floating and if I just lay here and sweat this thing out, ride out this shaky floaty feeling, soon I'll be asleep and it will be such a nice, floaty warm sleep.... but I really should get up... because this is me dying....

Boom friend comes and gets me on my feet, cools me off, gatorade, rehydrate, etc. etc.

Anyway... the way Mr. Rand describes death, yeah. I felt it there. I knew I was dying but there was no fear, I knew that once I finished I would be asleep and free.

Mr. Rand's energy recycling pattern is beautiful, and I like to think, as I'm reading this, that that was where I was on my way to, and that that is where I'll be going when it comes back for me.

Thanks for the AMA, I'm going to be reading this later for sure :)

warmrootbeer21 karma

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, Nancy, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu.... @hotmail.com.

warmrootbeer20 karma

ITT: People who are at least open to the idea of being open to the idea of taking this story at face value.

Commenting with general knowledge of cold readings, low-frenquency vibrations causing hallucinations, etc. etc. is probably going to earn you nothing but downvotes, unless the general knowledge is being implied in such a way that it fundamentally disproves something that is being said (not just casting doubt on something we're all already doubtful of, but enjoying treating as truth).

warmrootbeer17 karma

Just wanted to say, I make $14/hr and I'm 24 and I live paycheck-to-paycheck. Please keep living this life for me. Go full-time arcade. Guitar Hero contests. All of the things. Please.

And keep putting things on Reddit about it, so I can live vicariously through you like I have been for the past 2 hours at work.