Highest Rated Comments

w8w810 karma

Can you provide more proof verifying that it was you in the video?

w8w89 karma

Hello, Mr. Assistant Secretary,

I have a few questions mainly geared around Saudi Arabia. While I understand that they hold a 1/4th of the worlds oil, I'm not sure how we react to their human rights violations and what we are doing to combat them.

1.) Have we condemned SA for their HR violations? If so, how often?

2.) Do we support/oppose/abstain Saudi Arabia's seat on the UN'S HRC?

3.) Do we have an Ambassador to SA? If so, how has he/she actually responded or treated the situation diplomatically?

4.) Where do we draw the line?

I also have 1 or 2 about Israel and Turkey.

1.) Do we lean more towards Turkey or Israel diplomatically? Both are valuable military assets but Turkey has opposed the Kurds and Israel has bombed some people that probably shouldn't of been bombed.

2.) Is Turkey in NATO? Why or why not?

3.) Is Israel in NATO? Why or why not?

I highly appreciate your time and correspondence. Thank you!

w8w84 karma

Great, thanks!

w8w82 karma

How many people above the age of 50 contact you?