Highest Rated Comments

wabbitsdo201 karma


...Hi hungry... Am dad.

wabbitsdo158 karma

Is... is Paul Rudd not real? Don't fucking do this to me.

wabbitsdo155 karma

It's a spectrum. I got a full beer thrown at me in a bar, followed by two dudes who got in my face telling me to "get off their land", trying to start shit.

That bar has now closed and been replaced by a hotel for tourists, so joke's on them I suppose.

wabbitsdo48 karma

640$ is blowing my mind, I would have guessed way lower because I don't really know anyone who plays the lottery. Do you have a sense of what the average players puts into the lottery yearly (so the average excluding the households like mine who will never spend a dime in the lottery).

wabbitsdo19 karma

What do you do for fun then? Watched any movies lately?