Highest Rated Comments

want2bpretty3 karma

Forgive me, I sent same question privately, but did you have any influence on how Layne's personality was to be portrayed, or was is pretty much set in stone in script? A unique character played by equally unique actor.

want2bpretty2 karma

Ha!Not boring at all. Thanks

want2bpretty2 karma

Is there bad blood between you (Decibel) and Devin Townsend? Read something recently that hinted there may be.

want2bpretty2 karma

Were the LaSexorcisto or AstroCreep2000 ever considered for the Hall Of Fame? Realize Zombie wants nothing to do with past members, just curious if ever came up.

want2bpretty2 karma

What are your thoughts on a new Danzig album with original lineup? Musically, those guys seemed to disappear. The world needs some Chuck Biscuits!