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wahlberger18 karma

I guess you could say I'm about half-finnished

wahlberger14 karma

The biggest difference I've noticed here are the people. People here are very very quiet and reserved. Not only is it uncommon but it's actually almost weird to look someone in the eyes when passing them on the street. It has it's pros and cons, for example privacy is never really an issue, but it also makes it kind of tough to meet people.

HOWEVER, once the Finns have had a little bit to drink, suddenly everyone is your best friend.

Also everyone here has a bidet.

wahlberger13 karma

We found the Norwegian.

wahlberger12 karma

Finland still conscripts its males. Basically every Finnish guy has to serve in the army between the ages of 18 and 28. For females the service is non-compulsory. It possible to get out of doing your service, but if you find a way to skip out on your service you have to do two years of public services, which sucks IMO, or you wind up in jail.

With that said, because I am from Canada I was actually allowed to use a proxy to avoid doing my service, but I volunteered anyway.

EDIT: spelling

wahlberger8 karma

Probably the fact that it actually feels very similar to Canada in the way of culture mostly, but also the how people act in general. Also the drinking culture here is pretty amazing.

I was a communications man, basically our task is to set up a mobile air strip that pilots can land the F18's on. We are also involved in air traffic control, but I never directly helped out with that unfortunately. Mostly I just plugged in cables and relayed messages.