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vollerkreis2 karma

TBI is a terrible and life changing injury. I was in a reality bad accident at 16, and at 24 just now learning how to deal with it.

For those who are wondering what is so hard about it, everything. I went from a honors student to failing out of college and struggling to maintain anything. I'm not the same person in any way.

vollerkreis2 karma

Very true

vollerkreis2 karma

I'm not incredibly good but for childish interest I did learn a little hacking, network cracking, and using packet collecting to traffic. What surprised me was a seemingly basic flaw in our legal systems and the industry's approach, how incredibly easy it was to download programs and scripts for malicious use. These programs are debatably useful in certain situations but to be so freely accessible seems like something to address. For the same reason I can't go to a gun store and buy c4 I shouldn't have access to utilities that are created for the use of circumventing security whether present or implied.

Do you think we'll ever see any attention to this?

vollerkreis1 karma

I hope I'm not too late! Something I've always wondered deals with larger rockets. Any deformations, protrusions, or unflush components can have devastating effects due to boundary-layer thermodynamics (my rudimentary description). I remember the reports for columbia stating a single tile was just a few milimeters out of place which caused the crash. How do the researchers go about inspecting space shuttle's/large rockets to ensure there aren't any of these?

vollerkreis1 karma

It's difficult as a American citizen to have any trust in our government right now. As more information surfaces it seems our political leaders have been very apathetic and worse yet complaisant in allowing technology in general to be used against civillians/consumers.

With the net neutrality debate I'm dumbfounded that after all the lessons in history how anyone could not see the monopoly building and how it will absolutely devastate the consumer market (which is very important in our capitalist economy).

At some point the American people as well as the populations of our allies must to be defended and allowed their rights. If our governments plan to see us as enemies how long are we to sit idly-by until recognizing our government has become our enemy.

My question boils down to something I've struggled to reconcile; with legislation so abhorrently wrong how is it possible that it even manages to gain political momentum? Are congress members being blinded by lobbyists/campaigning funding/or is it simply an issue they are uninformed about?

I'm very thankful for your work! It is almost impossible to describe how important it is. This isn't an issue of market control, it's the fact that this law would completely eliminate the ability for innovation outside of the corporate and copy-righted research.

Speaking realistically, what can I as a citizen do to prevent this legislation from going through.